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Old 14th July 2017, 11:27   #3
This is my second home
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As a newbie here but with several decades of motoring on 2 wheels (both boy powered and petrol powered) and 4 wheels I'm loving this thread so thought I'd add my twopenneth.

I'll agree with pretty much everything already mentioned.

My pet hate at the moment - although it's a bit off topic - is coming back down the M1 from the north east. In some sections there's 4 lane running with new overhead gantries/signals.

It's usually 8PM or so and time after time there's a "Workforce in Road" sign, then speed restrictions and lane closures.

Unfortunately there absolutely no sign whatsoever of any workforce. No vehicles, no orange flashing lights, no cones, no people, no hi-viz, nothing. Now maybe there're getting ready or are on their way but this goes on for miles and miles and miles.

I thought the idea of the new signals was for "real time" information?

The trucks take absolutely no notice whatsoever. So the scenario is a line of trucks in Lane 1 doing 60 and a line of cars in Lane 4 doing 50.

IMHO that's dangerous.

Please, please, please motorway traffic control if there's something to tell us do so, if there isn't then don't because if creates a "cry wolf" mentality and then there will be carnage at some point and who would have thought it!

With all the erm..."questionable" driving styles out there I've fitted both front and rear dashcams in the car (thanks for the instructions & pics ).

It's quite interesting to see the reactions of a tailgater when they actually notice the camera and invariably back off .

I think there's a bigger social issue around the perceived "right" to do what I want, how I want and when I want and tuff for anyone else. The lack of effective enforcement just helps that view along.

Fortunately there are those that buck this trend and I've already read of many friendly, selfless actions by members on here - thank you for restoring my faith in people.

As a former motor racing marshal one of the pearls of wisdom from the more experienced was:

You're in a great deal more danger when the accident comes to you.

Be defensive and safe - collisions hurt.

All the best.


Last edited by AndyN01; 14th July 2017 at 11:30..
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