Thread: snow foam lance
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Old 17th February 2017, 18:46   #5
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Originally Posted by Number 6 View Post
just what exactly does a foam wash do ??????
Have you ever noticed how after a snowfall, after it falls off or melts, the car looks a little cleaner? Snowfoam works in a similar way. Spray it on, and let it dwell. Being a detergent, it should start to soften and 'grasp' loose dirt and grime. Hosing it off, along with the weight of the foam will cause it to fall to the ground, taking with it the loose deposits of dirt. So when you come to wash it, with a mitt (hopefully) there will be less dirt to rub into the surface of the paintwork.

How much of a benefit it is, I cannot answer scientifically, however I have seen it do what it was supposed to do. I used to use a handpump spray, (the ones gardeners use) with a strong mix of car wash soap and hosed that off before washing by hand. That was almost as good, but it did use twice as much soap as I would with snow foam (plus it didnt have the visual effect, perhaps placebo? lol).

Whether it is worth the effort, or cost, that is something only 'you' can answer. But with the winter salts and grime on the roads, in my experience I believe it helps.

The picture I posted above, is a bit overkill, and it doesnt need to be as thick as that. The guns are adjustable to allow more water through, to help it fall off a little quicker.

It is not gloss primer .............. it is duct tape silver!
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