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Old 26th February 2014, 06:19   #17
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Originally Posted by A19_Graham View Post
Just for a Laugh, here goes.

These were taken when I'd just got the Camera, The Mountain in the distance is about 20 miles away from the garden, as the crow flies, zoom was entirely lens.

Love Labradors, when you shoot animals or people for that matter it is a really good idea to get down to the same eye level as the subject your shooting. He/She looks like a willing partner for a photo shoot

Now your daffodil shot is at the height that would have been great for the Labrador shot!
With this, I would say the colours are too muted, it could do with a bit of pop !
I would have selected a small F number which would have helped isolate the flower in the scene and maybe used a very small amount of fill in flash to lift it a bit. Also spraying the flower with a water mister will give tiny water droplets on the plant that will make it even more interesting

With your landscape shots I can see you already have an eye for composition and you are using the rule of thirds well and not just plopping the horizon in the middle.
For me the mountain photos work best without the foreground tree in them.
It can be good to have foreground interest especially if it leads you into the scene but that tree doesn't do it for me.
The photo of the mountain in isolation is my favourite and I really like the desaturated colours, makes it look moody.
Hope these ideas help for you and remember they are only that, ideas.
Keep shooting and probably best to submit one photo at a time as it's easier to critique that way

Last edited by coolcat; 26th February 2014 at 06:25..
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