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FLYING BANANA 14th June 2018 19:48

I moved to get away from the stairs.................
.................................................. . My word have I been up and down my new one so much my legs no longer belong to me.

On Wednesday Allen and I met up with Craig and his truck. The additional porter was also present. And with Allen and I helping, Val was sorting out the kitchen, the truck was unloaded in 90 minutes flat. Both my beds had been re-assembled in that time. Only one casualty, and it had to be the box that carried the 150 year old none China tea set. But the tea set survived just the box lid was broken.

Craig was soon on his way back to Chelmsford in Essex, dunno where that is. Val was off to her Aunts leaving Allen and I to unpack. And unpack we did, by the time Val returned we had unpacked about three quarters of the boxes. After yet another pot of tea Val insisted that I went back to there house for my evening meal. I was very greatfull for the offer. Val then returned back to her home to start dinner. Allen and I tidied up before setting off in Redfive towards dinner.

After a cracking dinner and dessert I was told to chill out for awhile before returning to my new home. Chilled out I collected all my stuff that I had left behind the previous day. Val, bless her had even done my washing. Then Allen said I was to return on Thursday morning to have my breakfast. I had not done any shopping yet.
I returned my new home, I cannot explain the feelings I have. Very hard to explain. Am I happy with what I have done? Or am I regretting it?

Lousy nights sleep, but I dragged myself out of bed. Every bone, muscle and every fibre of my body ached. Got into the shower and gradually I could feed some of the stress draining away. Out of the shower and dressed. Made a pot of tea, once I had found where Val had packed things away. Then I went back to unpacking boxes. By the time came round to go to Allen n Val's for breakfast I had got another 4 boxes done.
With Redfive I went for my excellent prepared by Allen. Alas Val had to go to her Aunts after an emergency call.
With breakfast demolished and we had cleared up Allen came back with me to the house. Except we had forgotten the hedge trimmer.

So I gave the keys of ole Red to Allen for him to return back to his place to get what was needed. I was now phoning round to get signed up to Britis Gas, Southern Water, Cornwall County Council about my community tax and checking on the TV licence. Plus I needed to contact Npower about my meter readings from my old home.
With my debit card now sulking, Allen was back. And he started in the back garden and I was unpacking even more.

To be continued..........................

FLYING BANANA 15th June 2018 19:21

3 days in.............l......
.................................. Most of the unpacking done, just waiting on Matt to return to me the boxes he has kindly stored for me. Yesterday we went curtain shopping, Val came as well, we ended up at Dunelm's in Plymouth. Got all my curtains plus a new rubbish bin. That was another £200 plus spent. I had already bought a load of shopping in Aldi's, £120's worth.

Today Allen brought his lawnmower, rake, electric hedge trimmer, pick-axe, boots, heavy duty gloves and a pair of jeans. First job was for Allen to mow the lawn and rake it. He then gave the hedges in the garden a quick trim.
Then we started on the front. The boxed privet hedge by the front door was given the "Debbie Cut", if you have seen my haircut you'll understand. Whilst Allen was using the hedge trimmer I set about clearing the weeds away done the side of the house. I was using a 'Spear & Jackson' hoe. Make short work of that.

Allen got me to move the cars so that he and I could set about the ivy, brambles and tree that borders my parking area. Well, in the 4 hours that we worked we cleared a huge space. I can now reverse the cars right up to the fence, before my front wheels were over the dividing Mark. Now they sit behind that line by about 2 feet.
I had brought a Redbridge council garden refuse bag with me from the flat, huge bag, takes a lot to fill it up. You cannot move it though. We'll get the greenery away tomorrow.

After yet another cup of tea Allen left me and went home. He had a chap coming around to his house to price up some paving Allen wants done. Meanwhile I was waiting for a plumber to come out to fix my leaking stopcock. The letting agents were aware about it, but they never told us about it till we saw a puddle forming on the floor.
The plumber would be with me between 15.00 and 18.00. So whilst I was waiting I started sorting out a few boxes with stationary items in. Plus tidying up the draws in the pine unit.
The plumber finally turned up at 17.50, and he was not able to fix the leak as he did mot have the correct size stopcock on board.

So more waiting for a new stopcock. I gave a tray under the leak to catch the water. Dinner time I think, luckily I had a 'ding' dinner, rarely do I use my microwave to cook a dinner but needs must.
Ate my dinner and washed up. Chilling out time with a beer, might watch a bit of the 23 fellas chasing a bag of wind about.
When a knock on the front door came, it was Allen with my washing that Val had done for and she had ironed it as well. Allen stayed and had a beer before walking back to his house.

Allen is back in the morning, we are going to get some of the garden rubbish away. Then I need a few more bits as well.
I have Matt n Shirley coming in the afternoon along with Allen and Val, might even get to see Debbie.

Many thanks for the "New Home" cards, plus the pm's and text messages. It is very much appreciated. Thank You All.

No going back now...............

FLYING BANANA 16th June 2018 20:10

Curtains up and.....................
................................. Model car collection back with me.

Slept well and woke up to see it raining. Meant the bag of garden rubbish would be a pain to move. So after breakfast, cereal again, I put together a shopping list. Got all the rubbish ready, including a few empty bottles. Quite a bit of cardboard to go as well. Made another cuppa just as the postman arrived, so I sat down and read my mail, and another "Welcome to your new home" card.

Just washed up when Allen and Val arrived, they had come round to put my curtains up. Upstairs was not a problem only two windows wanting new curtains. The spare room has an old set up. Not bothered about that.
The downstairs French windows were a bit of a pain. The wooden pole was filthy, another minus point for the letting agents. There are racking up. We knew the curtains would be too long, so Val is going to bring her machine round to shorten them.

So after another mug of tea my guests left as they had shopping to be done but said they would come back in the afternoon when Matt and Shirley would be here.
I loaded Redfive up with the rubbish and off to the tip I went, then I would pop into 'B&M's' to get some shopping. Only trouble was when I got to the tip I remembered I had left my shopping list plus bags back at the house. So once the rubbish was sorted I returned to the house to collect the forgotten items.

Into 'B&M's' and done my shopping, incoming text message from Matt telling me that they would be with me by 2pm. So shopping paid for and home we went. Put everything away and hot on with some vital paperwork and it was still raining, but it was summer rain, it's warmer. The time soon zoomed by and Matt n Shirley was here. And they brought me a house warming present, a clock with a funny logo plus another card to add to the mantelpiece. Kettle on, tea made and we sat and chatted. Then Allen and Val came in. More tea then!

With Allen, Matt and I we unloaded Grovey, another 14 boxes to be unpacked, mainly my model collection. For the first time since I bought them I would be able to get my Rolls-Royce collection put on display. Once done then we had another cuppa and sat and chatted. I showed everyone my wild cat photo album, pictures of the cats at Smarden Wildlife centre in Smarden Kent. ( A good day out but a wee bit expensive but worth it). Then my visitors had to go. I thanked Matt nShirley for storing my boxes plus my present. I might see Allen tomorrow.

After my dinner I set about getting the models out of there boxes and out onto display. With 21 Rollers on display plus a few other cars I decided to stop till tomorrow. Plenty of time to get everything out and I was feeling somewhat tired. So I'm now chillin' out with a pint of "Golden Hen" the Speckled Hen's little sister.

No going back now.........................

RPWC 16th June 2018 20:16


Originally Posted by FLYING BANANA (Post 2640788)
................................. Model car collection back with me.

Slept well and woke up to see it raining. Meant the bag of garden rubbish would be a pain to move. So after breakfast, cereal again, I put together a shopping list. Got all the rubbish ready, including a few empty bottles. Quite a bit of cardboard to go as well. Made another cuppa just as the postman arrived, so I sat down and read my mail, and another "Welcome to your new home" card.

Just washed up when Allen and Val arrived, they had come round to put my curtains up. Upstairs was not a problem only two windows wanting new curtains. The spare room has an old set up. Not bothered about that.
The downstairs French windows were a bit of a pain. The wooden pole was filthy, another minus point for the letting agents. There are racking up. We knew the curtains would be too long, so Val is going to bring her machine round to shorten them.

So after another mug of tea my guests left as they had shopping to be done but said they would come back in the afternoon when Matt and Shirley would be here.
I loaded Redfive up with the rubbish and off to the tip I went, then I would pop into 'B&M's' to get some shopping. Only trouble was when I got to the tip I remembered I had left my shopping list plus bags back at the house. So once the rubbish was sorted I returned to the house to collect the forgotten items.

Into 'B&M's' and done my shopping, incoming text message from Matt telling me that they would be with me by 2pm. So shopping paid for and home we went. Put everything away and hot on with some vital paperwork and it was still raining, but it was summer rain, it's warmer. The time soon zoomed by and Matt n Shirley was here. And they brought me a house warming present, a clock with a funny logo plus another card to add to the mantelpiece. Kettle on, tea made and we sat and chatted. Then Allen and Val came in. More tea then!

With Allen, Matt and I we unloaded Grovey, another 14 boxes to be unpacked, mainly my model collection. For the first time since I bought them I would be able to get my Rolls-Royce collection put on display. Once done then we had another cuppa and sat and chatted. I showed everyone my wild cat photo album, pictures of the cats at Smarden Wildlife centre in Smarden Kent. ( A good day out but a wee bit expensive but worth it). Then my visitors had to go. I thanked Matt nShirley for storing my boxes plus my present. I might see Allen tomorrow.

After my dinner I set about getting the models out of there boxes and out onto display. With 21 Rollers on display plus a few other cars I decided to stop till tomorrow. Plenty of time to get everything out and I was feeling somewhat tired. So I'm now chillin' out with a pint of "Golden Hen" the Speckled Hen's little sister.

No going back now.........................

I am having a bottle of Ruddle's Best tonight, but have a bottle of "Crafty Hen "for tomorrow.

FLYING BANANA 17th June 2018 16:47

Well at least the smoke alarm works..................
............................................. Don't know what the cleaners cleaned the grill with but flippin' 'eck, I never used to see that much smoke when I used to cremate the toast back at the flat.

Had another good nights kip. So after breakfast, cereal again. The model car collection needed unpacking. Got the Rolls-Royce collection, 21 cars, put out. Other than the MG collection everything else is in the lounge. There are few cars that need a bit of TLC. Even one of the Pocher Lamborghini's needs work.

Took me something 6 hours to sort everything out, and another 6 empty boxes are now stacked away in the shed. There are 3 boxes that have the empty model boxes in. One box contains spares or repairs.
I still have six 1/12th scale Jaguar XJ220's to get out to show. There are 3 out already including the East Midlands Police Car. There is another one of those, plus a Scottish Police car, the district escapes me but it is a Limited edition complete with certificate.
There is also a competition version, in Yellow. 3 more cars in plain colours and a further one which is in kit form.

Dinner time loomed up. Now you must understand that since 1982 I have only ever used a electric cooker at the flat. After we lost Dad my Mum wanted a electric cooker. Then when Val moved in she was happy to keep using the electric one. We even bought a new one, never liked this one.
After Val passed away I persevered with the perishing thing. Had the grill repaired twice and the oven once, element problems.
I let the insurance lapse as I intended to replace the cooker.

It knew what I had done 'cos the oven packed up completely. The grill and hot plates worked ok still. So I bought a halogen cooker to replace the non-working oven. Jan Goldson, Ian's better half, had one and loved it. You could cook anything in it. Very true, I cooked a roast, meat, taters and veg.
But now the halogen is redundant as I have a gas cooker with a nice oven to use.
Hence the smoke alarm going off when I used the grill. Ended up with the kitchen window and the front door open to dissipate the smoke.

Still dinner was nice. Chillin' with a beer now.

No going back now...........................

FLYING BANANA 19th June 2018 16:20

One week ago...................
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........................................... the van was loaded up and we was on our way to a new life.

Yesterday Allen and I got rid of the garden rubbish to the tip. We used the Bear as you can get more in. It took 3 trips to clear what we had cut down the previous day.

Today the carpenter came in and sorted out the kitchen so that my fridge freezer would fit in. He had to shave 30mm off of the unit so that it would fit. Well both Allen and I think he made a blinding job.
Now waiting on the plumber to come and fit a stop **** under the sink.

I have been out to post some letters and whilst out had a read up on the bus timetables. Been busy again today, lots of phone calls about change of address, all done barring one.
Allen popped in on his way round and fitted my wooden surround mirror up. I put up two clocks and re-framed one of my photo's.
Shredded loads of papers with my new machine from Aldi's.
Been out and put some weedkiller down.

And now some photo's.

FLYING BANANA 19th June 2018 16:22

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More photo's from the house.

FLYING BANANA 19th June 2018 16:25

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.................................... and to replace our Aet Deco Carrier bag!!!!!

FLYING BANANA 21st June 2018 07:23

One week into my new life.....................
.................................................. Have I done the right thing?

Well, yes I have done the right thing, and should have done it a few years back. But, there's always a but. But I could not move away from my flat or so I thought. What would my emotions be like if I ever went back?
Well after returning to the flat in Barkingside yesterday there was no emotions no tears and no sorrow.

So I have done the right thing. I still have my memories, my photo's and best of all my friends. I have loads of cards welcoming me to my new pad, and phone calls from as far away as Tayside North of the Border, (that is between England and Scotland, and not between Devon and Cornwall).

I now have my 3 cars parked up outside my front door. No chance of that happening in Barkingside. I can see to the far distant hills, across the Tamar valley and over to Dartmoor, I could barely see across the Roding Vally back in Essex because of the pollution haze. Some people dream of living next door to a pub, well my back garden here backs onto my local, but in the last week I've only been in once.

I'm happy now, a lot happier than I have been for a very long time. Here's to hoping the long shadows of depression are lifting away. Here's to the future.
Thank you all for your support and kindness.

MSS 21st June 2018 08:50


Originally Posted by FLYING BANANA (Post 2642247)

I now have my 3 cars parked up outside my front door. No chance of that happening in Barkingside. I can see to the far distant hills, across the Tamar valley and over to Dartmoor, I could barely see across the Roding Vally back in Essex because of the pollution haze. Some people dream of living next door to a pub, well my back garden here backs onto my local, but in the last week I've only been in once.

I'm happy now, a lot happier than I have been for a very long time. Here's to hoping the long shadows of depression are lifting away. Here's to the future.
Thank you all for your support and kindness.

Enjoy your new life in Cornwall. We spent a few days not far from Saltash a few years back - it's a beautiful area. Cothele House is one of the places we visited in the Tamar Valley.

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