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Vossy 12th June 2020 09:57


Originally Posted by Mark Murphy (Post 2818272)
Actually that has made me think, when you are dead, you are just not born yet..

Yep, back to the mother ship for recycling.

Avulon 12th June 2020 11:02


Originally Posted by planenut (Post 2818058)
Stay very wary of those around you and your loved ones, this has a long way to run. IMHO.

I'm pretty sure that I hope you didn't mean that the way it is written. Being scared of your own friends and family as a recommendation. Next we'll be being told to snitch on anyone who so much as clears their throat (AKA 'test & trace': catchy isn't it?) Being persuaded to self-segregate from your own family, friends and neighbours, indoctrinated to fear them? This is the path to enabling successful dictatorship. A classic way of quelling large scale dissent before it can even happen. Well it's obviously not working so far.

Right I'm off to barricade the doors before the conformity police come knocking to take me to the ministry of truth....

wraymond 12th June 2020 11:12

Before you were born? Before you were conceived? You did exist – if only in potential. All the necessary components were there, just waiting. The elemental forces and material existed with the ratio of variables to be decided at a later date.

Life is in fact eternal and just waiting for the opportunity to bloom. How wonderful. You live to fulfil your own potential and are dependent on what you put into it.

Not unlike a virus?

COLVERT 13th June 2020 19:09


Originally Posted by WillyHeckaslike (Post 2818231)
We don't live forever but we do live now. So, what were we before ... dead? :getmecoat:

The same particles that are YOU now will still be around after you ( as a person ) no longer exists.

The part of YOU that makes you what you are as a person was formed when you were conceived as an empty page..

Experience of life has filled that page and you are the result of all that accumulated knowledge.

All your knowledge lodged in the cells or your brain will dissipate on your demise.

That specific accumulation of knowledge will never exist again.-----------( Yes, unfortunately, that does mean you.-:eek::eek::eek: )

Enjoy it while you can as many, many folk have said----This is not a rehearsal.

wraymond 14th June 2020 13:48


Originally Posted by COLVERT (Post 2818611)
The same particles that are YOU now will still be around after you ( as a person ) no longer exists.

The part of YOU that makes you what you are as a person was formed when you were conceived as an empty page..

Experience of life has filled that page and you are the result of all that accumulated knowledge.

All your knowledge lodged in the cells or your brain will dissipate on your demise.

That specific accumulation of knowledge will never exist again.-----------( Yes, unfortunately, that does mean you.-:eek::eek::eek: )

Enjoy it while you can as many, many folk have said----This is not a rehearsal.

Don't suppose you'd care to prove that Jon? You seem to be suggesting genes don't remember! Sub-optimal memory? SciFi? Inherited intelligence?

COLVERT 14th June 2020 16:28


Originally Posted by wraymond (Post 2818738)
Don't suppose you'd care to prove that Jon? You seem to be suggesting genes don't remember! Sub-optimal memory? SciFi? Inherited intelligence?

I'm sure they remember as that is where all the information is stored to construct another human being.


Ovum--just visible to the naked eye.

Sperm 80,000 times smaller

Where on earth does all that info get stored.--Incredible.

You arrive after the event as a build up of all the things you experience during your life.--Unfortunately you don't get stored with the information previously mentioned and thus don't get passed on too.

Called EVOLUTION I suppose.-----:shrug:

Onwards and upwards.---:D:D:D

WillyHeckaslike 14th June 2020 18:06

It is said that a leopard can't change its spots, but how did it acquire them in the first place? How does it know that it is a leopard and different to other cats which are spotless? Some critters can change their spots so to speak but how did they acquire the ability to do that and to know when to do so? :shrug:

:smilie_re: There is a lot going on in this world which is beyond the ability of our sensory perception. Technology has helped us a bit in our detection and understanding but I think we have a long way to go. There is definitely to me an intelligence and a reason directing nature. Everything has a place and a reason. :getmecoat:

clf 14th June 2020 19:41


Originally Posted by WillyHeckaslike (Post 2818796)
It is said that a leopard can't change its spots, but how did it acquire them in the first place? How does it know that it is a leopard and different to other cats which are spotless? Some critters can change their spots so to speak but how did they acquire the ability to do that and to know when to do so? :shrug:

:smilie_re: There is a lot going on in this world which is beyond the ability of our sensory perception. Technology has helped us a bit in our detection and understanding but I think we have a long way to go. There is definitely to me an intelligence and a reason directing nature. Everything has a place and a reason. :getmecoat:

like a virus (see what I did there lol), genes mutate, if genes and subsequently, genetic make up of a being mutates, it will change, sometimes form, sometimes function. This mutation could be an evolutionary process, (as in survival of the fittest), or it could be a failed substandard gene, where it doesnt develop as it was supposed to (sometimes by an environmental influence). this 'damaged' or a mutated gene then gets passed onto the next generation.

So the question then becomes, did stripes come first or spots? ;)

COLVERT 14th June 2020 20:46


Originally Posted by clf (Post 2818816)
like a virus (see what I did there lol), genes mutate, if genes and subsequently, genetic make up of a being mutates, it will change, sometimes form, sometimes function. This mutation could be an evolutionary process, (as in survival of the fittest), or it could be a failed substandard gene, where it doesnt develop as it was supposed to (sometimes by an environmental influence). this 'damaged' or a mutated gene then gets passed onto the next generation.

So the question then becomes, did stripes come first or spots? ;)

And of course,----Which came first the chicken or the egg ??--:shrug:

clf 14th June 2020 21:06


Originally Posted by COLVERT (Post 2818836)
And of course,----Which came first the chicken or the egg ??--:shrug:

Which egg? :p:

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