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Old 31st October 2009, 20:15   #1
Owners Club Director
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Rover 75

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Default S525 OVP - Restoration: The Long Road Back

So, we bought a car. And an unusual one to boot.

S525 OVP is a pre-production 1.8 Classic, used by MG Rover for publicity work and later in its life was the security/ambulance for the factory. It's had something of a chequered life, featuring in television dramas when not pounding round the factory in support of the security teams as they try to keep less savoury characters out of the grounds. It's also undergone something of an identity crisis too, turning into a ZT when the Rover name faded away and Nanjing took over the rights to MG.

Recent months saw the car suffer a seemingly terminal decline in health and it was parked in a standing area, almost resigned to eventually disappearing inside a crusher - until some gallant club members stepped in and asked if it could be saved. They hard work and persistence paid off and MG very kindly offered the the car to the club for a nominal sum. All we had to do was collect it and get it back to its original specification. Easy. Ahem....

So, this thread is an ongoing update into the trials and tribulations into refurbishing a Rover 75. We'll be aiming to restore it and cover the work in detail to help club members and fellow owners understand their cars better. We hope you find it a fascinating project and one that will be great fun to follow.

This project is all down to the dedication of a lot of people, and we are delighted they are involved. Folks like Andy Garcarz, Martin Green and Lewis Rabett in finding the car and Gary Egan at MG Motor for allowing us to purchase it. And of course there is Lates, the ever-popular man-in-the-know who not only took the car under his wing but got it all sorted out too. Then there are the commercial members including Corin (Messenger) and Les (SMC), who have been tremendous in helping out with spares. And lastly, and certainly massively importantly, to all the club members who have similarly helped with parts and donated their time and money to do so many tasks on the car that would otherwise take an age to get done. It's a testament to the following that this club has that there are so many people willing to help, and they will all be recognised later on.

Anyway, it's time to kick things off. Happy reading!

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