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Old 14th December 2012, 16:38   #14
Gets stuck in
Rover 75 Saloon

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1. Watch this video and notice how to insert the locking pin. Ignore the rest of the video.
2. Put the crankshaft in the locking position. In order to do that quickly and with minimum effort:
a) remove the undertray
b) put the car in the fifth gear
c) handbrake and two stones on a front wheel, raise the other front wheel on jack; secure the car with something more stable, a jack stand or a log
d) turn the free front wheel s l o w l y until the crankshaft is in locking position; you'll need assistance/help and if your car is an auto you have a problem
2. Insert the locking pin or a metric 6 bolt
3. Remove the bolts from the INTAKE camshafts ONLY
4. Replace the belts
5. Remove the locking pin, start the engine and see what happens

You'll need some tools and some improvisation for (4), but it can be done without the special "legal" tool kit.
A mirror placed at an angle of 45 degrees in the proper place and a torch will tell if the crankshaft is in proper position before inserting the pin.
Renee Descartes walks into a bar, the bartender says 'sir can I get you a martini 'Descartes says 'I don't think...' and he disappears



Last edited by workaholic_ro; 14th December 2012 at 17:06..
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