View Full Version : Birthday

11th October 2021, 19:49
Many thanks for the birthday wishes from you guys. Sorry it’s a little late only just got back from a break down in my favourite place Cornwall.Only 21 more for the telegram ha ha .

11th October 2021, 19:55
That's great.

Let's get to the important stuff - tell us about the beautiful GSD in your signature. :};)

12th October 2021, 18:18
That my friend is Bonnie who went to doggy heaven 4 years ago age 13 years and I’m still suffering.

12th October 2021, 19:31
Saw a blue ZTT reg PK53 OAD going north on the A30. Popped that here out of curiosity?:getmecoat:

15th October 2021, 19:50
Did travel on the A30 but that wasn’t me. Mine is blue but reg BX54.