View Full Version : No more "Where are the car keys?"

17th October 2021, 15:51
The key box was getting a little cramped, so as a Saturday afternoon project, made a more appropriate place to hang the keys in a permanent spot. Now all that's left is to repaint the BRG schuko in Dorchester Red and hoping my wife doesn't secretly swap cars...:}

https://www.the75andztclub.co.uk/forum/imagehosting/thum_40893616ae9a0dae37.jpg ('https://www.the75andztclub.co.uk/forum/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=29577')

https://www.the75andztclub.co.uk/forum/imagehosting/thum_40893616c4501b0c41.jpg ('https://www.the75andztclub.co.uk/forum/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=29579')

Yorkshire GOC
17th October 2021, 16:15
Thats excellent :D

17th October 2021, 16:23
I can lose my keys between picking them up and walking to the car :duh:

Kevin Williams
17th October 2021, 16:33
I guess the other potential problem is having two fobs the same colour. Perhaps the ultimate is to get all the fobs the same colour as the car!

Perhaps something like Blutack underneath each car could help them to stay in the right places for the keys?!

Nonetheless, impressive:well done!