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Old 2nd June 2018, 23:03   #11
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Cool Goodbye waistline,...............................

............................................. Hello local pub.

After Val came back from her weight watchers club, she lost 'Alf a pound, we got ourselves ready for our trip out to Par market. Taking Val's little Honda Jazz with Allen driving. But first we diverted round to my 'new' home just foe wee look. Looks to be a bit of gardening to be done soon.

Off on our trip to St.Austell and into the East car park at Par market, more room here. Parked up and wandered into the refurbished market, they are still working on expanding the market area. They have now put the food hall into it's own separate section. We walked around and I saw a lovely fluffy Teddy Bear in a collectors bazaar. Need a second fluffy bear in Pooky Bear. But left it for now, give it a bit of thought.

Went into the food hall. Oh! My! Mmm!!! Goodbye waistline. Over 50 cheeses on view, oh! Look at that steak. Mmm!!! Oh, the pies. And look at the veg on display. Fresh fish complete with a fish n chip stall next door. Or maybe a visit to the Moo Moo ice cream parlour. Best we just settle for pot of tea.
But before leaving I bought some Curry Shop Ceddar and a slice of Cornish Garlic Yarg. A cheese wrapped in nettles.

Then we had a mooc into the Range next door Wher I saw a cracking sofa bed. That would look nice in the new home, might even get two. One downstairs and t'other one in the spare bedroom. Allen said before I buy to go and have a look at at furniture store in Liskard. That's for another day, then. We walked back into the market area, and on the way back to the car I stopped off and bought the fluffy Bear. I now have Mr & Mrs Pooky Bear aka Val & Bob. I know, I know I'm just a sentimental old fool. Wait till you see the other Bears I'm bringing down.

And homeward bound we came with a Bear plus cheese plus fresh veg and some potted plants. One was a very special Dahlia.
Allen's dad passed away last year and his dad had a boat called "Happy Days", well Allen found a dahlia called "Happy Days", well he just had to buy the plant. In tribute of his dad.
Soon back at the house for a cup of tea before the potted plants were put into the ground of other pots. And Val's son popped in with his daughter and her wee doggie. So more tea was made. We had a good chat and Lee welcomed me to Cornwall.
After they left I watched Percy a Thrower and Mrs Titchmarsh go about the potting off the plants.

With "Happy Days" taking centre stage in the front garden it was soon time to clear away and get some dinner put together. I was not in the least bit hungry but demolished the dinner put in front of me, plus a dessert.
After we cleared away and washed up, Allen suggested that we had a walk up to my new local for a swift 'alf". Val didn't want to go but was willing to drive us there, and when we wanted to come back she would come and collect us.
Well we decided to walk up to the Ploughboy.
No coats as it was a lovely evening for the walk. 15 minutes later and we was in the pub supping a couple of pints of Doom Bar.

A huge pub with parking for 50 cars, oooh!! Good place for a National.
They have a carvery, we are going to try this on Monday.
Well after a couple of beers and a chat about putting some meets together we decided to walk back. Lovely evening for a walk. Only took 15 minutes back. Val was surprised to see us, but we was safe.
Now chilling with a large nightcap.

Before you ask, yeas I'm getting excited.

Thanks for reading and the lovely comments.

234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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Old 3rd June 2018, 07:20   #12
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Cool Slight change of plan.......................

.................................... Instead of taking Redfive back to Essex ready for the Big Day, I've decided to take the Bear instead. I can get an awful lot of my stuff in the estate, with the back seat down. I know she is heavy on bear juice but it will be better.

Will probably give Redfive a clean at some point, she's not had wash for about 5 weeks, so starting to look a bit grubby. Bear is clean as she has been undercover for the last fortnight.

234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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Old 3rd June 2018, 19:41   #13
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Cool Been looking at buying some new .....................

........................................... Furniture today.

After a hearty breakfast we got ourselves ready and out in the Jazzy we went. Allen n Val took me a cracking furniture store in Liskard, Solomon's just off of the A38. Cracking store and very helpful staff, not in the least bit pushy. I saw some really nice sofa beds, well made and reasonable priced. Allen n Val went looking at the adjustable beds, the ones using electric to lift, bend fold and do double somersaults.

From there we went to Fairway furniture in St. Austell, next to Par market wher we was yesterday. Same furniture as the other place, but dearer. We strolled round and looked at the reclining chairs, which Allen road tested.
Then we left there and drove back to Lidil's in Saltash to buy a loaf of bread. Well, you never just come out with one thing do you.
Drove back to the house for a sarnie and a cup of splosh, just finished that when Val's son with wife and daughter popped in to see us. Tea? Oh! Go on then! So another pot was made.
We had a long chat about different things whilst Val prepared dinner. Oh! Oh! My. Large jacket spuds with chilli con carne.

The family left about 5pm and dinner was got ready, and all three plates were emptied into our contented tummies.
Val was off to Sunday night bingo leaving Al and I to wash up and put away.
Allen suggested that I bring Redfive around and give her a good wash. Which I did. My ribs are still a bit sore so Allen cleaned the wheels to save me bending. The Firefrost certainly scrubs up well. And with her parked up we set about giving Jazzy a wash. Made a difference the wash did. Mirror finish once again.

With Jazzy parked up and all the washing things put away it was time for a wee glass of Friels rough cider, 7.4%. We are both sitting here supping our cider whilst watching the sun as it dips down over the horizon.
Tomorrow brings me one step closer to my new home.

Many thanks for reading, and the kind comments.

234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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Old 4th June 2018, 20:52   #14
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Cool No going back now......................

...................................... Well the day had come, the day where I finally commit myself to renting my wee house.

Healthy breakfast this morning, cereals and toast. The chicken was on strike and the pig had eloped with the tomatoes. Whilst we was have breakfast the phone rang, it was the carer looking after Val's aunt. Things had taken a turn for the worse so Val grabbed car keys and was gone.
Allen and I washed, and wiped up and put everything away.
We was not sure whether to follow Val out to the house or wait for a phone call.

So it was time to give both Ratty and Baby Ratty a wash. Allen brought Ratty round first and she got a good scrub. Then Allen fitted her new front badge, made by another forum member. Then Baby Ratty was brought round and she was scrubbed clean. I had got Allen a new Badge made up for Baby Ratty, again made by a forum member. Both cars looked really smart with the Gold longships sitting proudly on the grills.

Then a phone call came, it was Val to say that a hospital bed had been delivered and could we come over and help her to get her Aunt into the bed. So off we went in Baby Ratty. It was a bit eerie for as we turned into the road so a hearse came out. Sent a chill down my spine. But there is a church further down the lane, and that was where the hearse had been.
We turned into the drive and parked up. Val was waiting for us. Her Aunt looked ever so frail, but she saw me and smiled. Took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I cannot tell you how that made me feel. Bless her.

The doctor had arrived as well and with him helping Allen they got the elderly Aunt onto the hospital bed. Whils Val and the doctor made her comfortable Allen and I dismantled the old bed and put it away out of sight. Val's Aunt looked at peace there, but her eyes opened and she asked Val for a drink. She was content.
Allen and I left after saying our goodbye's, might be the last time I'll see her. Val was staying for a while longer.

We returned to the house for some lunch, and more tea. We wiled away the time before we set off to the estate agents to finalise the deal, and for me to part with some folding stuff. We took Redfive for a run. Parked up in the car park. Whilst I got a ticket we watched a female driver bring this huge mini bus in and park beside Redfive. Loads of empty spaces all round but no she wanted to park there, till she saw us watching. She then moved to another space.
The paperwork did not take very long to complete, and with the readies handed over it was time to head home.
I gave the keys to Allen, thought it would be good experience for him to drive Redfive home.

To be continued, falling down water has arrived.

234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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Old 4th June 2018, 21:14   #15
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Cool My first meet posted up.....................

................................................ Tonight and it's in Cornwall, and literally around the corner to me. Yup! My local.

Once we was home, with Val was close behind. Val told Allen about all that had happened. Tea! Oh! Go on then. We chatted about what we had been up to.
Whilst Val and Allen got ready for going out tonight, I posted up my first Cornish meet. Looks like it will be a good 'un. Cars under the stars meet and mid week as well.
And where did we go for our meal? We went to my "new local" pub. Allen drove us to the pub in Jazzy. Into the pub, a few people were eating, always a good sign.
We sat at a table and a waitress took our drinks order, when she came back with our drinks she took our food order. We all was going for the carvery, Al and Val went for the small plate and I went for the standard plate. There is a super size plate if required.

There was 3 roasts available, pork, beef and turkey. Plenty of meat on the plates and plenty of vegetables. They also served up a separate dish of cauliflower cheese. The food was excellent. We was tempted to have a dessert. Allen went for the 3 ice cream scoops, Turkish Delight, Lemon Meringue and Vanila complete with a flake and a wafer. Val and I went for the Tropical fruit cheesecake with clotted cream
Allen and I had a second pint each. Val was not wanting anymore to drink.

My treat to celebrate my news and to say thank you for being such wonderful friends. Going to miss "lodging" at there place. Val drove us home as Allen had a few pints.
Now back at the house, chillin' with a painkiller or two.

Returning to Essex tomorrow in the Bear.

Many thanks for reading, and for the comments.

234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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Old 5th June 2018, 05:42   #16
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Cool Last time I'll be returning to Essex...........................

.................................................. .... For awhile. I do have a scheduled run up in August.

And it will be the last time Pookybear returns to Essex, whilst in my ownership. Of course I will have to return at some point quite soon to bring ole Yella back. Possibly the week commencing the 18th.

So with the Bear out of her cave Redfive will replace her for a rest, then in just over a weeks time she will join the Bear at our new home.

It still has not fully sunk in yet. But once the money is in the bank from the sale of the flat, then I expect the reality will sink in. But I can admit to this being the biggest challenge I'm going have to face. Mind you when I got married I suppose that was a challenge. But then that was to the one I loved, and still do.

So should you hear a loud growling sound up the A38-M5-M4-The car park-M11 and the A1400 it will be us. Don't forget to toot, wave or flash those unrestored headlights as we drive at Warp Factor 3, and a extra bit where applicable.

A huge THANK YOU to Allen and Val for all what they have done in helping me get this far. Not forgetting Matt and Shirley not only for their kindness in letting me stay at theirs whilst I looked for somewhere to live, but for letting me store a lot of stuff at theirs.
And a BIG THANK YOU to everyone else in there support for me and my New adventure. It means a lot to me to have so many lovely friends.

I just love this club.

234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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Old 5th June 2018, 08:57   #17
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Always welcome bob
Dreams do come true
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Old 5th June 2018, 15:27   #18
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welcome to Gods Wonderful County Bob. You will soon be able to say Ansome Proper Job and nip out for a bit of Crib.
Glad it has come together see you soon Ross
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Old 5th June 2018, 18:56   #19
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Cool Warp Factor Actros was reached...........................

............................................. a few times on the way home, managed to wind up the elastic band on the A35 & M5 & M4 & M25 & M11. I have missed driving the Bear, watching the fuel gauge dropping like a stone. We arrived home in less than 5 hours and with two bladder stops.
We saw more MG3's than 75's or ZT's this time.

Allen has sent me a photo showing Redfive covered up, waiting to go to her "new" home next week. She is also missing a sister, Banana. Soon we will have all 3 together.

£66 of fuel and 15mpg home.

Some photo's from this visit.
1-The view
2 & 3- Flowers in Allen & Val's garden
4- My drinking vessel
5- Picture on the beer can
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234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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Old 5th June 2018, 19:02   #20
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More photo's from our visit.

1- Black n White reflection in Redfive's bonnet.
2- ................... Redfive
3- Sunset over Saltash.
4- Reflection in chrome mirror.
5- Allen's new badges fitted to Streetwise and 75.
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234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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