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Old 2nd September 2014, 21:28   #22
Gets stuck in
Box of ales and some cheap sunglasses

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Reciprocally, there's a few for sale around the country of similar spec/mileage /etc to mine that are touted for the same price (or more, in some cases). I'd be suspicious if it were too cheap, but maybe that's just me. There's a well-worn story around here of when posh dept store, Jenners, stuck up a stand with sunglasses priced at £10 each. Nobody bought them. Someone had a wheeze of an idea and put the price up to £150 each and they sold the lot.

Personally, after all I've done on the car I'd much prefer keep it. It's looking that way now anyway. However, I'm getting constantly badgered by my wife with the 'have you sold that car yet?', 'Is anyone interested in the car?, 'Why haven't you sold that car?' and so on and so forth.

I have no problem keeping it. My wife is putting the screws on me as I have a drive full of cars because she's worried that the neighbours (they can be an odd lot around here) are thinking we're running a lot like a tinker's yard. We own our land, lock, stock and barrel so I don't give a stuff what my neighbours think about what's on it but you know how wives can be.

It's the single thing that occupies her mind - from the first waking moment, to when she goes to bed - with her usual final pre-sleep statement being something akin to 'I wonder if someone will buy your car tomorrow...? *drifts off*'

And of course there is the small matter of the almost-finished red ZT-T that's sucking up space, time and money and causing a black hole in our relationship of which I'm teetering on the Event Horizon of marriage counselling because of it. Compounded by the fact that I'm just about to spend serious money when it goes into the bodyshop on Friday to get any dinks ironed out as well as the sill dents repaired and a couple of other bits and pieces doing as well.

Oh, check out Practical Classics (online) - there's a fella on there with an identical and pristine ZT-T to mine who won a first prize in some car show. It's a classic now, y'know!
Chocolate digestives - now there's a biscuit you can trust.

Last edited by SirRustalot; 2nd September 2014 at 21:36..
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