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Old 28th September 2016, 19:49   #1
This is my second home
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Default Lord Rover reporting.

Good evening all how is everybody doing, hope all is well.

I haven't told anyone else this not even my friends or parents, I've been keeping it all to myself, I find things like this difficult to talk about, I tend to push people away, but I trust you all here and to be honest I'm starting to crack.

Just wish I was, A few days ago I opened to someone that means the world too me, here's a little story I've been taking to Georgie for a few months now and I've gone pretty closer to her, the last time I saw I'll be honest I wanted to snog her face off, that didn't happen of course but we did have a cuddle and I did kiss her on the cheek before she left.

I knew at that point and before that I really care and fallen for her in a big way, she makes me laugh smile and I respect her for who she is, I wrote a letter to her while I was work, it took me a week to deicide what too do, the reason being there is possibly someone else she has feelings for, I thought about and thought about it more, till I decided too just do it and I did.

Here's the letter I wrote, before anyone asks yes my hand writing is bad I wrote this on a steering wheel of a Ford Transit van.

She was taken back by it and that's when she told me that she had feelings for someone else as well, but they have had there ups and downs and disagreements, we've had no problems at all at all or any anything like that.
We've been friends for a few months now. But I've got really close to her.

I couldn't help it, why its simple she makes me happy.

we've given each other some space to clear our minds, but more then anything I'm more concerned about her.

I've already prepared myself that we may never get to together, I want her to be happy more then anything else and what ever Georgie I'll respect that and I will, I won't go as low as cause tensions and problems, its not how I role.

But at least I tried.

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