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Old 18th December 2012, 10:48   #22
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Default Modifed Powerflex Diesel Mount.

As some of you know i have been in talks with powerflex for a months or so now with regards to the Red Diesel lower engine mount which in a few cases have failed posts and photo's in the thread.

Two days ago i got an email from the sales manger informing me that the modified diesel engine mounts had been made up and he was sending me out two to test and to replace the ones that failed,well this morning they arrived.

As you can see from the photo's the colour as changed to Yellow three elongated sloted holes have been added the rubber composite is stiffer and once fitted into the alloy teardrop mount there would be no void as was in the red original mount.

I myself am in the thinking that these changes are more towards the petrol engine mount but with sloted holes so its not to stiff and hoping it will solve the problem of the mont tearing its self out of the mount, also it might be that no Yellow mount as been reported to have failed like the diesel one as albeit on a few occasions.

I will reserve my full judgement untill one or both have been tested for a few months at least what are your thoughts on the mount photo's below cheers Arctic.

Figs 1/2 show that the metal centre is the same the middle rubber is now the same as the petrol engine bush no void but still the lip is very low.


Figs 3 show the contrast to the original Red powerflex mount

Fig 4 shows the close up of no void in the middle of the bush hoping that it will stop some of the movement.

Fig 5 face on view of the two mounts

Fig 6 next to the Chinese (roverlink) mount which at the moment seems to be performing very well less vibration smoother gear change mind on my Tourer that could be down to having a full new clutch fitted a few day ago.

Please add your opinions on what you can see so far cheers Arctic.
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