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Old 28th February 2024, 14:27   #121
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Originally Posted by WillyHeckaslike View Post
A pot to pee in might be useful, better than getting caught short and not able to get up the stairs to the bog in time. Seen the odd purpose designed one for camping and long car trips on the likes of ebay and aliexpress but I guess any suitable container will do. Maybe make one from a plastic milk container of sufficient size. Cut the top off wide enough with a stanley-like knife or maybe a pair of craft scissors and Bob's your uncle. After use empty in the bog asap and rinse with water then repeat with a bit of water/bog cleaner added to it.
Some uncouth campers don't bother with a pot.
I did have the cardboard ones supplied by the hospital but you still need to get to the loo to empty them otherwise they go soggy. I do have a plastic bottle supplied by HomeFirst but I try not to use it if I can. It sits by the bed.


onen hag oll
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Old 29th February 2024, 12:34   #122
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Originally Posted by FLYING BANANA View Post
I did have the cardboard ones supplied by the hospital but you still need to get to the loo to empty them otherwise they go soggy. I do have a plastic bottle supplied by HomeFirst but I try not to use it if I can. It sits by the bed.

At last things are beginning to look up for you Bob with notification the bed is going back and your mobility is improving.

By coincidence we keep 2 bottles in Kenya and the same in the UK for camping and if we get stuck in a traffic jam for several hours.

When Jessica was in hospital following her broken hip, she was attached to a device called the Caterpillar. The Caterpillar moulds to the female urethra externally and its powered by a vacuum. The purpose of the Caterpillar is to collect urine from the female patient. As it operates, it sucks and vibrates the urine out and the vacuum moulds itself to the female anatomy so it becomes a perfect fit and nothing is spilled. The urine goes direct via a plastic tube into the vacuum bottle. To buy it privately for home use is around £500. I have not seen anything similar for the man.

I am sorry to hear about your mental health struggles. You had major losses with Val and your daughter and your brother. You came through it and you have managed to learn to live with all of that, so you have been through worse and you will get through this. Getting out and about in Banana is something to look forward to.

Today I had physio and the physio made me work extra hard. In fact he had me on a bicycle and I cycled 4km. Now relaxing and as you improve your mobility and independence so will your mental state.

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Old 29th February 2024, 13:35   #123
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The bed has gone. They arrived at 10.00 and it was in the van by 10.15. I watched them take it apart. They brought two sets of wheels in and the bed frame broke down to 6 pieces and they all clipped into place on the wheels. And was wheeled out to the van. The mattress went out, then they wheeled the commode out.

The lounge looks huge. I’m gradually putting things back in there rightful places. Waiting on Gerry to bring a few things down from upstairs. Too big for me to carry is my table lamp. I brought the shade down though.
Some boxes need shifting into the garage. I have a spare Zimmer frame plus a pair of crutches to go back to Marion. There are two oil filled radiators to be returned. One is Marion’s and the other one belongs to Gerry.

Slept better last night, didn’t wake up till 08.30. That’s late for me. Used my wee bottle last night, much better than struggling to the loo. Obviously I will need to use the frame if a No.2 is needed.
I bought two sets of chair raisers so the one’s that HomeFirst lent me can now go back. I’ll phone Clare in the morning. I have written out a Thank You card for them as well. There is a photo of me and Banana on the front of the card.

The pain in the hip has virtually gone since I have been wearing my leather shoe indoors. So I’m now able to walk better without any strain on the left hip. Why I never thought of it I don’t know.

I managed to get my recycling done this morning. Getting down the steps takes a bit of time but I do it slowly and carefully. I have pulled my “new” wheelie bin up onto the decking. I have ordered some Poppy stickers to go on it plus a number. We have a two other bins for re cycling food but they will live outside, the small one is supposed to be in a cupboard. I don’t see the point of two bins to do the same job.

Did think about going for a walk but it started to rain so that idea is on hold till tomorrow. I can’t wait to get out in the garden, it needs weeding. But I’ll have to wait. Soon be the 6th.


onen hag oll
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Old 1st March 2024, 04:00   #124
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Good morning Bob

On the 15 December whilst walking on a beach you had your accident. 11 weeks on you are doing well. Have you had a follow up X-Ray to confirm the fracture has healed and will you have a Dexa Bone Scan to see if you are prone to fractures, if you have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia or not?
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Old 1st March 2024, 07:46   #125
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Originally Posted by Gate Keeper View Post
Good morning Bob

On the 15 December whilst walking on a beach you had your accident. 11 weeks on you are doing well. Have you had a follow up X-Ray to confirm the fracture has healed and will you have a Dexa Bone Scan to see if you are prone to fractures, if you have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia or not?

Had 3 x rays with no.4 next week


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Old 1st March 2024, 08:50   #126
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Well done Bob, not on your recycling but on your recovery, tortoise and hare.

It would be tempting to try to do things quickly but our bodies need time. One should think about the years it has taken to get to the level of fitness before our accidents, steady.

Fred (planenut)
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Old 2nd March 2024, 14:47   #127
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I had a club calendar to send out so I sent Marion a text to see if she was going out and be nears a Post Office. Better still she said why not come with me. So around to the local sub post office. It’s the one that Allen uses, only about 100yds from his house.

Then Marion drove me up to the cemetery, not sure if she trying to tell me something. This is where her Paul is. And there is a plaque on the bench in his honour. It’s nice and flat here so my walk was all on the level. We walked to the end and I could see my house across the valley. You can just make out the roof of Marion's house.
The weather was coming in with hail stones, so we made our way back to the car.

We drove down to Waterside with the intention of another walk but it rained even harder, so we sat in the car and chatted. Out on the water the marines were sailing in their inflatable boats. 3 large craft and about a total of 40 marines. Not sure what they were doing as some of them were standing up. We thought they might be transferring men from boat to boat.
Then they all took off back towards HMS Raleigh.

We drove home. At least the rain had stopped. I thanked Marion for the ride and made my way in, slowly. Marion watches me to make sure i don’t fall over.
Indoors and the kettle on.

Karen came over and went round the floors with her steam cleaner. Gerry brought my wooden lamp down from upstairs, been up there since my fall.
After they went I had a long chat on the phone with a friend of mine.
When I told him I was back to sleeping upstairs he said what was doing about the loo. I said I had a container for my wee. But would have to use the frame to get to the bathroom for a no.2. So he said why not use a bucket, it’s just like a commode. After all you have been sitting on one for a few months.

So the bucket is now in the bedroom, plus a toilet roll. Only me in the house so I cannot see a problem with this. But I’ll only use it in emergency no.2.
I managed to move my bed closer to the wall. Better access to the table lamp.

Didn’t sleep very well. Hip and ankle were playing up. But the painkillers were downstairs which would have meant me putting my Stormtrooper boot on. So I suffered the pain. I’ll put some tablets upstairs incase they are needed.


onen hag oll
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Old 6th March 2024, 16:25   #128
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We went to the hospital today by bus. Only takes 35 minutes and the bus stops right outside the main entrance. My appointment wasn’t till 14.20 and we got there 30 minutes early. But I went in virtually straight away. Just to be on the safe side I had taken my other shoe and the crutches in Hope I was going to lose the Stormtrooper AirBoot.

First into X-Ray. Boot off and stand on the step, not that easy but with the help of the nurse I managed it. I had to put weight on the fractured ankle, but it didn’t hurt. They took about 5 pictures from different angles. Then she helped me back to the chair and boot back on.

Then back to the fracture clinic with Allen carrying the crutches and spare shoe. Didn’t have long to wait before my name was called. Allen came in with me and we was ushered into the cubicle. The consultant came in. I’ve never seen the same consultant twice. This chap was more thorough though in the examination.

The fracture is still very noticeable but it has started to heal. The consultant said that this was due to me not putting enough weight on the ankle, so I still need to wear the Boot but indoors I’m to start wearing my other shoe. No slippers to be worn as the shoe is more supportive. He has also given me some exercises to do.
Got to go back in 4 weeks time.

So no operation for now, basically if the fracture isn’t healing then it will have to be surgery. They don’t want to do it as it could be up to 3 months before I can drive again. Thinking about selling the Fiesta and buying an automatic.

Back to the bus stop, only 20 minutes to wait. Then home with Allen in the car.


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Old 8th March 2024, 12:40   #129
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Another goal achieved today. The physiotherapist got me to walk up and down the stairs wearing my shoes. Still need the one crutch to support me. Got some more exercises to do. She wants me to walk for about 15 minutes indoors, then rest with foot raised. Going outside still means wearing the boot but gradually switch over to wearing the shoe.

Did something in the night without thinking. Woke up about 03.00 with the need to go to the loo for a no.2. And without thinking I walked to the bathroom without out using the frame or crutches. It wasn’t till I sat down did I realise what I had done. So the walk back was done carefully.

But this morning I put my boot on to get down the stairs. I’m getting there at a slow pace.


onen hag oll
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Old 12th March 2024, 16:12   #130
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Today is the longest I have spent without wearing the Stormtrooper AirBoot. I did wear it to get from the bedroom to the kitchen this morning. I’’m going to start walking outside without the boot but will use one crutch, to stop me rocking from left to right.

Another first today is I haven’t needed any painkillers. I took a couple last night but none all day. I currently have the plumber here refitting my bathroom room and with all that drilling, hammering and noise in general I thought I would need some pain relief but nothing needed. I have been using the bucket to wee in, thus no need to keep bothering him to use the loo. As for the no.2’s my system has returned to normal, well normal in my case. So again I have not had to bother him to use the loo.

Allen took BBB to go and get my shopping, I didn’t want to leave the plumber here on his own. He is a good worker and no doubt a very honest man but you never know. Marion is collecting my repeat prescription either today or tomorrow morning.
I’m currently building another Pocher Lamborghini Aventador model so I’m kept busy moving about sorting the parts out.

Still doing my exercises. First lot are the ones the consultant wanted me to do. Then a 20 minute break and then onto the second lot that the physiotherapist wanted me to do. Then another break, sitting in the chair with the injured ankle raised.

Thanks for reading.


onen hag oll
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