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Old 27th July 2022, 21:44   #29
Give to Learn
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Only just over a week left for the 6th and 7th August meet at our new venue, hopefully we will see a good turnout, as it is you the owners whom make these meets worth while, you can add your name to the attendance list on the nano forum, of you like just turn up either is ok.

As always help will be on hand with any questions or help you may need to solve a problem with your car.

There will be free plenum tray mods, which you can just pick up and exchange them if you know how if not someone will help, you then just place your old plenum tray next to the modified ones, these can then be re-modified for the next day meet.

Free intercooler bends with the Viton O-rings, again as above but these need to be asked for, your old one will be given in to add new O-rings to for the next meet.

The same with header tank caps with new O-rings.

Gold resistor can be obtained and fitted if you should need one.

There will also be at least one of each fans 1.8,2.0, 2.5, & diesel available if they are needed, again help to fit the fan or fitted for you if you are not able to do so yourself.

Diesel manifolds, which are clean and with cleaned EGR & MAP sensor, bypass ones also if required.

If you have any parts you would like help to fit to your car please bring those with you, no tools will be needed as the crew carry almost every tool that may be needed.

Also remember you can come and just have a chin wag, or watch what is going on, refreshments are available as are toilets, and a nice walk along the canal.

So put that reminder in your phone or calendar all the best Arctic.
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" You do the work , we supply the expertise "
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