View Full Version : Pre MOT diagnostic & nearest T4

14th October 2021, 12:28
Afternoon all.

I've got a couple issues to resolve prior to the MOT, mainly the SRS Airbag and ABS lights on the IPK.

I think the SRS should be solvable by cleaning the contacts again on the loom connectors under the seats.

ABS maybe a bit harder. I think I need a session on a T4 machine to find the problems more accurately. I knew a diagnostics guy who could do it, but he retired in the lockdown this year.

I'm just interested to find out who is the closest to me in Plymouth? I know Exeter Road Garage at Newton Abbott do it , but is anyone any closer?
Any members have their own kit?

14th October 2021, 19:24
Sorry to see no answers, so I'm going to suggest you become the first in your area and get yourself a copy of Toaf: https://toaf.roverki.eu/index.php/en/ and a Toaf compatible cable: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/174768878115?hash=item28b1097223:g:rOcAAOSwvpNgnqI B&shqty=1&isGTR=1#shId

You will then with any Windows machine be able to diagnose your own SRS & ABS faults and judging by the lack of answers be a most popular local resource.

Otherwise try Rodger's as they used to service Rovers, one at Crownhill, used to be one in Union Street and one out Plymstock way, they might still have a T4 somewhere.


14th October 2021, 19:37
Exeter Road Garage at Newton Abbott is a club member, MGR South Devon (https://www.the75andztclub.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=1896).

I compiled the T4 map (https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1Fcrb7K0nCBAQT4A3nqV4-jyO4CJ0Q03q&ll=54.23683398891902%2C-6.08095214359583&z=7) and nobody has made me aware of any others in your neck of the woods.

TOAF may be your answer in the future, seems to be a good system once you know what you are doing with it but for the novice there are banana skins that'll cause problems if you click the wrong thing.

15th October 2021, 09:12
Sorry to see no answers, so I'm going to suggest you become the first in your area and get yourself a copy of Toaf: https://toaf.roverki.eu/index.php/en/ and a Toaf compatible cable: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/174768878115?hash=item28b1097223:g:rOcAAOSwvpNgnqI B&shqty=1&isGTR=1#shId

You will then with any Windows machine be able to diagnose your own SRS & ABS faults and judging by the lack of answers be a most popular local resource.

Otherwise try Rodger's as they used to service Rovers, one at Crownhill, used to be one in Union Street and one out Plymstock way, they might still have a T4 somewhere.


Exeter Road Garage at Newton Abbott is a club member, MGR South Devon (https://www.the75andztclub.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=1896).

I compiled the T4 map (https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1Fcrb7K0nCBAQT4A3nqV4-jyO4CJ0Q03q&ll=54.23683398891902%2C-6.08095214359583&z=7) and nobody has made me aware of any others in your neck of the woods.

TOAF may be your answer in the future, seems to be a good system once you know what you are doing with it but for the novice there are banana skins that'll cause problems if you click the wrong thing.

Thanks for the answers. Rodgers of Plymouth are still around now KIA at Brixton (South Devon not London), Hyundai at Crownhill and Hyundai & MG Rover(new stuff) at other Crownhill/Whitleigh site. I've emailed to find out if they still do diagnostics, not holding too much hope to be honest.

I'm more than likely to try and get to Exeter Road next week. Assuming there is an ABS sensor fault they can remove the old one, I've tried before and it was a pain to get out.

I am intrigued by using the TOAF and having read through the TOAF site info is a a bit thin on the ground. Have you used it? I assume some sort of instructions come with it? Steve has raised alarm bells, I've visions of me turning the whole car off! I'll look through this forum bound to be some stuff on here.

15th October 2021, 11:20
Must admit mentioning Rodger's was a bit of a long short, but who knows, sometimes it's the case of finding the right person who is willing to help. And yes it's not Plymstock way, but towards Brixton, remember now, used to go out that way a lot as my uncle/aunt owned the Volunteer in Yealmpton.

Stevestrat is quite right to recommend caution when using Toaf, but the same could be said of any diagnostic tool with the ability to write or change settings. Simple answer is don't, until you're sure of what you're doing and make a back-up first. So use only in read mode ie don't be tempted to change something and hit the "save" button. Sadly there's no real user's guide, a partial, but everything is quite simple, otherwise ask.

Very easy to check ABS & SRS but if you have the later Autoliv system (2003ish onwards) you'll need the small additional SRS file and Windows Vista or higher. There's also a new Android mobile Toaf app.

Good luck

ps. Sorry didn’t answer the question about “have I used Toaf” - since it came out in April 2016, regularly use it helping local owners, take it to a yearly meet down Stockholm way and am usually very busy for a couple of hours checking cars. I’ve also got a T4, and thanks to forum assistance it’s working, mobile except for the need for mains power, but Toaf is by far my diagnostic system of choice for everyday problems

15th October 2021, 12:25
Thanks for TOAF info, I've ordered a cable and will give it a go.

Rodgers MG have phoned to tell me they have a generic diagnostic tester which will only go so deep. And also an older laptop left from the MGRover days, which he couldn't be sure if it even worked anymore, may possibly be able to be used. For this I'd be invoiced the sum of £ 112.80.

I'm more than likely to take a trip to Newton Abbott, as they have the right kit and do know a lot. Hopefully they have the spares needed too.

Rodgers at Brixton sold my Dad his Kia Ceed 12 years ago, one of the first cars with the 7 year warranty. Bit pricey on servicing, but got his moneys worth on warranty replacements.
Interestingly he got it on the scrappaged deal for his M reg Rover 418TD, which I had to tow there with my van as the turbo had blown up. We parked about 50 yards away, he briefly started it drove into the yard and stalled it to halt :eek: As under scrappage terms it had to be driven in ;)

I'm off to polish the van headlights as it failed MOT yesterday for being too opaque to test. As well as needing couple new tyres, I was loathe to buy before the test fearing the worst, all is not bad for a 16 year old Combo. ;)

Hope that is replicated in a fortnight with an 18 year old Rover.

Mike Noc
16th October 2021, 20:39
You can sort by far the majority of ABS faults with a multimeter - you don't need specialist diagnostics. ;) :}

17th October 2021, 07:14
Give Matt Darke a pm he might be able to help for the T4.