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Dallas 9th January 2018 15:00

Testicle Pain
Hi fella's, I come looking for some advice, not car related though, it's a medical question. I thought who better to ask than a bunch of friendly guys, as you do when you're down the pub playing a game of pool. :D

So here goes... Have any of you guys suffered pain in the testes/balls? :eek:

I have been suffering pain/aching in my right testicle for 12 years now, and its driving me nuts... excuse the pun. I've had 3 ultrasounds during that time which have all come back normal. I have seen a urologist back in 2012 which was a waste of time, he said it could be Epididymitis, or its something I may have to live with as sometimes men get pain in the testes and we have no diagnosis to why. :shrug:

I've had several courses of different antibiotics to treat Epidiymitis, which relieves the pain for a short while, but as soon as I've finished the course the pain returns in a matter of days/weeks. The specialist did say they could operate and remove part/or all of the epididymis in severe case's, but he was not 100% sure this was the problem. He also said the operation could make the pain worst, that the removal of the epididymis doesn't always work.

The condition seems to be getting worst, the constant aching accompanied with pain is becoming unbearable. As soon as I sit down I am in agony, even certain clothing (jeans or trousers) I wear will trigger the pain and discomfort. I reckon soon I will need to wear a skirt, at least this will not aggravate the condition. lol :D

I went to the docs last week and said I've had enough, cut my blooming balls off I said. :eek: The doc is now sending me for another ultrasound which is this Thursday, this time I am hoping they can find what is causing the pain. The pain is always in my right testicle, groin area, and will travel to my inner thigh and down my right leg to my foot, at times my foot is in agony which does effect my walking.

This will be my 4th ultrasound, so its time to bear-all again to the lovely LADY specialist, we are getting to know each other quite well. :D

So... have any of you guys experienced something so crazy as this?

KLM 9th January 2018 15:30

It could be a varicose vein problem,
Had a similar problem myself when I had a job that required a lot of time standing on my feet by a conveyor line.


Dallas 9th January 2018 16:41


Originally Posted by KLM (Post 2581937)
It could be a varicose vein problem,
Had a similar problem myself when I had a job that required a lot of time standing on my feet by a conveyor line.


Thanks kev, I've read about this and it certainly would make sense.

Mine started the same, my job involve standing on my feet all day and involved a lot of heavy lifting, each afternoon I would feel an ache deep in the groin which would run down my right leg. It wasn't as bad at the beginning, so I put off going to the docs for a year or so, then I gave in as it was getting worst.

Did you have the pain/heavy ache in the left or right testicle, and did the pain travel down your leg to your foot? Did you have the veins removed, or did your pain just go on its own?

LeRich 9th January 2018 17:46

I know of someone who was an HGV driver that was diagnosed with a twisted ball - basically, the ball has rotated in his ballbag, twisting the tubes. He got it sorted but can't remember if via surgeon or some careful persuasion.

Gate Keeper 9th January 2018 17:57

4 years ago, I suffered a poisonous spider bite to the balls in South Africa. The pain was excruciating, the balls swelled up and went black. I had to see the doctor every 2 days for dressings, pain relief, antibiotics and reviews as the poison was necrotizing. Basically there was a risk of one of balls dropping out of the testicular sac because the poison makes the skin rot and surgery would be needed. It was a living nightmare.

That went on for 3 months and it eventually cleared up until 2 years ago, when I got ball ache. The balls turned blue and my GP referred me to a surgeon in London. Like yourself Wes, I had a scan. In follow up I was told I had “varicose veins in the balls of moderate severity”. I was offered surgery, but this was postponed because of the bypass surgery I had in the leg. What was interesting and also was a relief, the bypass surgery cleared up the ball problem permanently.

I can empathise with you about testicular pain. It’s also something which is never easy to talk about on a public forum.

Dallas 9th January 2018 18:19


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2581987)
4 years ago, I suffered a poisonous spider bite to the balls in South Africa. The pain was excruciating, the balls swelled up and went black. I had to see the doctor every 2 days for dressings, pain relief, antibiotics and reviews as the poison was necrotizing. Basically there was a risk of one of balls dropping out of the testicular sac because the poison makes the skin rot and surgery would be needed. It was a living nightmare.

That went on for 3 months and it eventually cleared up until 2 years ago, when I got ball ache. The balls turned blue and my GP referred me to a surgeon in London. Like yourself Wes, I had a scan. In follow up I was told I had “varicose veins in the balls of moderate severity”. I was offered surgery, but this was postponed because of the bypass surgery I had in the leg. What was interesting and also was a relief, the bypass surgery cleared up the ball problem permanently.

I can empathise with you about testicular pain. It’s also something which is never easy to talk about on a public forum.

Spider! Blooming ek! Phil, that sounded painful. :eek:

Public forum :eek: I'm not shy, I'll talk about anything me... :getmecoat:

I've just been doing some reading about varicose veins in the testes, seems to be called 'Varicocele' and I reckon this is what my problem is...

I've just taken a look... AGAIN! :D and Yes! I have two whopping dark veins right at the bottom hidden out of sight. I suppose the doc missed these last week... :duh: The more I read about Varicocele, the more I reckon this is the problem I am suffering from.

I cant wait till Thursday, It will be blooming fantastic to learn this is actually my problem. I've read they can perform a Varicocelectomy which is a one day surgery, if this is the case I'm there like a bat out of hell.

To be free of testicle pain after 10 years of suffering will be blooming fantastic. :D

I have everything crossed, expect my legs because it flipping hurts. :getmecoat:

murphyv310 9th January 2018 18:22

Water is brilliant and we don't drink enough, plain water without juice etc is best. I am recovering from a couple of days of gout and having 4 litres of water a day has sped up the relief from pain, it normally lasts a couple of weeks.
Well worth a try and water is free into the bargain.

Dallas 9th January 2018 18:39

I have a new dentist now, she is wonderful. I wouldn't mind her looking at my bits. :}

Its funny you should mention teeth, I said to my GP only last week ''I feel like I have Trigeminal Neuralgia of the testes'' he only looks up and tells me that is possible... :eek: I'm sure he was joking, I cant tell when he's joking and when he isn't. :shrug:

I drink plenty of water, that is all I do drink, or fruit juice. :shrug: I dont drink tea or coffee, no wine or beer anymore, haven't done for years. I'm a bit of a health freak to be honest, plenty of fruit and veg etc, I don't even smoke... You wouldn't believe it would you?

Phil has got me thinking I may have a heart problem now, is aching balls first sign of heart disease? I've already asked my father this, he says he has never suffered testicle pain, and he does have heart decease.

Gate Keeper 9th January 2018 18:44


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2581997)
Spider! Blooming ek! Phil, that sounded painful. :eek:

Public forum :eek: I'm not shy, I'll talk about anything me... :getmecoat:

I've just been doing some reading about varicose veins in the testes, seems to be called 'Varicocele' and I reckon this is what my problem is...

I've just taken a look... AGAIN! :D and Yes! I have two whopping dark veins right at the bottom hidden out of sight. I suppose the doc missed these last week... :duh: The more I read about Varicocele, the more I reckon this is the problem I am suffering from.

I cant wait till Thursday, It will be blooming fantastic to learn this is actually my problem. I've read they can perform a Varicocelectomy which is a one day surgery, if this is the case I'm there like a bat out of hell.

To be free of testicle pain after 10 years of suffering will be blooming fantastic. :D

I have everything crossed, expect my legs because it flipping hurts. :getmecoat:

Don’t forget your rights to a correct diagnosis and to the correct treatment. If your not happy Wes, ask for a 2nd or even 3rd opinion. With my bad leg it took me 3 attempts to find a surgeon who would agree to operate and who also had the right skills. Good luck on Thursday.

ps My heart is in great shape. I had to have the leg bypass because I had an embolism and blood clot 5 days after doing a long haul flight. The blood supply was blocked from the knee below and the foot went gangrenous - nothing to do with heart at all ;)

Dallas 9th January 2018 19:14


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2582008)
Don’t forget your rights to a correct diagnosis and to the correct treatment. If your not happy Wes, ask for a 2nd or even 3rd opinion. With my bad leg it took me 3 attempts to find a surgeon who would agree to operate and who also had the right skills. Good luck on Thursday.

ps My heart is in great shape. I had to have the leg bypass because I had an embolism and blood clot 5 days after doing a long haul flight. The blood supply was blocked from the knee below and the foot went gangrenous - nothing to do with heart at all ;)

Thanks for the clarification Phil, I can stress a little less. :}

Getting the correct diagnosis has taken 10 years :eek: and I still dont even have a diagnoses yet. Its near-enough impossible to get an appointment with my GP, but to be fair, he has fast-tracked this Ultrasound appointment through.

I phoned the hospital to confirm the appointment today, and they had a cancellation so I'm booked in for this Thursday.

My wife has taken photos of my bits showing the large dark veins incase the veins go down, the swelling has got to be the cause of the pain. This would make sense as I've done more than my fair share of heavy lifting, standing all day long, plus weight training many years ago...

This sounds so obvious to me... Copy and paste...
A spermatic cord holds up each testicle. The cords also contain the veins, arteries, and nerves that support these glands. In healthy veins inside the scrotum, one-way valves move the blood from the testicles to the scrotum, and then they send it back to the heart.

Sometimes the blood doesn’t move through the veins like it should and begins to pool in the vein, causing it to enlarge. A varicocele develops slowly over time.

stevestrat 9th January 2018 19:21

I hope you get a satisfactory solution Wes, there's nothing worse than a mystery pain. I had long term shoulder pain, I'd damaged something within the joint itself, because there was no blood supply to the damaged area painkillers did nothing. Never reached a real conclusion, it faded itself but rears its ugly head every time I do something strenuous with the arm, particularly lifting anything above shoulder height.

Nobby 9th January 2018 19:22

I really feel for you mate – one of the worst pains there is. I also salute you for discussing openly – us men tend to grin and bear it too much.

Certainly sitting on or trapping one of your balls can cause inflammation (epididimitis) of the plumbing to the testicle; (I know from experience - sat on mine a few times and is quite common male complaint. Similarly an infection, cyst or blockage in the epididimis tubes can cause a swelling and discomfort/tenderness/pain which may come and go. Does a hot bath ease the symptoms or can you actually feel any swelling when the balls relax? The symptoms should pass over a couple of days unless there is an underlying issue. Other issues can be a sort of varicose vein which you should be able to fell at the top of the sack above the ball. Both case can been seen by physical examination by the GP and thro’ a scan. I’m no doctor or medic but I’d discount a twisted ball as this is apparently very serious and if not treated urgently in A&E will result in the testicle dying. – your previous checks would have found this so would look for other possible causes.
I would question with your GP whether there is another issue which will cause ball ache and particularly pain extending down your inner thigh and leg. This I believe is typical of sciatic nerve injury which can often cause groin/ testicular pain as well as aches or shooting pains, tingling (pins and needles) down the inner thigh, buttocks and legs. Sciatic pain is indicative of injury elsewhere, even to damage or prolapsed disks and damaged vertebrae. Questions to consider – have you had any back injury (standing prolonged periods/ lifting/twisting or slipping, jumping down out of a vehicle cab)? Are you carrying a bit of weight (as in overweight)? Play sports? The cause may well be in your back or pelvic area causing referred pain and irritation. Again does a hot soak in the bath ease the symptoms?

Finally and perhaps more importantly another consideration to discuss with your GP is whether there is any risk of prostate issues which can also causes testicular pain etc.

Hope you get to the bottom of this (oops sorry wrong side!) – don’t ignore and don't get stressed – if your not getting the answers from your GP – go to A&E and get a second opinion. Good luck…

SCP440 9th January 2018 19:29

Seeing this I just rung a friend who had exactly the same problem a few years ago. Numerous treatments and scans and it would get a little better but never completely clear up.

Eventually he took the dramatic decision to have it removed, he had to pay but was surprised at how cheap it was as he didn't stay overnight. Once recovered from the anaesthetic he was given a drink and a sandwich and once he had emptied his bladder he was aloud to go home, a couple of days of discomfort apparently ( makes me wince at the thought) but he reckons it was worth every penny.

He also reckons everything works as it should.

KLM 9th January 2018 19:55


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2581964)
Thanks kev, I've read about this and it certainly would make sense. The constant changing from swelling to not swelling would explain the discomfort, and I do have what looks like a few large dead veins.

Did you have the pain/heavy ache in the left or right testicle, and did the pain travel down your leg to your foot? Did you have the veins removed, or did your pain just go on its own?

Pain was in my left testes, a dull sort of dragging ache. it travelled no further than the scrotum.
I changed jobs almost as soon as it developed, within 7/10 days resting it went

Dallas 9th January 2018 20:07


Originally Posted by stevestrat (Post 2582024)
I hope you get a satisfactory solution Wes, there's nothing worse than a mystery pain. I had long term shoulder pain, I'd damaged something within the joint itself, because there was no blood supply to the damaged area painkillers did nothing. Never reached a real conclusion, it faded itself but rears its ugly head every time I do something strenuous with the arm, particularly lifting anything above shoulder height.

Thanks Steve, that certainly sounds very painful, I hope it doesn't bother you too much.


Originally Posted by Nobby (Post 2582025)
I really feel for you mate – one of the worst pains there is. I also salute you for discussing openly – us men tend to grin and bear it too much.

Certainly sitting on or trapping one of your balls can cause inflammation (epididimitis) of the plumbing to the testicle; (I know from experience - sat on mine a few times and is quite common male complaint. Similarly an infection, cyst or blockage in the epididimis tubes can cause a swelling and discomfort/tenderness/pain which may come and go. Does a hot bath ease the symptoms or can you actually feel any swelling when the balls relax? The symptoms should pass over a couple of days unless there is an underlying issue. Other issues can be a sort of varicose vein which you should be able to fell at the top of the sack above the ball. Both case can been seen by physical examination by the GP and thro’ a scan. I’m no doctor or medic but I’d discount a twisted ball as this is apparently very serious and if not treated urgently in A&E will result in the testicle dying. – your previous checks would have found this so would look for other possible causes.
I would question with your GP whether there is another issue which will cause ball ache and particularly pain extending down your inner thigh and leg. This I believe is typical of sciatic nerve injury which can often cause groin/ testicular pain as well as aches or shooting pains, tingling (pins and needles) down the inner thigh, buttocks and legs. Sciatic pain is indicative of injury elsewhere, even to damage or prolapsed disks and damaged vertebrae. Questions to consider – have you had any back injury (standing prolonged periods/ lifting/twisting or slipping, jumping down out of a vehicle cab)? Are you carrying a bit of weight (as in overweight)? Play sports? The cause may well be in your back or pelvic area causing referred pain and irritation. Again does a hot soak in the bath ease the symptoms?

Finally and perhaps more importantly another consideration to discuss with your GP is whether there is any risk of prostate issues which can also causes testicular pain etc.

Hope you get to the bottom of this (oops sorry wrong side!) – don’t ignore and don't get stressed – if your not getting the answers from your GP – go to A&E and get a second opinion. Good luck…

Thanks Paul, I originally went 10 years ago because I thought the pain and swelling was due to something sinister. Thankfully the scans came back normal, and here we are 10 years in the same pain, but the worst most painful days are becoming more frequent.

Prostrate, been there and done that, been checked along with piles (haemorrhoids) and YES! I've had a Colonoscopy... I didn't know I enjoyed photography so much (its not fun I tell ya). :getmecoat:

I'm no stranger to pain, some of you guys may already know that I suffer from Trigeminal Neuralgia. I had to be a rare case didn't I :shrug: the pain effects both-sides of my face/head on all three nerve branches. I totally understand why its known as the suicide decease, but its not beaten me yet...

I've had CT head scans and MRI scans only to be told there is no nerve compression, so they will not operate. They say my TN is caused through dental trauma, certain dental work that had been done badly which has damage the trigeminal nerve... I should write a book on it, it helps by being a member on the Living with TN site, some amazing stories to be told. :eek:

This pain in the testes though is really getting on my nerves, I said to my wife Christmas day, 2018 is the year the NHS are going to fix my balls. If I can get my right testicle pain fixed, then I can concentrate on the trigeminal nerve pain and deal with it a lot easier.

... and all this, and I'm only 45.

Thanks again Paul.

Dallas 9th January 2018 20:35


Originally Posted by SCP440 (Post 2582028)
Seeing this I just rung a friend who had exactly the same problem a few years ago. Numerous treatments and scans and it would get a little better but never completely clear up.

Eventually he took the dramatic decision to have it removed, he had to pay but was surprised at how cheap it was as he didn't stay overnight. Once recovered from the anaesthetic he was given a drink and a sandwich and once he had emptied his bladder he was aloud to go home, a couple of days of discomfort apparently ( makes me wince at the thought) but he reckons it was worth every penny.

He also reckons everything works as it should.

Thanks Steve, You didn't have to do that, certainly very much appreciated.
I really do understand why your friend chose that option, this was the first thing I said to my doc last week... just cut the blooming thing off. :eek:

This is an option I really want to avoid, but if it stops the pain and constant ache, then I'm there with bells on. :getmecoat:


Originally Posted by KLM (Post 2582038)
Pain was in my left testes, a dull sort of dragging ache. it travelled no further than the scrotum.
I changed jobs almost as soon as it developed, within 7/10 days resting it went

I was hoping you were going to say the right one, the left one seems to be the norm in suffering Varicocele, the right-side not so common.

This would mean my case may not be Varicocele, I am wishing with all my heart that it is... I really hope its something as simple as Varicocele, this would mean an easy fix... and I get to keep both of them... lol

Roll-on Thursday.

fega72 9th January 2018 20:46


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2581931)
Hi fella's, I come looking for some advice, not car related though. Its another medical health question, and I thought who better to ask... another male I thought.

So here goes... Have any of you guys suffered pain in the testes/balls? :eek:

I have been suffering pain/aching in my right testicle for 10 years now, and its driving me nuts... excuse the pun. I've had 3 ultrasounds during that time which have all come back normal. I have seen a urologist back in 2012 which was a waste of time, he said it could be Epididymitis, or its something I may have to live with as sometimes men get pain in the testes and we have no diagnosis to why. :shrug:

I've had several courses of different antibiotics to treat Epidiymitis, which relieves the pain for a short while, but then the pain returns in a matter of days/weeks. The specialist did say they could operate and remove part/or all of the epididymis in severe case's, but he was not 100% sure this was the problem. He also said the operation could make the pain worst, that the removal of the epididymis doesn't always work.

Lets fast forward 5 years to today... The pain has got worst, its becoming unbearable. As soon as I sit down I am in agony, even certain jeans or trousers I wear will trigger the pain, I suppose that is due to the high-rise of the crutch area or inner seam of the jeans/trousers. I reckon soon I will need to wear a skirt, at least this will not aggravate the condition. lol :D

I went to the docs last week and said I've had enough, cut my blooming balls off. :eek: The doc is now sending me for another ultrasound which is this Thursday, this time I am hoping they can find what is causing the pain. The pain is always in my right testicle, and will travel to my inner thigh and down my right leg to my foot, at times my foot is in sheer agony which effects my walking.

This will be my 4th ultrasound, so its time to bear-all again to the lovely LADY specialist, we are getting to know each other quite well. :D

So... have any of you fella's experienced something so crazy as this?

Are you sleeping on your right side?

Dallas 9th January 2018 20:49


Originally Posted by fega72 (Post 2582059)
Are you sleeping on your right side?

I tend to sleep on my left side.

Proud owner 9th January 2018 21:45

Been following this and hope that they diagnose the problem and you have access to the solution without delay.

As said earlier it is good that you have discussed this openly, it is something dear to my heart having been an early supporter of a charity called Check 'em Lads, I'd urge everybody to have a look at their web-site.

I wish you all the best.

Dallas 9th January 2018 22:09

I think I must have taken some Radweld in the past, my tubes must be blocked. :duh:

Taken from Wiki.
The cause is unknown, but is thought to result from abnormalities of the veins inside the testicles, leading to a backup of blood that cannot flow, which in turn causes swelling. There are three main theories as to the anatomical cause; the first has to do with the geometry of the veins, wherein the vein on the left side connects to the larger outflowing vein at a right angle, which tends to fail; the second is that valves that are supposed to prevent backflow fail (venous insufficiency); the third is that pressure in upstream arteries creates a “nutcracker” syndrome.


Bogbrush82 9th January 2018 22:36

Testicular Torsion?

murphyv310 10th January 2018 13:10

Being married Wes it has to be caused by lack of nookie :wot:
So time to blame it on the other half and lay down some ground rules :drool4::D:smilie_re: more ***

Dallas 10th January 2018 13:46


Originally Posted by murphyv310 (Post 2582204)
Being married Wes it has to be caused by lack of nookie :wot:
So time to blame it on the other half and lay down some ground rules :drool4::D:smilie_re: more ***

Lol Trev, There is such a thing called 'Blue Balls' :eek: fluid congestion in the testicles which can cause testicular pain if the situation is not relieved... :D :getmecoat:

The doc and I spoke about this a few years ago, and I went home and said to the wife, the doc says the cure is... lots of sex. :D
The wife smiled at me, and I thought YES! :D
She said, just wait there a minute... cool I thought. :cool:
She comes back and handed me a roll of toilet tissue... LOL :duh: :shrug:

Joking aside, my wife has been great all through this, we actually tried lots of the 'three letter word' :D and it does help the pain most of the time. There has been many times where the ache/pain has subsided or has stopped completely, but this only lasts for a few days.

On occasions it doesn't make any difference, so there doesn't seem to be a pattern to this problem, but there must be some sort of connection. Unless I'm producing a super amount of sperm which is swelling the epididymis tubes, something to ask the specialists I suppose.

A colleague of mine had pain in one of his testicles, he was told he had a swollen sperm tube which was infected. Two week course of antibiotics and he was all sorted, the problem never returned.

If only that was me...

Gate Keeper 10th January 2018 14:07

Just a brief message Wes, when you see the technician for the scan on Thursday, tell her your suspicions that it could be varicose veins. She will be able to tell you the outcome of her findings if you ask and I hope she is able to get to the source of the trouble. Don’t worry if you get an erection whilst she is prodding your balls or lifting them up with the probe. Those technicians are trained to use the ‘flick of the finger” method.......;)

Dallas 10th January 2018 14:36


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2582223)
Just a brief message Wes, when you see the technician for the scan on Thursday, tell her your suspicions that it could be varicose veins. She will be able to tell you the outcome of her findings if you ask and I hope she is able to get to the source of the trouble. Don’t worry if you get an erection whilst she is prodding your balls or lifting them up with the probe. Those technicians are trained to use the ‘flick of the finger” method.......;)

Lol :eek: Thanks Phil. :o Its one of those situations us fellas really dread the most isn't it? This is my fourth scan off the testes, thankfully the full salute hasn't happened to me yet... :D

Dallas 10th January 2018 17:30

Some say having sex makes things worst, I have read many cases which all say the same as you. In my case it actually makes things better, its like a great weight has been lifted off my balls. :eek:

I always seemed to have a constant dull heavy ache in the right testicle, this is also felt in the groin area, down my leg to my foot. It feels like I'm actually carrying around a bowling ball :eek: a constant drag of heavy pain radiating up and down my leg to my testicle. The pain is always at the top of the testicle, this is where the epididymitis is, it gets very tender to the touch at times.

Sitting and walking will make it worst, wearing certain clothing will start the pain off instantly, even though the clothing isn't tight. I will go to bed at night with the pain, and wake up in the morning with no pain, so laying down is bliss. When the pain is at its worst my testicle is slightly swollen, when the swelling goes down the pain subsides.

It certainly sounds as though veins or tubes are getting blocked, or there is an infection that is adding to the problem. I've had several courses on antibiotics over the years, but these only work for a short time. The dosage has only been for one or two weeks though, maybe I need a longer increased dosage like you have mentioned. :shrug:

I'm just hoping they see something tomorrow, if they just palm me of like all the other times... I dont know what's going to happen. The inflammation tablets and pain killers are no longer working. :shrug:

stevestrat 10th January 2018 17:33


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2582307)
Clive, You are the second person to say having sex makes things worst, I have read many cases which all say the same as you. In my case it actually makes things better, its like a great weight has been lifted off my balls. :eek:

Yeah, and its even more effective of you can find someone else to do it with :D

lady zed 10th January 2018 17:59

Well this has been most entertaining :D

In all seriousness, if sex makes things better and antibiotics relief things, albeit temporarily, it does sound more like a blockage, possibly compounded by varicose veins in the vicinity.

Good luck tomorrow, hope they get you sorted, tell you wife she has my sympathy, men don't do pain very well :p:

HarryM1BYT 10th January 2018 18:01


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2582219)
Lol Trev, There is such a thing called 'Blue Balls' :eek: fluid congestion in the testicles which can cause testicular pain if the situation is not relieved... :D :getmecoat:

The doc and I spoke about this a few years ago, and I went home and said to the wife, the doc says the cure is... lots of sex. :D
The wife smiled at me, and I thought YES! :D
She said, just wait there a minute... cool I thought. :cool:
She comes back and handed me a roll of toilet tissue... LOL :duh: :shrug:

I used to suffer bouts of this, with no idea what it might be. I only came across it when I researched it and the research I did suggested that not all doctors believe there is such a thing.

For me it was a constant nagging pain around the groin area, but with no particular point of focus.

murphyv310 10th January 2018 18:59

I had a Hydrocele in one of my tackle a few years back, the missus seemed to be quite taken on by it!!! It did go down after a few months, painless though.
At the time I thought the name of it was something I could order from Karcher!

Gate Keeper 10th January 2018 19:29


Originally Posted by murphyv310 (Post 2582359)
I had a Hydrocele in one of my tackle a few years back, the missus seemed to be quite taken on by it!!! It did go down after a few months, painless though.
At the time I thought the name of it was something I could order from Karcher!

Good evening Trevor, all the best for Ann’s surgery tomorrow. I hope it resolves everything and she makes an uneventful recovery. A Hydrocele is not at all pleasant in its appearance. I am glad to hear it cleared up.

murphyv310 10th January 2018 21:16


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2582375)
Good evening Trevor, all the best for Ann’s surgery tomorrow. I hope it resolves everything and she makes an uneventful recovery. A Hydrocele is not at all pleasant in its appearance. I am glad to hear it cleared up.

Thank you Phil, you are very kind :D

Dallas 11th January 2018 14:36

Well that was fun, not! :shrug: seems second nature to me now. :getmecoat:

They found some varicocele's and cysts in both testicles, BUT! he tells me its not severe enough for surgery.:shrug:

The varicocele's are only 2mm in size which means they will not remove or clamp them, the veins must be 4mm or larger for them to operate. He said the cysts are also too small and will not be the cause for the discomfort, he also scanned my kidneys and found nothing wrong. The strangest thing was, the varicocele's are larger in my left testicle, which is the most common side to have them, but I dont suffer any pain in the left one. He said the pain does not cross, so there is no concern there.

I'm no better off it seems, its back to square one again. :shrug: He did say that I should go back to my GP and ask to be referred to the urologist again, see if they can investigate further, or maybe do the operation to remove the varicocele's. He did say the chances are very slim, they generally dont operate in cases like mine. :shrug:

I'm thankful they didn't find anything sinister, but I wish they had found something that meant a fix/cure. This means I'm going to suffer this awful pain and discomfort for the rest of my life, unless a miracle happens. You would think having found some varicocele's and cysts would give good reason to think this must be the cause to why the patient is in pain... but obviously not. :shrug:

Sometimes I really despise the NHS, whoever sets the rules need to suffer the same pain as I do. Its always the same situation, unless you are actually dying they dont want to know. It has always been the same regarding my Trigeminal neuralgia, they just dont want to do anything. You are expected to suffer a living hell, spend each day in pain. :shrug: Its true when people say... sometimes you are better off dead. :shrug:

I suppose I could go private and see what can be done, but why should I have to... I pay my taxes. :mad:

I see my thread is full of 'Shugs' that explains everything doesn't it really. :shrug: lol

stevestrat 11th January 2018 14:43


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2582614)
I see my thread is full of 'Shugs' that explains everything doesn't it really. :shrug: lol

Puts me in mind of when I had stomach problems a few years ago, tests, cameras down the throat etc. Eventually they came to the conclusion it could be IBS which struck me as the medical equivalent of shrugging their shoulders.

madeupname 11th January 2018 21:07

Hi. I had an ache in my right test tickle. It went after I had a groin hernia op. See if anything is bulging when you cough ;)

Dallas 11th January 2018 21:22


Originally Posted by madeupname (Post 2582786)
Hi. I had an ache in my right test tickle. It went after I had a groin hernia op. See if anything is bulging when you cough ;)

My father said to me earlier this evening it may be a hernia, both he and I have a hiatus hernia caused by heavy lifting. It never enter my head it could be a hernia down below, I will mention this to my GP next week.

Today at the scan I had to cough, bend etc a few times... I wonder if that is what they were looking for, but they didn't scan my groin, so how would they know? :shrug:

Proud owner 11th January 2018 21:36

Pleased to hear nothing sinister was found, but sorry that you sill don't appear to have received a satisfactory answer to what is causing the pain, a remedy to take it away and finally, that you are being expected to continue to suffer with it.

I am afraid it looks as if you will have to resort to having this investigated and treated privately. Although expensive, its benefit in terms of the speed, assurance that it is being sorted and relief will make you realise what a good investment it is.

I had to have a hernia op three years ago, the pain was incredible and I just couldn't face the 6-8 month waiting time to have the required surgery under the NHS. I was able to see a specialist within three days, the test results were back the following day and the surgery was done after a further four days. Cost was £3,250.

Yes, I too had paid the full amount into the system and had to deal with the initial resentment I felt, but that is now behind me and I realise more and more that the NHS is ultimately broken in its current state and whilst in some instances its treatment is exemplary, this unfortunately is one of those many situations where it can't be relied upon.

(I don't want to get into a political argument here over my comments, I am just relaying my personal experience and trying to extend my sympathy to Wes and suggest a possible solution)

madeupname 11th January 2018 21:41

Always best to get hernias sorted. They can rupture and cause even bigger problems. Good luck with it and I hope they sort you out soon :}

Bogbrush82 11th January 2018 22:20


This may sound a bit saft, but have they given you a blood test to check your uric acid levels? High amounts can cause a condition called Hyperuricaemia, which can cause testicular pain.

Excess levels can also cause Gout.

Dallas 11th January 2018 22:27


Originally Posted by Proud owner (Post 2582799)
Pleased to hear nothing sinister was found, but sorry that you sill don't appear to have received a satisfactory answer to what is causing the pain, a remedy to take it away and finally, that you are being expected to continue to suffer with it.

I am afraid it looks as if you will have to resort to having this investigated and treated privately. Although expensive, its benefit in terms of the speed, assurance that it is being sorted and relief will make you realise what a good investment it is.

I had to have a hernia op three years ago, the pain was incredible and I just couldn't face the 6-8 month waiting time to have the required surgery under the NHS. I was able to see a specialist within three days, the test results were back the following day and the surgery was done after a further four days. Cost was £3,250.

Yes, I too had paid the full amount into the system and had to deal with the initial resentment I felt, but that is now behind me and I realise more and more that the NHS is ultimately broken in its current state and whilst in some instances its treatment is exemplary, this unfortunately is one of those many situations where it can't be relied upon.

(I don't want to get into a political argument here over my comments, I am just relaying my personal experience and trying to extend my sympathy to Wes and suggest a possible solution)

Thank you ever so much for your post Jim, it means a lot. You have captured exactly how I feel, your story has given me hope. The wife and I have spoke in length today about what my next options are (if any). :shrug: I suppose I better wait and see if my GP will (or can) refer me to the urologist again. Just lately it seems GP's have little or no power to help the ill, they seem helpless to the point of them not existing...

I've said this before and I will say it again, animals (pets) get better treatment than us humans. I know vet bills are not cheap, but even the animal charities offer exceptional free service in care of a pet.

Thanks again, it means alot.
I've actually run-out of 'Thanks'


Originally Posted by madeupname (Post 2582800)
Always best to get hernias sorted. They can rupture and cause even bigger problems. Good luck with it and I hope they sort you out soon :}

Thanks Adrian, I will mention this to my GP.


Originally Posted by Bogbrush82 (Post 2582813)

This may sound a bit saft, but have they given you a blood test to check your uric acid levels? High amounts can cause a condition called Hyperuricaemia, which can cause testicular pain.

Excess levels can also cause Gout.

I've had a few urine tests overt the years, also one just before Christmas, they always come back normal (not even signs of an infection). :shrug: The doc still gave me some strong antibiotics, he says an infection can be underlying, doesn't always show-up on tests... My reply was... what for 10 whole years... :shrug:

I just dont get it... :shrug:

Dallas 11th January 2018 22:40

Also, Thank you to everyone else for your kind words, I know us fellas dont really like talking about personal problems, especially health related ones. None of you are expected to read my thread/topic about achy testicles :o LOL and I certainly wouldn't blame you if you just clicked the 'Back' button. We've had a laugh which always helps, and this is what I enjoy the most (some friendly banter).

I suppose you could say I have reached out for some friendly support from my fellow Rover 75/ZT colleague's, it has certainly helped me a little. I think it helps try and put things in perspective, stops you from spiralling downwards into further misery. This club is so much more than just a car club, there is nothing like it... not anywhere. :bowdown:

Also, sorry LadyZ (Anna) for having to put up with me going on about my bits... :eek: I will apologise in person one day, Kev will have to bring you down here on his next visit. :}

greendriver 12th January 2018 10:21

I once had to undergo a procedure called urethral dilation, because my specialist urine evacualtion tool had healed over at the end (basically a rebore). Not fun.

Gate Keeper 12th January 2018 10:39

I thought hard about what I am about to say and please no more thanks Wes. Even if you went private, the outcome may well be the same. It’s a clinical decision why you have not been offered surgery based on guidelines and the measurement sizes of the veins. Whilst your condition is extremely painful or uncomfortable, it’s not life threatening and even day surgery has its risks. The doc could tell you to live with the pain on painkillers, to carry on with monitoring and reviews etc, Bear in mind with surgery there aren’t always guaranteed outcomes, but you can still discuss your options with a different Urologist surgeon. By all means ask about going private. If self-funding, you have to shop around for a set package ‘all in one deal”.

I had to wear a bag for 6 months after my bladder became blocked. It was no big deal. NHS surgery took 6 months waiting for the benign obstruction to be removed.

Lancpudn 12th January 2018 10:56

My missus says I'm not allowed to have any. :D

Dallas 12th January 2018 12:43

I did ask the question about over-producing, and why the pain is relieved after some fun & games. :D He couldn't answer the question, he explained that the body will absorb what it doesn't use or need. I did say to him that this isn't happening in my case, its obviously swelling the epididymis, this is what swells and gets unbelievably tender and painful. This is when he said to go back to the urologist, my previous visit was back in 2012.


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2582932)
I thought hard about what I am about to say and please no more thanks Wes. Even if you went private, the outcome may well be the same. It’s a clinical decision why you have not been offered surgery based on guidelines and the measurement sizes of the veins. Whilst your condition is extremely painful or uncomfortable, it’s not life threatening and even day surgery has its risks. The doc could tell you to live with the pain on painkillers, to carry on with monitoring and reviews etc, Bear in mind with surgery there aren’t always guaranteed outcomes, but you can still discuss your options with a different Urologist surgeon. By all means ask about going private. If self-funding, you have to shop around for a set package ‘all in one deal”.

I had to wear a bag for 6 months after my bladder became blocked. It was no big deal. NHS surgery took 6 months waiting for the benign obstruction to be removed.

I totally agree Phil, this was the exact same discussion I had with the urologist back in 2012, also my GP before Christmas. The urologist said the problem is most probably a swelling of the epididymis, that an operation could/can make the situation worst. He told me that they could remove part or all of the epididymis, but theres no guarantee it would solve the problem. :shrug: I suppose there are case's where the operation has failed for a certain percentage of patients, they obviously use this as a guideline as you have suggested.

To be honest, I'm not even sure I could go through with the operation, even though with all this discomfort that I suffer on a day to day basis it wearing me down. I must have a high pain tolerance thats for sure, this must stem from suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia for all these years. I've now developed a phobia surrounding medication, this is all due to the cocktail of drugs that I was prescribed at the beginning of my diagnoses. The side-effects from the medication were horrendous, so I soon learnt to cope without the drugs.

I guest you just learn to cope, you build up a defence mentally. But still, its very hard at times, the pain really does take its toll on my body. I was only 35 when I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, exactly the same time when all this testicle pain started. I suppose living for the past 10 years in pain each and everyday does have a massive impact on ones life, it certainly does change you in a way you cant avoid. But! I reckon I've done well, I've not let it beat me yet. I'm a happy-go-lucky type of guy, I'm sure those who have met me will agree :D you certainly wouldn't know I'm in pain (I do hide it well). I've always hidden it from my daughters when they were younger, its only recently they have seen me in pain from time to time, I'm just like my father I guest.

Anyway! I'm going to make another appointment with my GP next week, and ask him to send me to the urologist again. I'm going to ask for a further investigation and see what my options are, but I reckon you're correct Phil when you mention 'Pain Management'. This may be my one and only option, I guest its something that is already familiar to me...

Thanks again for everyone's input, it certainly has helped. :}

Dallas 12th January 2018 13:53

Maybe I should try something like this... :eek:

Gate Keeper 12th January 2018 15:32

Another option Wes, when everything else has failed or when the pain is intractable, is to ask for an Orchidectomy - removal of the troubled testicle and a prosthetic one fitted for cosmetics. It sounds drastic but it is not uncommon as an alternative to taking heavy duty analgesics. Years ago I cared for a chap who had intractable pain for his leg, following injuries he had sustained from stepping on a landline. He was fed up of living on Opiates and of being dopey all of the time. The pain had made him feel suicidal. He convinced the surgeon to amputate his leg. He said it was life changing, but it was the best decision ever taken. An Orchidectomy is a big decision to take and something to discuss with your wife and specialist.

lady zed 13th January 2018 08:50

Hmmmm very interesting the 2 conditions started around the same time and in a lack of apparent cause for the testicular pain, that would suggest it's connected. Found this....

Genitofemoral neuralgia causes intermittent or constant inguinal, testicular, and upper medial thigh pain. ... Neuralgia results from nerve entrapment following appendectomy or a hernia repair. Neurectomy of the genitofemoral nerve within the abdomen brings relief.

Have they considered this?

And I chose to read Wes, don't worry about me having to put up lol but def no need to show me when we finally meet :D

Bogbrush82 13th January 2018 09:01


Originally Posted by lady zed (Post 2583223)

Genitofemoral neuralgia causes intermittent or constant inguinal, testicular, and upper medial thigh pain. ... Neuralgia results from nerve entrapment following appendectomy or a hernia repair. Neurectomy of the genitofemoral nerve within the abdomen brings relief.

Oh good lord! :eek:

And I thought having it in your gums was bad enough!!!!

Dallas 13th January 2018 10:04


Originally Posted by lady zed (Post 2583223)
Hmmmm very interesting the 2 conditions started around the same time and in a lack of apparent cause for the testicular pain, that would suggest it's connected. Found this....

Genitofemoral neuralgia causes intermittent or constant inguinal, testicular, and upper medial thigh pain. ... Neuralgia results from nerve entrapment following appendectomy or a hernia repair. Neurectomy of the genitofemoral nerve within the abdomen brings relief.

Have they considered this?

And I chose to read Wes, don't worry about me having to put up lol but def no need to show me when we finally meet :D

Blooming ek! Neuralgia of the testicles, you got to be kidding me, that would explain everything. I thought my GP was joking when I mentioned to him in humour that it feels like I have neuralgia of the testicle, he said something like it is possible... but he said it with laughter, so I thought he was joking. :shrug:

I wonder... would this explain why I get the horrendous ache in the groin area, and down my leg to my foot. This gets very painful and effects my walking (or should I say limping). When the pain is at its worst, my leg doesn't want to work properly, must be due to the pain I guest. Plus my ankle joint cracks/clicks during movement, this only happens when my right testicle, right leg and foot are in pain. When the pain in the right testicle reduces, the groin pain, leg and foot pain stops, also no more cracking in my ankle joint. :shrug: It sounds as though a nerve is getting trapped, or the swelling in the testicle is pressing against a main nerve which is effecting the leg and foot... It just sounds so obvious to me... :shrug:

I've not had a appendectomy or a hernia repair though, but still! there must be a connection somewhere. I will certainly mention this to the doc next week, surely the Urologist should know more about this, or maybe I need to see a Neurologist again.

Anna, Thank you for taking the time to search for some answers, I am very much grateful for your input. Oh! and... I've had them examined enough times now, I'm not at all shy you know. lol :D I'll have Kev sorting me out in a minute. :getmecoat:

I'm off down the scrapyard with Ian G later today, I haven't told Ian yet that he may have to hold me up as I'm in some discomfort this morning. I'm sure I can get him to give me a Darydog (Clive's Doctor) massage :D do you think he will mind? :getmecoat:

So if anyone wants us to look for some easy to take off parts, give me a shout, we will try our best. :}

lady zed 13th January 2018 12:12


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2583245)
Blooming ek! Neuralgia of the testicles, you got to be kidding me, that would explain everything. I thought my GP was joking when I mentioned to him in humour that it feels like I have neuralgia of the testicle, he said something like it is possible... but he said it with laughter, so I though he was joking. :shrug:

I wonder... would this explain why I get the horrendous ache in the groin area, and down my leg to my foot. This gets very painful and effects my walking (or should I say limping). When the pain is at its worst, my leg doesn't want to work properly, must be due to the pain I guest. Plus my ankle joint cracks/clicks during movement, this only happens when my right testicle, right leg and foot are in pain. When the pain in the right testicle reduces, the groin pain, leg and foot pain stops, also no more cracking in my ankle joint. :shrug: It sounds as though a nerve is getting trapped, or the swelling in the testicle is pressing against a main nerve which is effecting the leg and foot... It just sounds so obvious to me... :shrug:

I've not had a appendectomy or a hernia repair though, but still! there must be a connection somewhere. I will certainly mention this to the doc next week, surely the Urologist should know more about this, or maybe I need to see a Neurologist again.

Anna, Thank you for taking the time to search for some answers, I am very much grateful for your input. Oh! and... I've had them examined enough times now, I'm not at all shy you know. lol :D I'll have Kev sorting me out in a minute. :getmecoat:

I'm off down the scrapyard with Ian G later today, I haven't told Ian yet that he may have to hold me up as I'm in some discomfort this morning. I'm sure I can get him to give me a Darydog (Clive's Doctor) massage :D do you think he will mind? :getmecoat:

So if anyone wants us to look for some easy to take off parts, give me a shout, we will try our best. :}

Yeah that was just a very quick hit. Google 'neuralgia testicular pain' and it brings up loads of info! Def worth mentioning to your GP.

I'll let Kev know, give him something to look forward to :D:D:D:D

HarryM1BYT 13th January 2018 12:40

Whilst dealing with my other issues with the doc, I chucked into the mix that I get a very occasional pain on one side of my face, from jaw around the temple, to the top of my head. A sharp stabbing pain which can come and usually be gone in seconds. I only mentioned it because one day I suffered it all day on and off, then it swapped to the other side of my face. She suggested that was most likely neuralgia.

Nobby 13th January 2018 14:26


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2583245)

I'm off down the scrapyard with Ian G later today, I haven't told Ian yet that he may have to hold me up as I'm in some discomfort this morning.
So if anyone wants us to look for some easy to take off parts, give me a shout, we will try our best. :}

:eek: Sounds a bit drastic - Don't go - I'm sure you can be sorted out and I ain't sure I'd want any of your parts I have enough trouble with my own :laughing2::laughing2:

Seriously tho, I hope you get some answers next week.Talking to one of my neighbours yesterday, he had very similar problems; not so much swelling but groin pain - said he felt like he'd been kicked in the jewels, pain down the leg and knee and clicking ankle pain. Turned out to be his hip! the ankle clicking was caused because his walking gait had changed. Some more food for thought perhaps:shrug:

Dallas 13th January 2018 16:32


Originally Posted by Nobby (Post 2583347)
:eek: Sounds a bit drastic - Don't go - I'm sure you can be sorted out and I ain't sure I'd want any of your parts I have enough trouble with my own :laughing2::laughing2:

Seriously tho, I hope you get some answers next week.Talking to one of my neighbours yesterday, he had very similar problems; not so much swelling but groin pain - said he felt like he'd been kicked in the jewels, pain down the leg and knee and clicking ankle pain. Turned out to be his hip! the ankle clicking was caused because his walking gait had changed. Some more food for thought perhaps:shrug:

Lol, I see what you mean :duh: you certainly could read my post that way. You'll be glad to know I'm all intact, I still feel like I'm permanently being kicked in the balls though.

I had my doubts about posting this kind of topic, but I am so glad that I did. It has helped me realised that I'm not the only one to suffer this type of condition, there seems to be many stories like mine with very similar symptoms. I actually thought I must be the only one to have all these strange unrecognised symptoms, it makes you feel like you're going mad, loosing the plot so to speak. :shrug:

Dallas 13th January 2018 17:10


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2583291)
Whilst dealing with my other issues with the doc, I chucked into the mix that I get a very occasional pain on one side of my face, from jaw around the temple, to the top of my head. A sharp stabbing pain which can come and usually be gone in seconds. I only mentioned it because one day I suffered it all day on and off, then it swapped to the other side of my face. She suggested that was most likely neuralgia.

Hi Harry, That certainly sounds like Type 1 Trigeminal Neuralgia which is happening on two nerve branches for you, also bilateral (bothsides).

Lordy 13th January 2018 17:23

I've had a major insure years ago with my..................... bits, when I was competing in kickboxing.

I got hell of a kick too my groin and for 2 weeks straight my testies were in agony and when I went too see my GP about it.

They thought I'd damaged a part of the vain, I can't remember what the exact vain is called, It gave me hell of a lot of pain even peeing was a nightmare. :duh::eek:

I thought had too have surgery on it, Fine god it healed.

Hope this can be sorted Wes.

Dallas 13th January 2018 17:44


Originally Posted by Lord Rover (Post 2583432)
I've had a major insure years ago with my..................... bits, when I was competing in kickboxing.

I got hell of a kick too my groin and for 2 weeks straight my testies were in agony and when I went too see my GP about it.

They thought I'd damaged a part of the vain, I can't remember what the exact vain is called, It gave me hell of a lot of pain even peeing was a nightmare. :duh::eek:

I thought had too have surgery on it, Fine god it healed.

Hope this can be sorted Wes.

Thanks Dave, I thought you would be along, you being a weight lifter and into martial arts. :D Its so very easy to do damage to the body during sports isn't it, not forgetting occupation/professions being the biggest killer to our bodies. I've always thought myself when I use to weight train, then being on the building, that I've done my body damaged somewhere along the way.

Thanks for the wishes mate. :}

Lordy 13th January 2018 17:58


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2583441)
Thanks Dave, I thought you would be along, you being a weight lifter and into martial arts. :D Its so very easy to do damage to the body during sports isn't it, not forgetting occupation/professions being the biggest killer to our bodies. I've always thought myself when I use to weight train, then being on the building, that I've done my body damaged somewhere along the way.

Thanks for the wishes mate. :}

Oh god yeah you won't believe many injurie occur in sports.
Een getting wacked in the area is treated as a serious injury.

When the officials saw I was pain they stopped fight altogether and it was done by points in the end, I knew at that point I didn't score enough points it was only the first round.

The 2nd round I would have tried too get more, More coach told me too let him come too me and by the 2nd round he'll be tired.

That was my chance for the kill, Till he kicked right in the nutsack that is.
It was a good as well.

Bodybuilding. weight lifting working on a building site, will have an impact, I find now that since I started bodybuilding at age 11 when I started.

I do find that I do strain that area.
The deadlift is prime suspect for that, It works your back legs and almost your entire body.

Take it easy Wes and if you believe its getting worse don't be afraid too see your GP and get it checked asap.

Dallas 30th January 2018 10:36

A little update...
I've now been back to my GP to confirm the ultrasound results, he has now referred me back to the urologist to see what they can do. The choose and book letter arrived yesterday, the earliest appointment is at the end of April. :eek:

The funny thing is... I have two hospitals to choose from, one states Urologist, the other states 'Painful Testes Clinic' :eek:

Oh what fun... :getmecoat:

SCP440 30th January 2018 16:44


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2590185)
the earliest appointment is at the end of April. :eek:

Think yourself lucky, I made an appointment yesterday for an assessment to see if I need some physio on my shoulder. The very helpful assistant was telling me I would be seen in February, I said that is not long and he replied 2019 :eek::eek::eek::eek:

He then said it would probably be quicker if I paid for it, he then offered some telephone numbers.

COLVERT 30th January 2018 21:45

I don't know if anybody has mentioned this as this thread would take a bit of reading now.--;)

I wonder if any of these pains and problems have been self inflicted.

Your bits are outside your body for reason. Nature has decided that they HAVE to kept cool to work properly.

Also they are designed to be under no external pressure.

The modern style of pants are often just like a swimming costume and completely offset natures intention and design for your bits. The pants most blokes use overheat their bits and also restrict the blood flow. Perhaps giving rise to varicose veins caused by poor circulation.

Natures design is for your bits to continuously move. The majority of blokes don't actually know that their scrotum is continuously moving.

It sort of very slowly and gently writhes.---:eek::eek::eek:---Tight pants stops this happening and can cause all sorts of weird and wonderful happenings.--:duh:

Food for thought maybe ???

lady zed 31st January 2018 08:37


Originally Posted by SCP440 (Post 2590296)
Think yourself lucky, I made an appointment yesterday for an assessment to see if I need some physio on my shoulder. The very helpful assistant was telling me I would be seen in February, I said that is not long and he replied 2019 :eek::eek::eek::eek:

He then said it would probably be quicker if I paid for it, he then offered some telephone numbers.

Go and see an osteopath, I had a terrible back for years, physio and painkillers done nothing. 3 sessions with an osteopath costing £90 sorted me out. I had a twisted cocyxx that they manipulated back into place and although I still have a 'delicate' pelvis, I rarely have any trouble. Nothing can be done permanent about my pelvis other than caution and some manipulation if it does give me trouble. Fell off too many horses when I was young.

COLVERT 1st February 2018 20:35

I guess my post No 74 has caused a stunned silence------:D

Or the blokes are still too engaged examining their bits.---------:shrug:

Just to see if it's the truth.---:smilie_re: Look down here.

HarryM1BYT 3rd February 2018 17:16


Originally Posted by COLVERT (Post 2590399)
Natures design is for your bits to continuously move. The majority of blokes don't actually know that their scrotum is continuously moving.

It sort of very slowly and gently writhes.---:eek::eek::eek:---Tight pants stops this happening and can cause all sorts of weird and wonderful happenings.--:duh:

Food for thought maybe ???

I Know/knew that and it was well published back in the 1960's. The suggestion than was the becoming fashionable very tight jeans, had the potential to make males sterile. Prior to then, underwear and especially trousers had been very loose around the crotch area.

lady zed 3rd February 2018 17:53


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2591811)
I Know/knew that and it was well published back in the 1960's. The suggestion than was the becoming fashionable very tight jeans, had the potential to make males sterile. Prior to then, underwear and especially trousers had been very loose around the crotch area.

There is also evidence that male sterility rates have increased hand in hand with disposable nappy use as the plastics and chemicals in the nappies keep the scrotum at an un-naturally high temperature. One of the reasons I used cloth nappies on my boys.

Dallas 3rd February 2018 18:17


Originally Posted by COLVERT (Post 2590399)
I don't know if anybody has mentioned this as this thread would take a bit of reading now.--;)

I wonder if any of these pains and problems have been self inflicted.

Your bits are outside your body for reason. Nature has decided that they HAVE to kept cool to work properly.

Also they are designed to be under no external pressure.

The modern style of pants are often just like a swimming costume and completely offset natures intention and design for your bits. The pants most blokes use overheat their bits and also restrict the blood flow. Perhaps giving rise to varicose veins caused by poor circulation.

Natures design is for your bits to continuously move. The majority of blokes don't actually know that their scrotum is continuously moving.

It sort of very slowly and gently writhes.---:eek::eek::eek:---Tight pants stops this happening and can cause all sorts of weird and wonderful happenings.--:duh:

Food for thought maybe ???


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2591811)
I Know/knew that and it was well published back in the 1960's. The suggestion than was the becoming fashionable very tight jeans, had the potential to make males sterile. Prior to then, underwear and especially trousers had been very loose around the crotch area.

I'm guilty of the above, from the age of 16 I wore the tightest jeans I could find, I was also weight training. :duh:

I worked on the building site with my father as a bricky. :duh:

Then I started in retail in the warehouse environment, so you could say I've suffered many years of heavy lifting. :getmecoat:

goltho 3rd February 2018 18:31

I've had an epididymal cyst for many years. It flares up now & again and is agony for a few days, then settles down again. It presents as a small lump on the outer-to-lower side and is bluddy sore to the slightest touch. So I avoid deliberately touching it and it's mostly all right.:D But it's not nice. Advice I was given was if it becomes intolerable, surgery will be considered.

Dallas 3rd February 2018 19:36


Originally Posted by goltho (Post 2591854)
I've had an epididymal cyst for many years. It flares up now & again and is agony for a few days, then settles down again. It presents as a small lump on the outer-to-lower side and is bluddy sore to the slightest touch. So I avoid deliberately touching it and it's mostly all right.:D But it's not nice. Advice I was given was if it becomes intolerable, surgery will be considered.

That is interesting, which testicle? left or right, it makes a big difference to what the doctors will and will not do. :shrug:

Does wearing jeans/ trousers start the pain when you sit down, where the crutch of the trousers rises up and touches the testicle?

goltho 3rd February 2018 20:15


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2591882)
That is interesting, which testicle? left or right, it makes a big difference to what the doctors will and will not do. :shrug:

I've never heard that, I gotta say. It's the starboard side.


Originally Posted by Dallas
Does wearing jeans/ trousers start the pain when you sit down, where the crutch of the trousers rises up and touches the testicle?

No, it's generally aggravated by trauma (accidentally banging it, dog jumping up etc., doesn't need to be a hard knock) or if I'm unusually sedentary for a few days. That can cause an increasing ache right up to making me adopt the John Wayne walk for a day or so until it settles. I believe it's the sustained pressure on the cyst which aggravates it into waking up. It only ever swells a little then subsides again.

What's the craic with left and right then?


Daveluck 3rd February 2018 20:38

Yes I've had the left and right issue.

Varicose veins on the left testicle no operation varicose on the right you need an operation.

Never got to the bottom of why so to speak.

When I went to the specialist he asked if he could bring in some students " as we all have to learn". Not really thinking it through I agreed then had 8 student doctors fumbling around the family jewels with various degrees of gentleness, unexpected expertise and embarrassment.

goltho 3rd February 2018 20:46


Originally Posted by Daveluck (Post 2591905)
....8 student doctors fumbling around the family jewels with various degrees of gentleness, unexpected expertise and embarrassment.

"Right then you lot - form an orderly queue....." :hurt: :D

Dallas 3rd February 2018 21:35


Originally Posted by goltho (Post 2591892)
I've never heard that, I gotta say. It's the starboard side.

No, it's generally aggravated by trauma (accidentally banging it, dog jumping up etc., doesn't need to be a hard knock) or if I'm unusually sedentary for a few days. That can cause an increasing ache right up to making me adopt the John Wayne walk for a day or so until it settles. I believe it's the sustained pressure on the cyst which aggravates it into waking up. It only ever swells a little then subsides again.

What's the craic with left and right then?


That is the right one then is it Dougie. :D Everyone I speak with say their left one is the problem, normally the left suffers from varicose veins and cysts, they also tend to be larger is size on the left.

I was told by the doc, the left and right testicle are wired differently. Its much more common to suffer varicose veins and cysts in the left testicle (about 80% in cases). Due to the higher percentage of sufferers allows for the NHS to operate, the smaller percentage of 'right' testicle pain sufferers don't get a look-in. :mad:

When I had my ultrasound scan a few weeks ago, the doc tells me do I suffer any pain or discomfort in the left testicle? I reply with NO!? He tells me I have more varicose veins and cysts which are larger in the left one, he thought it was quite strange... :shrug:

My problem starts as soon as I get dressed in the mornings and the first moment I sit down, my trousers will ride up and touch my testicle and WHAM! within 10mins I get the ache, then the ache turns into pain. If I stand back up this will ease the pain, and eventually will turn back into a dull heavy ache. If I sit down for more than an hour, the pain then locks itself in, the pain is then with me all day.

What ever is going on with my balls is obviously getting worst, I used to have a couple pairs of trousers/chinos/jeans that were my saviour, I could wear them and they didn't aggravate the condition. However! now they do, every god-dam pair hurts my nuts. :shrug: I've bought so many different pairs of jeans/trousers/chinos just to try and find that perfect pair, I'm now on first name terms with all the staff at my local high street clothes stores. :getmecoat:

The pain I feel in my groin and leg is becoming unbearable, my foot aches all day, walking like John Wayne I've got down to a fine art. The pain makes my whole leg go numb to the point my leg doesn't want to work. I'm 6ft, 12.5 stone slim build and like to keep fit, and this testicle pain is turning me into an old man, its like having a disability... How can one small little oval ball do this to a grown man, its putting me out of action... its unbelievable. :shrug:

When I go see the urologist in April, hoping sooner if they get a cancellation, I'm not going to take no for an answer this time. They have got to help me, otherwise I'll cut the blooming thing off myself. I cannot believe they can expect someone to be in this amount of pain and discomfort everyday, its absolutely torture.


Originally Posted by Daveluck (Post 2591905)
Yes I've had the left and right issue.

Varicose veins on the left testicle no operation varicose on the right you need an operation.

Never got to the bottom of why so to speak.

When I went to the specialist he asked if he could bring in some students " as we all have to learn". Not really thinking it through I agreed then had 8 student doctors fumbling around the family jewels with various degrees of gentleness, unexpected expertise and embarrassment.

Hi Dave, That is the opposite to what I was told, these docs seem to change the rules as and when, if you ask me. :shrug:

What was your diagnosis, did you have a operation?

Daveluck 3rd February 2018 22:19

No operation for me. But you've got me doubting myself now on the left and right side. But I'm fairly certain that most of these typically grow on the left.

It was 20 odd years ago and other than remembering 9 pairs of hands cupping me balls it is all a bit vague. I seem to remember that the veins can constrict the tube that carries the love juice which then plays havoc with the testicle. Why that is more disastrous on the right rather than the left I don't know.

Have you tried cricket box / cod piece or something similar to give you a bit of protection

It doesn't have to be red....

Dallas 3rd February 2018 22:26


Originally Posted by Daveluck (Post 2591950)
No operation for me. But you've got me doubting myself now on the left and right side. But I'm fairly certain that most of these typically grow on the left.

It was 20 odd years ago and other than remembering 9 pairs of hands cupping me balls it is all a bit vague. I seem to remember that the veins can constrict the tube that carries the love juice which then plays havoc with the testicle. Why that is more disastrous on the right rather than the left I don't know.

Have you tried cricket box / cod piece or something similar to give you a bit of protection

It doesn't have to be red....

Lol Dave :D Cameo - word up, bring on the 80's.

Red will do just fine, it will match my ZT. :D

Lancpudn 4th February 2018 20:14

I was just reading up on testicle pain this evening.

COLVERT 4th February 2018 20:52

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:-----------Made me spill my coffee-------------:D

Dallas 5th February 2018 11:43

Blooming ek! :eek: NOW! that is a proper set of gonads. :eek:

Dallas 21st April 2018 18:38

Well... I had the Urologist appointment just a few days ago, this time he has agreed to remove the epididymis as a last resort, but not the whole testicle. First he wants me to try pelvic floor exercises for six months, and then he reckons if that doesn't work he may give me the nerve block injection. :shrug:

He said we can discuss about removing the epididymis on the next visit (6 months), but he has said there is no guarantee it will solve the problem. He did say my condition does sound like a damaged/inflamed epididymis, and that I have two small epididymal cysts on the head of the epididymis.

So it still looks like I am going to be in pain for another 8 to 12 months before I get a epididymectomy operation. My thoughts are... isn't 10 years being in pain long enough? :shrug:

What a right nightmare this is turning into, my right testicle is causing me such a disability, I'm getting to the stage where I cant do the simplest of tasks because of the pain and discomfort I am in 24/7.

What is the point of the NHS?

I may just call the clinic and say I cant wait the 6 months, or I may contact NHS England and see what they can do. They should be able to mediate and put my complaint to the hospital for reconsideration of their diagnoses.

In the meantime to releive the pain, I'm going to have to pretend I'm Scottish, just so I can wear a skirt. :o

Bogbrush82 21st April 2018 19:12

Could you not get a second opinion? Most hospitals I know have some sort of walk in centre.

Dallas 21st April 2018 19:33


Originally Posted by Bogbrush82 (Post 2622114)
Could you not get a second opinion? Most hospitals I know have some sort of walk in centre.

I dont know of any walk in centres, my three local hospitals are Wimborne, Poole and Bournemouth.

Would they not just tell me that I need to see a Urologist. :shrug:

Dallas 21st April 2018 20:07

Its just so much hard work just to get some help, you just get pushed from pillar to post, and the length of time waiting is simply a killer.

klarzy 21st April 2018 20:59

My boy has shoulder issues..
NHS 5 weeks for an x-ray, 15 week wait for physio

Went private
Saw consultant, physio, MRI scan, surgery, more physio.

All within 5 weeks...
Most times you can book to see a private consultant for less than £100 if you don't have insurance... it may be a faster way to getting you sorted...

Gate Keeper 22nd April 2018 06:24

Good morning Wes, if you do go private you should budget for more than £100. I say this, so you won’t get a shock if it is more. Private health for myself: I have insurance, but have an excess.

The appointment to see the Doc was £150 - London. The scan was more expensive. In January I had to have an ultrasound scan and a follow appointment with the surgeon in London. I had to pay for both myself at £402 :mad: I arranged everything by a phone call to the surgeon’s secretary and she did the rest by email. It was very quick, all done within 2 days of my arrival into the UK :}:}:}

I realise Private Health is not for everyone, but it’s useful for those times when the NHS does not work so well, no cancellations, or when certain treatments are not accessible because of the cost. But when it does work, the NHS really is the best in the world.

rustymotor 22nd April 2018 07:09

Hi Wes, sorry to hear your problem, go back to your GP and bang the table you can't live like that and you shouldn't have to..your local health center can authorise private treatment, my wife had a problem and she was referred to a private hospital paid by the NHS. If all fails pay for the treatment end the suffering.

Dallas 22nd April 2018 09:06

Good morning fellas, Yes the wife and I have agreed I will go private if the NHS takes too long, I would off course rather save the money and go with the treatment from the NHS, its whether I can stand the pain for much longer will be the decider.

The worrying problem is the not knowing exactly what is causing this chronic pain, my GP and the NHS Urologist are not 100% sure. Its when they say we could remove the epididymis, but this may not solve the problem, there is no guarantee (that is the bit that freaks me out).
I dont understand why they haven't sent me for an MRI to investigate further, I did ask the urologist would an MRI be beneficial for a correct diagnosis, his reply was 'No' :shrug:

On Wednesday I did have my Prostrate examined by the urologist :eek: that was an experience I wish to forget. :o I also gave another urine sample, it would be good if it came back with a bacteria infection, that would explain the problem.

I also have an appointment in May for a 'Flow Test' basically I have to pee into a machine. :eek: This is to make sure I'm emptying my bladder fully. I also had a PSA test last year which came back low, so there should be no worries regarding my prostrate... I hope.

My thoughts are... They dont really know for sure what is causing the problem, is it Epididymitis, or a Varicocele, Spermatocele, Hydrocele, Prostatitis, Hernia or even damaged nerve structures (it certainly feels like neuropathic pain). Surely they need to perform an MRI before giving me an operation that they dont really know whether or not it will work. I suppose this is where private treatment may be beneficial, will they start from scratch and carry out further tests to try and find the cause of the problem?

It seems to me that the NHS doesn't have the funds to perform tests, they just go for what is likely to be the problem and hope for the best. :shrug:

I will try and wait till May and have the flow test, otherwise I will give them a call and explain I cant wait another 6+ months, that I need something done now. If all else fails, I will go back to my GP and ask to go private.

I cant see these pelvic floor exercises working, the urologist said the problem is more than likely a damaged epididymis, so why he has given me exercises for six months is beyond me. :shrug:

Gate Keeper 22nd April 2018 12:13

Pelvic floor exercises are useful for helping with low back pain and for strengthening the muscles in the testicle region. Treat conservatively first, before doing anything invasive and more costly. If you think you might go private and dont want the NHS tests repeated again, it’s best to look for a specialist who works in both private + NHS, who works for the same NHS Trust you are using, as all the results will be on that computer system. I keep a copy of all of results and letters on an encrypted NHS website, which I can access anywhere in the world with a log in and password.

If you don’t understand why the specialist you saw Wes, said no to an MRI, if I may suggest, you find out. Ring up his secretary or email him with the question.

I think you are in a difficult position with so many unknowns and decisions. You don’t know what’s wrong, do you hold out for the NHS to come up trumps, or do you ask for the NHS to fund you, or go private and all the time your suffering.

In the interim, what you can do is to check out your specialists performance. The NHS has a league of tables which shows how many operations a specialist has done, the type of surgery and morbidity rates per year. You’d be looking not going for someone with higher than national average death rate. Look for someone from those tables in your area who is very experienced, who has done 30+ procedures in 12 months. One of the vascular specialists I saw, had an above average death rate. I never saw him again and found someone who had no patient deaths in the 12 months. There are top doctors around who genuinely care for their patients and who are passionate about their work ;)

Hopefully the 6 months of Pelvic exercises will do the trick and you won’t need to have the op.

Good luck!

HarryM1BYT 23rd April 2018 08:47


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2622312)
It seems to me that the NHS doesn't have the funds to perform tests, they just go for what is likely to be the problem and hope for the best. :shrug:

I'm certainly not used to diagnosis and treatment from the NHS, but I am of the opposite point of view...

Last September after suffering dizziness and visiting the GP for really the first time with any problem, they realise I had very high BP. Pills, pills and more pills to bring it down. I was still suffering some dizziness, despite my BP coming down, which then initiated a whole series of tests and appointments, to investigate the dizziness. It only seemed to happen, when I am active.

Over recent months I have had 2xMRI scans, 1x heart function scan, 1x 48 hour ECG, 1x 48 hour BP recording, 2x eye scans, 4x specialist appointments and numerous GP appointments and GP phone calls to discuss progress.

They have found no real cause for the dizziness, but it really began when I began taking all the BP pills. They found I had a partially blocked artery feeding my head, or rather the exterior (facial) on the left. They decided my heart function was perfect. That I have a none serious slight bleed in my left eye. My heart briefly recorded as having stopped pumping for 2.75 seconds at 05.14 one morning.

The consultant agrees with me, that because of the partial blockage, that my BP should not be allowed to be brought down too low by the pills. 140 to 150 is what it is and what I should be aiming for. I have actually recorded it as low as 93. In the 6 months, my heart rate has fallen from over 100 BpM to just over 80 at rest.

My own suggestion of the cause of my dizziness, is my BP diving too low, backed up by my own BP spot tests. I was of the understanding that my BP should go down with any exercise, but the GP's are saying that is wrong, it should rise during any exercise.

My only real complaint about the NHS is the long delays involved waiting for the tests and further tests and diagnosis letters. It dragged on for many months and I am still waiting for a specialist eye scan referral to come through. I suppose I am lucky in that I only have slight symptoms and no pain at all.

One pill they added to the list of pills I take for BP recently, was Doxazosin. The GP prescribed 1x 4mg per day, the leaflet suggested it should be started on a 1mg dose - so I asked the pharmacist who said take as prescribed, so I did. The first one completely wiped me out - I ended up collapsed in a wheelchair, unable to walk in Wilko's on a Saturday morning. I got in touch with the GP on Monday, explained what had happened, what the leaflet said and my dose was dropped to 1mg. They have now upped that to 2mg.

Dallas 23rd April 2018 12:16

Funny you should mention about blood pressure Harry, I myself have low blood pressure, always have. I've noticed I'm beginning to suffer dizziness now and again, only when I stand up from sitting down. I must either stand up too quick, or my blood pressure takes a further dive for a split second.

3 weeks ago I felt absolutely awful, everything ached. headache, sinus, runny nose etc, I thought it was just a common cold. The second night into feeling ill, I got up out of bed for a wee, it was 3:00am in the morning. The next minute I found myself laying on the bathroom floor looking up at the ceiling (I had passed-out/fainted). :eek: I've never passed-out before, its quite a scary feeling if I'm honest.

I ended up at A&E and I was told I have Influenza A, I was put in a isolated room and monitored. A few bloods tests later I was allowed to go home, all blood tests came back fine except the test for my 'Liver' it was elevated. The Doctors put this down to the infection, but want me to have another test in a few weeks to make sure. They reckon my blood pressure had dropped so low which lead to me passing out from getting up from a laying to standing position, I understand blood pressure drops for a second when you stand up from a sitting or laying down position, this will explain my dizziness they said.

7 days went by and I was back to normal, my GP said that is the quickest he has known someone to get over Influenza A. My reply to him was, that is the first time I have felt that awful, and the first time I've fainted. While I was in A&E I asked them if they could fix my testicle, sadly they didn't. However, the strange this was... while I had 'Influenza A' for those 7 days, my right testicle pain completely stopped, no pain at all. :shrug: I explained this to my GP and the Urologist, they reckon this was due to taking Aspirin and Paracetamol for those 7 days. My answer was... but these over the counter drugs have never worked before, even the most powerful of medications such as Tegretol, Gabapentin and Amitriptyline rarely work. :shrug:

I was going to post about my passing-out episode a few weeks ago when it happened, but this testicle pain has really got me down over these past few weeks, I've not felt like doing anything TBH, I've not even been enjoying my ZT, I just dont feel like doing any jobs lately... :getmecoat:

I need a sign, some answers, some help from the NHS would be nice.

HarryM1BYT 23rd April 2018 12:34

Feeling faint, after taking your bodies systems by surprise by suddenly getting up is normal. I used to suffer it in my youth. About five years ago I took too hot and relaxing a bath, got out after I immediately knew my BP had fallen away to very low, so I just allowed my self to collapse on the floor and stayed there until I felt better. Now I take things a bit more slowly, think of getting up, wait, then get up.

The worst I have ever felt was the incident I mentioned earlier in Wilko's, I was about ready to ask them to do a 999. I went there on the bus, felt not too clever as the trip progressed, but was determined to get there and back. When I did eventually get back in the afternoon, I just went to bed and stayed there until I was back to near normal.

I have always tended to ignore any health problems and just keep on working through it, I never took any 'sickies'.

Dallas 27th April 2018 17:40

I dont want to count all my chickens just yet, but what the hell is going on :shrug: are these pelvic floor exercises actually working?

I have been performing the pelvic floor exercises for just 9 days, and the amazing thing is... I have been pretty much pain free for the past 3 days, its absolutely bliss. :D

Just being able to actually sit down without pain and discomfort is simply unbelievable, I forgot what this has felt like. Just being able to walk around without a constant heavy ache is simply amazing. :D I still have a slight ache thats coming and going, but I can put up with that, thats not a problem.

These pelvic floor exercises are a miracle, surely this isn't all that was wrong? You mean I've been in pain for 10 years and all that was needed was some simple exercises? :shrug:

Its a bit hard to believe, I'm not quite convinced yet, but why has the pain all of a sudden subsided? Unless some other factor is going on, and my body is playing tricks on me, I'm lost for words. I'm actually sat down typing this post with no pain, what an incredible feeling after all this time.

I hope this is the beginning of the end, and to think I only emailed the Urology clinic on Monday to demand a better care plan. :getmecoat: If this is the beginning of being pain free, I will happily apologise and worship that Urologist I saw, may be his diagnoses was correct... I do hope so. :}

Dallas 27th April 2018 18:44

My ass cheeks are already aching.

What is strange, and I dont like it much either... but since doing the pelvic floor exercises, I have been getting a dull ache in my left testicle which goes down my left leg. I've never suffered ache or pain on the left side before, but last night I had a dull heavy ache in both testicles at the same time, plus the ache was referring down both legs. :shrug:

Something is certainly happening, I just hope its all good. :}

neilb740 28th April 2018 21:42

Sorry im a bit late to this thread.
I have been having very simar sounding symptoms for about 4years, although mine come and go.
As well as pain in my testicle I also get shooting pain up through my hip and up into my back.
After numerous scans/ultrasounds the doctors diagnosed a varacouse vein on my left testicle.
I had no idea it was so common until reading this post.
They have said there is no simple treatment beyond surgery to remove.
I sympathize with you about the pain, at it's worst I can hardly stand up straight. I've had a compressed disk in my back,,this is worse and more disabling.
Best of luck with your private treatment, hope it gets sorted.

Dallas 29th April 2018 08:53


Originally Posted by neilb740 (Post 2624840)
Sorry im a bit late to this thread.
I have been having very simar sounding symptoms for about 4years, although mine come and go.
As well as pain in my testicle I also get shooting pain up through my hip and up into my back.
After numerous scans/ultrasounds the doctors diagnosed a varacouse vein on my left testicle.
I had no idea it was so common until reading this post.
They have said there is no simple treatment beyond surgery to remove.
I sympathize with you about the pain, at it's worst I can hardly stand up straight. I've had a compressed disk in my back,,this is worse and more disabling.
Best of luck with your private treatment, hope it gets sorted.

Hi Neil, Sorry to hear of your problem, but at the same time its nice to know I'm not the only one, sometimes I think I'm actually going mad. I have read so much on the net about testicle pain being such a common problem, my GP has also said the same thing how common a problem testicle pain is for us guys, but I've yet to meet someone who has/or is suffering from this condition. :shrug:

Is your pain on your left side, I suppose you have been told the same thing regarding the surgery, that it may not work, or could leave you in worst pain. That scares the hell out of me, to actually be in worst pain is something I cannot ever imagine. I really dont understand how something so small can cause such a massive disability to the human body, the doctors seem helpless, they certainly appear to be against any surgery. :shrug:

It looks like I myself have spoken too soon, by performing these pelvic floor exercises I've actually had 3 and a half pain free days, but yesterday and again this morning I'm back in pain. What I dont understand is... I had pain on the left side for the first time ever, I really dont know what the heck is going on, its driving me nuts.. excuse the pun :shrug:

Neil, Do you get ache/pain down your leg to your foot, that makes your leg go weak? Having the pain in the testicle and in the leg and foot is what makes living life extremely difficult, if only the pain was just in one place, this would be more manageable.

Gate Keeper 29th April 2018 10:19


Originally Posted by neilb740 (Post 2624840)
Sorry im a bit late to this thread.
I have been having very simar sounding symptoms for about 4years, although mine come and go.
As well as pain in my testicle I also get shooting pain up through my hip and up into my back.
After numerous scans/ultrasounds the doctors diagnosed a varacouse vein on my left testicle.
I had no idea it was so common until reading this post.
They have said there is no simple treatment beyond surgery to remove.
I sympathize with you about the pain, at it's worst I can hardly stand up straight. I've had a compressed disk in my back,,this is worse and more disabling.
Best of luck with your private treatment, hope it gets sorted.

I had the same thing in 2015, diagnosed with varicose veins of the balls of moderate severity by u/s scan The surgeon offered surgery but he changed his mind when I told him I was going to have a leg bypass which involved a big operation and a big cut from the foot all the way up to the groin. He said he couldn’t touch me before the bypass. After that op, the varicose veins disappeared and so far, so good. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I am not qualified to say. I am sorry to hear about the disc in your back.

Dallas 29th April 2018 11:05


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2624943)
I had the same thing in 2015, diagnosed with varicose veins of the balls of moderate severity by u/s scan The surgeon offered surgery but he changed his mind when I told him I was going to have a leg bypass which involved a big operation and a big cut from the foot all the way up to the groin. He said he couldn’t touch me before the bypass. After that op, the varicose veins disappeared and so far, so good. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I am not qualified to say. I am sorry to hear about the disc in your back.

Phil, If it wasn't for the testicle pain/discomfort stopping after the leg bypass surgery, would you have agreed to have the varicocele surgery?

Also, if you dont mind me asking, why did you have leg bypass surgery? Is that linked to heart artery trouble, did you have a lot of leg pain?

Gate Keeper 29th April 2018 12:04


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2624961)
Phil, If it wasn't for the testicle pain/discomfort stopping after the leg bypass surgery, would you have agreed to have the varicocele surgery?

Also, if you dont mind me asking, why did you have leg bypass surgery? Is that linked to heart artery trouble, did you have a lot of leg pain?

No problem Wes, I have had numerous operations and each one has been a 100% success. I would have gone ahead with the testical operation had the leg not been a problem. My heart is in great shape and not related to the leg.

In the summer of 2015, after doing a long haul flight from Nairobi to London via Doha, within 5 days of arriving in London I developed an embolism and DVT in the leg. This caused an aneurysm - a balloon in the artery underneath the kneecap. This blocked the blood supply from the knee below.

At the time, I thought I had pulled a muscle in the leg and proceeded to drive up to North Yorkshire and Scotland for Car meets unaware of how serously ill I was. I said to Jessica about the pain and how excruciating it was, then I blamed it on my feet getting bigger and the shoes not fitting properly.

2 weeks later, on my return to London I went to A&E, had a scan and was admitted for one night. The surgeon gave clot busting drugs and said I should have walking therapy for 3 months. I got worse and with the pain I was put on liquid Morphine. The walking therapy failed and I could not drive.

I went back to A&E. The A&E consultant told me to go private when she heard I had private health insurance. She very kindly rang a top vascular surgeon and he did the bypass. I was incapacitated for 8 months. NHS delays: when he opened me up, he found I had gangrene and the surgeon had to cut it out, he used a machine to suck out the clots, he tied off the aneurysm and then did the bypass. The op lasted 7 hours, blood transfusions, on a ventilator, ICU. A nightmare.

There is permanent leg numbness, as he had to cut and move the nerves out of the way, but it’s a small price to pay. He saved the leg and since the op, I have more stamina. For the past 12 months all of my blood results have been normal.

The op was a great success. From the scans, they found 2 other aneurysms which continues to be monitored. The last scan was in London in January this year. The size of both are within the safety parameters. Next scan is in 6 months :}

I hope Wes, that answers your questions :}

Dallas 29th April 2018 12:19

Blooming heck Phil, that was a lot to go through. Glad everything worked out for you, onwards and upwards as they say.

Thank you for sharing your story, much appreciated. :}

Gate Keeper 29th April 2018 14:28


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2624977)
Blooming heck Phil, that was a lot to go through. Glad everything worked out for you, onwards and upwards as they say.

Thank you for sharing your story, much appreciated. :}

Wes, it was a bad time. My wife and this forum, my faith, the surgeon got me through it as there were times when I got depressed with the prospect of losing everything and the leg. At the time, Flyer and RWPC started up a support thread and everyone rallied to the rescue, even the ones I had fallen out with over politics ;) I had 300 messages pushing me on in that thread. A few say things about the club, but I have learned that when the chips are down and your luck runs out, folks here will step up and help. It changed my perspective. Instead of conflict I look to make amends with my former adversaries, as life is too short ;)

My illness experience should no way undervalue what you are going through, a nightmare. Hopefully it will help you get through this ordeal.

neilb740 29th April 2018 16:56


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2624927)
Hi Neil, Sorry to hear of your problem, but at the same time its nice to know I'm not the only one, sometimes I think I'm actually going mad. I have read so much on the net about testicle pain being such a common problem, my GP has also said the same thing how common a problem testicle pain is for us guys, but I've yet to meet someone who has/or is suffering from this condition. :shrug:

Is your pain on your left side, I suppose you have been told the same thing regarding the surgery, that it may not work, or could leave you in worst pain. That scares the hell out of me, to actually be in worst pain is something I cannot ever imagine. I really dont understand how something so small can cause such a massive disability to the human body, the doctors seem helpless, they certainly appear to be against any surgery. :shrug:

It looks like I myself have spoken too soon, by performing these pelvic floor exercises I've actually had 3 and a half pain free days, but yesterday and again this morning I'm back in pain. What I dont understand is... I had pain on the left side for the first time ever, I really dont know what the heck is going on, its driving me nuts.. excuse the pun :shrug:

Neil, Do you get ache/pain down your leg to your foot, that makes your leg go weak? Having the pain in the testicle and in the leg and foot is what makes living life extremely difficult, if only the pain was just in one place, this would be more manageable.

No pain in my leg, it all seems to spread upwards to my hip and back. It gets to the point where even fastening the waistband of my trousers is painful because of it pressing on my hip.
It's all referred pain from the varicose vein problem so I guess it depends which nerves are involved as to where the pain spreads.
I'm fortunate that my pain can subside for a couple of weeks before returning again, Im probably affected about 50 to60% of the time.

Dallas 24th February 2019 10:52

Well! Its been over a year since I started this topic, Urology basically fobbed me off to the Pain Clinic last November, this is when I was offered a Nerve Block Injection into the spermatic cord. They said the nerve block may not even work, or may not work for long, may bring relief for a few days or a few weeks if that. I would need to have this procedure done weekly to get any benefit, if at all. I declined the injection as the thought of going back to the hospital on a weekly basis to have my bits worked on basically terrified me. :eek:

However, I'm beginning to wish I had gone for the nerve block procedure, something is better than nothing I guest, especially when the pain is becoming unbearable. I am now having trouble walking, the pain radiates down my leg which causes my leg not to work. I'm now at the point where putting on clothing causes terrible pain all day, its getting to the stage where I'm actually becoming housebound. My quality of life is going down hill very fast, I cant sit down, I cant stand up, I cant walk, the only time I get relief is from laying down. :shrug:

January this year I contacted Urology again and pleaded for help, the two head Urologists reviewed my case in a multidisciplinary meeting and have asked me to come back, I'm going back first week in March. I just hope they are going to stop this pain once and for all, to do that is going to mean an operation. There was talk of a Epididymectomy a few years back at one of my previous appointments, I just hope they do something which works. I myself was right about my teeth and head pain (trigeminal neuralgia), I went against the professionals and I was right to do so, I just hope I am right this time.

My concern is what if this pain is being caused by something else :shrug: someday's I could swear my leg is causing the pain and not the testicle itself. What if there's some vein, strapped nerve or some sort of arthritis type thing causing the pain to radiate upto the testicle, the pain could actually be coming from elsewhere. :getmecoat:

What do you guys think?

Gate Keeper 24th February 2019 12:30

What about medicinal marijuana medication Wes?

Over Christmas I was chatting to one of our visitors, who had been on heavy duty pain killers following a spinal procedure last summer. The tablets had turned him into a Zombie. Then he was sent to a clinic for 2 weeks in Kenya and started on Medicinal Cannabis. What a transformation, his life turned round and he was able to come off the painkillers, he went back to work as a lawyer and was able to drive without any complaints of pain. On top of that he became a much happier person.

Dallas 24th February 2019 18:50


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2714390)
What about medicinal marijuana medication Wes?

Over Christmas I was chatting to one of our visitors, who had been on heavy duty pain killers following a spinal procedure last summer. The tablets had turned him into a Zombie. Then he was sent to a clinic for 2 weeks in Kenya and started on Medicinal Cannabis. What a transformation, his life turned round and he was able to come off the painkillers, he went back to work as a lawyer and was able to drive without any complaints of pain. On top of that he became a much happier person.

Lol, I cant see my GP prescribing marijuana medication, is it even available on prescription here in the Uk?

Today I've been up in the loft installing a TV aerial, what a laugh that has been, at one point I thought I was going to be stuck up there forever. The pain in my leg and groin area stop me from coming down the ladder, the pain was too much. I removed my belt from around my waist and the pain eased, I have noticed this a few times now, wearing a belt can often make the pain worst... go figure??? :shrug:

I'm now sat back at my desk and the pain has fired up again, the seating position seems to be where the pain is at its worst, along with walking and bending... I cant win, its hopeless. :shrug:

I've read on the net testicle pain is very common, but everyone I know has never suffered from this condition, even you guys on here its alien to you all.

Gate Keeper 25th February 2019 05:45

Good morning Wes

Medical cannabis was available from 1 November 2018 NHS for epilepsy, patients suffering from nausea and vomiting as a result of chemotherapy, patients with MS and those suffering with chronic pain. The Cannabis has the harmful THC removed and its trade name is called Nabalone. It has to be prescribed by 2 doctors who must agree with the prescription criteria and who are on a designated list drawn up by the NHS trust they work in. I think it’s early days for the NHS prescribing regulations and they are being over cautious, but what do I know;)

Clearly Wes, you are in a bad place with your testicles and leg pains. It’s conceivable the leg pains might not be related to what’s going on with your balls.

What is your next step?

Dallas 25th February 2019 09:24


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2714605)
Good morning Wes

Medical cannabis was available from 1 November 2018 NHS for epilepsy, patients suffering from nausea and vomiting as a result of chemotherapy, patients with MS and those suffering with chronic pain. The Cannabis has the harmful THC removed and its trade name is called Nabalone. It has to be prescribed by 2 doctors who must agree with the prescription criteria and who are on a designated list drawn up by the NHS trust they work in. I think it’s early days for the NHS prescribing regulations and they are being over cautious, but what do I know;)

Clearly Wes, you are in a bad place with your testicles and leg pains. It’s conceivable the leg pains might not be related to what’s going on with your balls.

What is your next step?

Thank you for your input Phil, much appreciated.

When I look back to when all this pain started, I can always associate the leg pain being triggered by the testicle pain. This was about 14 years ago back in 2005, I was a warehouse manager and always on my feet all day. I started this profession seven years previous in 1998, I was fit back then with no complaints.

I would be on my feet all day lifting and shunting heavy boxes, I was also into fitness and weight training regularly. The years flew by and I had no complaints until some years later around 2005, this is when I started to experience a dull heavy aching in my groin area. The aching would often get painful by mid afternoon and the pain would be felt in my right testicle and down my right leg. By the time the evening came and I would be sat down resting after a stressful day, the pain would subside and often completely disappear. This was around the time I went to see my GP, he immediately put the problem down to my job, straining, heavy lifting and being on my feet all day.

The next two years the aching got worst, I would often have pain in the mornings instead of the afternoon, the pain would no longer disappear by the evening, a sign of the condition getting worst I guess. I found sitting down made the pain worst, also certain clothing such as trousers, jeans etc. I went to see my GP again who this time treated it as Epididymistis, a course of antibiotics and off you go type of this. Funnily enough the antibiotics stopped the pain, it was a miracle, but this turned out to be short lived. The pain would soon come back after a few weeks, another course on antibiotics and pain disappeared, but again the pain would come back only weeks later.

2010 GP then sent me for scans, which highlighted some small varicoceles and cysts in both testicles (quite common they say). This then triggered another urology visit which in turn a full examination including one's prostrate, not fun I tell ya! :eek: Urology said they could remove part or all of the epididymiss, but considering the small size of the varicoceles and the cysts they would rather not as it could make the condition worst.

The years would roll on by with myself having to live/adjust to this pain condition, trying all sorts of pain medication which basically made me feel worst, so I would just go cold turkey and deal with it. This was until the condition was getting considerably worst, the leg pain was starting to effect my walking. My leg would feel weak and would often give-out on me, so I went and saw my GP again which lead to more scans, this time a scan of my spine was ordered (but none of my leg).:duh: The scans came back fine, didn't show anything abnormal and nothing different from the previous scans done years before, so urology said once again we don't want to operate. All the signs point towards a malfunctioning/damaged epididymis and varicoceles, but they say the varicolceles need to be larger than 2mm in size for them to operate, maybe I'm exception to the rule. :shrug:

It will be interesting to learn what was said at the multidisciplinary meeting, a meeting where all the urology consultants discuss problem cases. I will find out in 8 days time, I hope they have an answer this time which will stop this pain once and for all. They may offer me a epididymectomy, where they remove part or all of the epididymiss along with any cysts, or a Varicocelectomy where they remove the effected veins along with some less important nerves?

... or they continue to do nothing. :shrug:

Gate Keeper 26th February 2019 22:53

On patient info Wes, mens health

A testicular pain and disorders forum with 569 members. Contributors would be professionals and patients. It is for sufferers seeking support and solutions.

Wes, you can apply to the NHS to read your notes from the multi-disciplinary team meeting, if you are wondering what was discussed. After my bypass, I paid 2 GBP for a copy of my notes from the operating theatre. I was asked if it was for litigation and i said no, I am just curious. There was no problem.

Dallas 27th February 2019 07:06

doc said I couldn't keep taking the antibiotics for too long. I think 4 weeks was the longest period taking them, and then the pain returned once they were stopped.


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2715127)

A testicular pain and disorders forum with 569 members. Contributors would be professionals and patients. It is for sufferers seeking support and solutions.

I'm already a member on there Phil, there are quite a few of us battling from the condition, but no real cures though. Many have had surgery without much success, seems only those that have had the testicle removed have gone on to live a pain free life.


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2715127)
Wes, you can apply to the NHS to read your notes from the multi-disciplinary team meeting, if you are wondering what was discussed. After my bypass, I paid 2 GBP for a copy of my notes from the operating theatre. I was asked if it was for litigation and i said no, I am just curious. There was no problem.

I may just do that Phil, I done similar with regards to Trigeminal Neuralgia with the Maxillofacial and Neurology team.

Roll on next week, but something is telling me even if they do offer me surgery, I'm most probably going to chicken-out, this would be due to the many failed success stories that I've read. :shrug:

Gate Keeper 27th February 2019 11:56


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2715148)
doc said I couldn't keep taking the antibiotics for too long. I think 4 weeks was the longest period taking them, and then the pain returned once they were stopped.

I'm already a member on there Phil, there are quite a few of us battling from the condition, but no real cures though. Many have had surgery without much success, seems only those that have had the testicle removed have gone on to live a pain free life.

I may just do that Phil, I done similar with regards to Trigeminal Neuralgia with the Maxillofacial and Neurology team.

Roll on next week, but something is telling me even if they do offer me surgery, I'm most probably going to chicken-out, this would be due to the many failed success stories that I've read. :shrug:

When you see the surgeon Wes, ask about his success rate in treating your condition. Tell him what you have told us about what you read and listen to what he has to say. I have had 6 operations, 4 NHS and 2 private. All were successful with no complications and each one improved the quality of my life. Whatever your decision is going to be, weigh up the pros and cons with the surgeon and don’t be pressured. There is another member here who had his testicle removed for cancer last year. After the op, his biopsy results came back negative for cancer, he had a prosthetic ball fitted. He was very relieved with the outcome, his story had a happy ending and he had peace of mind. All the best with your decision.

HarryM1BYT 27th February 2019 11:59


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2715127)

Wes, you can apply to the NHS to read your notes from the multi-disciplinary team meeting, if you are wondering what was discussed. After my bypass, I paid 2 GBP for a copy of my notes from the operating theatre. I was asked if it was for litigation and i said no, I am just curious. There was no problem.

Yes, you can get copies of all notes, MRI scans, US scans everything just for the asking.

I was curious and asked for the brain MRI scan photos, I just had to fill a form in that the sent me and a CD was delivered.

I told a friend and he asked for everything, going back decades. It took them a long time to pull it all together, but they obliged. He had lots of issues over the years and it was quite a pile, delivered by a courier. It must have cost the NHS a small fortune :eek:

I am just wondering whether to request a copy of my recent US scan photos? The US was to check my kidneys, aorta and prostate. They said my kidneys looked fine, but my prostate was enlarged. So I'm waiting for appointments to investigate my kidneys further, based on my blood results and my prostate for potential cancer :eek:

HarryM1BYT 27th February 2019 14:29


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2715127)
I was asked if it was for litigation and i said no, I am just curious. There was no problem.

I do wonder why the form even asks that, your reason for the request shouldn't make any difference to the information they supply, surely?

Gate Keeper 27th February 2019 18:43


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2715202)
I do wonder why the form even asks that, your reason for the request shouldn't make any difference to the information they supply, surely?

I was asked verbally. It was a simple question. Where did you get that from? There is nothing in my comment about filling in a form. The 2 pounds was a charge for printing.

Last October, I had a vascular ultrasound scan at the blood flow lab in Northwick Park NHS Hospital in London to check on the bypass and the aneurysms. When I asked for a copy of the report and a copy of the scan on a DVD for travelling, I was told “we don’t do that anymore”. That peed me off. Clearly you have a different experience and it is one which may well differ from one Trust to the other.

How are you?

Dallas 27th February 2019 19:10


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2715188)
When you see the surgeon Wes, ask about his success rate in treating your condition. Tell him what you have told us about what you read and listen to what he has to say. I have had 6 operations, 4 NHS and 2 private. All were successful with no complications and each one improved the quality of my life. Whatever your decision is going to be, weigh up the pros and cons with the surgeon and don’t be pressured. There is another member here who had his testicle removed for cancer last year. After the op, his biopsy results came back negative for cancer, he had a prosthetic ball fitted. He was very relieved with the outcome, his story had a happy ending and he had peace of mind. All the best with your decision.

Sometimes I wish they would find testicle cancer, at least then they would operate and remove the blooming thing. As it stands at the moment, both Urology and I are umming and ahing over the situation, both parties are indecisive. :duh:


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2715189)
Yes, you can get copies of all notes, MRI scans, US scans everything just for the asking.

I was curious and asked for the brain MRI scan photos, I just had to fill a form in that the sent me and a CD was delivered.

I told a friend and he asked for everything, going back decades. It took them a long time to pull it all together, but they obliged. He had lots of issues over the years and it was quite a pile, delivered by a courier. It must have cost the NHS a small fortune :eek:

I am just wondering whether to request a copy of my recent US scan photos? The US was to check my kidneys, aorta and prostate. They said my kidneys looked fine, but my prostate was enlarged. So I'm waiting for appointments to investigate my kidneys further, based on my blood results and my prostate for potential cancer :eek:

Hope all goes well Harry.

I've had my prostrate physically checked twice now, its certainly not a nice procedure to go through. :eek: But, then I've also had a camera shoved up where the sun don't shine, when you've had that done, nothing is embarrassing after that. :getmecoat:

HarryM1BYT 27th February 2019 20:53


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2715238)
I was told “we don’t do that anymore”. That peed me off. Clearly you have a different experience and it is one which may well differ from one Trust to the other.

How are you?

My understanding is that the law requires them to let you have it, it is your personal data, they just cannot refuse.

How am I? If you were asking me, I'm pretty good on the whole. My only slight issue is still one of going a bit dizzy. I have had two really bad sessions of it in the past year, then numerous slight dizzy spells. It feels like my BP just drops away, but I am struggling to actual catch it with a BP meter. I used to experience similar as a youth, sat relaxing, then suddenly deciding to get up. It feels the same, as if I am about to black out. It most often happens when I'm on a bus, sat relaxed, though I have never suffered motion sickness.

The docs seem very intent on finding something wrong with me, the number of referrals they are sending me on :eek:

HarryM1BYT 27th February 2019 21:15


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2715246)
Hope all goes well Harry.

I've had my prostrate physically checked twice now, its certainly not a nice procedure to go through. :eek: But, then I've also had a camera shoved up where the sun don't shine, when you've had that done, nothing is embarrassing after that. :getmecoat:


I had the 'digital' exam twice, in the early hours, when I was rushed into hospital with the blood loss into the oesophagus, in August. I was only semi conscious, due to loss of blood, but I half remember them saying it was to check for blood loss at the other end. I wonder if they might have checked my prostate at the same time?

I have been reading up on it and they check for size and roughness. I have had confirmation of the referral from the hospital, just waiting for the actual appointment now. The doctor sent a second letter on Monday, asking them to expedite the appointment as soon as possible.

The GP asked if I had any problems passing water, or needing to go often - so far I knew I have none, never need to get up in the night, ever.

I do seem to be pretty immune to pain, which worries me a little. Pain is the bodies way to tell you when something is amiss.

Dallas 28th February 2019 08:04


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2715281)

I had the 'digital' exam twice, in the early hours, when I was rushed into hospital with the blood loss into the oesophagus, in August. I was only semi conscious, due to loss of blood, but I half remember them saying it was to check for blood loss at the other end. I wonder if they might have checked my prostate at the same time?

I have been reading up on it and they check for size and roughness. I have had confirmation of the referral from the hospital, just waiting for the actual appointment now. The doctor sent a second letter on Monday, asking them to expedite the appointment as soon as possible.

The GP asked if I had any problems passing water, or needing to go often - so far I knew I have none, never need to get up in the night, ever.

I do seem to be pretty immune to pain, which worries me a little. Pain is the bodies way to tell you when something is amiss.

Its all very quick having your prostate checked Harry, its just a bit uncomfortable and embarrassing. I had mine checked due to always getting up in the night for a wizz, also a frequent recurrence of epididymitis can indicate a prostrate problem. Thankfully all the tests came back ok, my PSA has always been low which is another good sign.

Last year I promised myself to get sorted regarding my health complaints, I've had a few over the years. I blame my younger years and not looking after myself as one should, burning the candle at both ends kinda thing. I was working as a builder with my father for many years, some seriously hard work which has obviously taken its toll on my body.

The amount of heavy lifting I have done through my work careerer has been extreme, why the hell I went onto work in the warehouse environment is beyond me. The fitness and weight training on its own if not done properly was enough to abuse the body, so you can see why I ended up having a sigmoidoscopy and a colonoscopy so soon into my prime, this was all due to suffering from hemorrhoids. :duh:

I was also diagnosed with a hiatus hernia several years ago, thankfully I haven't needed any operation as yet, losing the weight has certainly helped. I was becoming lazy and unfit, eating all the wrong foods etc. They say testicle pain, hemorrhoids, hernia are all signs of putting too much stress on the body, I am now paying the price for my stupidity it seems. :getmecoat:

MissMoppet 28th February 2019 20:49

Remember Lincoln . . .
I'm not recommending it but the man who shot John Wilkes Booth - one Boston Corbett - born in the East End, trained as a hatter - hence Mad as a Hatter, possibly through the use of mercury - and emigrated to the States. He got religion, cut off his balls with scissors in case he became tempted by prostitutes. (No record survives whether it worked).

Gate Keeper 1st March 2019 08:05


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2714535)

Roll on next week, but something is telling me even if they do offer me surgery, I'm most probably going to chicken-out, this would be due to the many failed success stories that I've read. :shrug:


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2715246)
Sometimes I wish they would find testicle cancer, at least then they would operate and remove the blooming thing.

Some mixed feelings there Wes. If you are offered surgery, whats the worst that could happen? Or another angle is, will it improve the quality of your life and cure the problem? These are 2 questions you could ask the specialists when you see them next week. When is your appointment?

Dallas 1st March 2019 09:39


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2715611)
Some mixed feelings there Wes. If you are offered surgery, whats the worst that could happen? Or another angle is, will it improve the quality of your life and cure the problem? These are 2 questions you could ask the specialists when you see them next week. When is your appointment?

I original saw the Urologist team back in 2010 and again last year 2018, both times they said they would rather not take the surgical approach in case they make the pain worst. They said because they cant see what is causing the pain, they wouldn't know what operation to perform. They always refer back to my ultrasound scans which only show small less than 2mm in size cysts and varicoceles, they say the percentage of them causing the pain is small. :shrug:

They have always told me for them to perform a varicocelectomy, the varicoceles need to be larger than 2mm in size, but if the epididymis is at fault due to cysts or tissue damage, they would need to perform a epididymectomy instead... and because they don't know, they rather not take the chance. :shrug:

I have always said to them, the fact that these varicoceles and cysts exist, then this must be what is causing the pain, the size is irrelevant. Urology say different, they keep telling me because they cant see the problem, they cant fix what they cant see, that was their exact words. :mad:

I also had an MRI on my back a few years ago, just in case there was a trapped nerve that was causing the problem. They said just because I have pain in the right testicle, it doesn't necessarily mean the testicle is at fault, the pain could be referring from another part of the body... go figure. :duh:

Once you get told a dozen times that an operation could make the pain worst, and the fact that they don't know what operation to perform, this kinda makes one fearful. This is what leads me to say I wish they would find testicular cancer, because then they would know exactly what to do, they would be no hesitation for them or myself... they would just whip it off... job done.

I have even told them that I would rather lose the testicle than take the chance of the other two operations not working, you would think that would be logical wouldn't you, but no! They have said that they wouldn't remove the testicle because there's not enough reason or evidence for them to do so... :shrug:

This is why they have held a multidisciplinary meeting Phil, to establish a better diagnosis, to discuss what they can or cannot offer me I guess.

Gate Keeper 1st March 2019 12:00


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2715625)
I original saw the Urologist team back in 2010 and again last year 2018, both times they said they would rather not take the surgical approach in case they make the pain worst. They said because they cant see what is causing the pain, they wouldn't know what operation to perform. They always refer back to my ultrasound scans which only show small less than 2mm in size cysts and varicoceles, they say the percentage of them causing the pain is small. :shrug:

They have always told me for them to perform a varicocelectomy, the varicoceles need to be larger than 2mm in size, but if the epididymis is at fault due to cysts or tissue damage, they would need to perform a epididymectomy instead... and because they don't know, they rather not take the chance. :shrug:

I have always said to them, the fact that these varicoceles and cysts exist, then this must be what is causing the pain, the size is irrelevant. Urology say different, they keep telling me because they cant see the problem, they cant fix what they cant see, that was their exact words. :mad:

I also had an MRI on my back a few years ago, just in case there was a trapped nerve that was causing the problem. They said just because I have pain in the right testicle, it doesn't necessarily mean the testicle is at fault, the pain could be referring from another part of the body... go figure. :duh:

Once you get told a dozen times that an operation could make the pain worst, and the fact that they don't know what operation to perform, this kinda makes one fearful. This is what leads me to say I wish they would find testicular cancer, because then they would know exactly what to do, they would be no hesitation for them or myself... they would just whip it off... job done.

I have even told them that I would rather lose the testicle than take the chance of the other two operations not working, you would think that would be logical wouldn't you, but no! They have said that they wouldn't remove the testicle because there's not enough reason or evidence for them to do so... :shrug:

This is why they have held a multidisciplinary meeting Phil, to establish a better diagnosis, to discuss what they can or cannot offer me I guess.

They are restricted by their codes of practice and clinical guidelines. One way around this is talk with them about the psychological impact, the unbearable pain has made on your life and how your activities of daily living are suffering. I am wondering if they have a criteria which allows them to break away from the clinical guideline of 2mm. If you make enough noise, scream a lot, they might take more notice of the distress you are in. If they want you to see a shrink, it will be another delay which you will not want to buy into.

I faced the same things with my 5 aneurysms with a similar criteria. One of them has to be 5.5 cm before it can repaired with a graft, the others: 2 cm. There is no pain, but they have the potential to end my life quickly should any of them burst, it will be quick. I got a second opinion at the Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital in Cape Town from a Heart Transplant Vascular Surgeon. He told me he would operate privately if for psychological reasons I was really worried about it and not sleeping. He showed me the artificial graft they use and it is expensive at 30,000 USD per graft, as it is not one off the shelf, it has to be custom made. The 30K does not include the costs of his fees and the hospital admission, ICU etc. Because there is no pain, I live with these things and they are scanned every 6 months.

My advice Wes, is to lay it on thick when you see the specialists. From my own experience of working in the NHS, it is the noisiest patients, the most troublesome ones, the ones who threaten legal action - are the ones who get the most notice and action quick. Not everyone can speak up, but if you have those characteristics, then use them.

Dallas 5th March 2019 19:45

Well! That was another wasted urology appointment, what was the point of them holding a multidisciplinary meeting if they are just going to tell me the same as before, that they don't see a justifiable cause to operate. :shrug:

I even had another examination, this time it was by one of the head surgeons, a female this time. :o She tells me my balls are normal, that she will not perform an operation as she thinks it will make the condition worst. She tells me testicle pain is very common and performing an operation without actually seeing what is causing the problem never works, we end up putting the patient in more pain she tells me.

She has now referred me back to the pain clinic for a ilioinguiinal nerve block.

One of the strangest things happened while the wife and I were waiting in the waiting room. We got chatting to another couple, the fella only had the same name as me, and he also suffered from right testicle pain. What are the chances of meeting another fella with the unusual name 'Westley' in the same hospital on the same day, around the same time in the urology clinic who also suffers from right testicle pain? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

This guy had a epididymectomy 9 years ago, this is where they remove the epididymis, the operation was a success. The reason why he got the operation was due to his scans showing a blockage, he had the operation in Dorchester hospital. My GP actually said to me last year that he could refer me to Dorchester hospital, so does Dorchester hospital specialise in mens balls?

COLVERT 5th March 2019 22:01


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2716809)
Well! That was another wasted urology appointment, what was the point of them holding a multidisciplinary meeting if they are just going to tell me the same as before, that they don't see a justifiable cause to operate. :shrug:

I even had another examination, this time it was by one of the head surgeons, a female this time. :o She tells me my balls are normal, that she will not perform an operation as she thinks it will make the condition worst. She tells me testicle pain is very common and performing an operation without actually seeing what is causing the problem never works, we end up putting the patient in more pain she tells me.

She has now referred me back to the pain clinic for a ilioinguiinal nerve block.

One of the strangest things happened while the wife and I were waiting in the waiting room. We got chatting to another couple, the fella only had the same name as me, and he also suffered from right testicle pain. What are the chances of meeting another fella with the unusual name 'Westley' in the same hospital on the same day, around the same time in the urology clinic who also suffers from right testicle pain? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

This guy had a epididymectomy 9 years ago, this is where they remove the epididymis, the operation was a success. The reason why he got the operation was due to his scans showing a blockage, he had the operation in Dorchester hospital. My GP actually said to me last year that he could refer me to Dorchester hospital, so does Dorchester hospital specialise in mens balls?

With the problems you have had anything has got to be worth a try.--:shrug:

Dallas 6th March 2019 14:01


Originally Posted by COLVERT (Post 2716869)
With the problems you have had anything has got to be worth a try.--:shrug:

Who knows Jon? :shrug:

I think I've lost all faith in humanity, these so called specialists show no compassion what's so ever. I find them to be not very nice people, if only they would take a different approach to their patients. If only they were less negative I may have received a correct diagnoses by now, but they just don't want to commit to anything. :shrug:

I suppose many of us are lead to believe if we fall ill, then a simple operation will fix us, but its not quite that simple. How do doctors decide if and when a patient needs an operation or not, how much evidence do they need to give that patient the healthcare they need. We all know that doctors do not know everything, they will be the first to tell you that, I've been told enough times now.

My lady urologist told me these type of operations rarely work, the patient ends up in a worst condition. The amount of times I have been told verbally and in writing that I could end up in worst pain is getting ridiculous now, even my GP said to me a few weeks ago not to go down the surgical root if I can help it... :shrug:

My experience with the NHS over the years has not be very good, watching family and friends falling ill and not getting the help they need has been all to common. Now I'm at the forefront wanting help from the NHS myself, I can now see why others have struggled, it seems there is always a fight/battle to get your foot in the door to get noticed. I really don't hold much hope on a second opinion making any difference TBH, the whole algorithm set up just doesn't work for patients like me, not unless the pain problem is waving at them saying 'Yoo-hoo! hello it is I that is the problem!... :shrug:

I certainly would never recommend the urology clinic at The Royal Bournemouth Hospital to anyone, blooming hopeless bunch on dimwits. :mad:

Dallas 6th March 2019 17:43

I somewhat feel the whole situation has been dealt with so very incorrectly, the wife and I felt this strong disapproval from the moment we entered the clinicians office. It would be great to know what the clinical guidelines in situations such as mine are, I believe these must vary depending on many circumstances I guest.

During my consultation with the surgeon yesterday I could somewhat understand the problem they face in situations such as this, its obviously not easy for them to make these decisions. I suppose doctors always have their patients best interest in mind, and this is what I took away from my consultation yesterday. I cant help but think they also have an obligation to help a patient in need, this is what they have failed to do in my eyes. :shrug:

But then I stumble on a very informative article such as this one HERE...
You can see how difficult it is for both the patient and the urology team. :shrug:

HarryM1BYT 7th March 2019 17:37

Might it be more to do with the 'claim culture'. It cannot be easy for them, with claim companies constantly looking over their shoulders. They do what's best for the patient, based on their best idea of what is wrong, get it wrong and they face a legal claim for damages.

Maybe better to go into such interviews with a '..if I signed a disclaimer, what operation would you recommend?'.

Dallas 7th March 2019 18:39


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2717283)

Maybe better to go into such interviews with a '..if I signed a disclaimer, what operation would you recommend?'.

I pretty much said those exact words to the urologist Harry, I also said what if I pay and go private, and she still said no. :shrug: She did say to me though that she could put me in touch with doctors that may help me, she said she would write to me with details.

She also explained that I can request for a second opinion, that she has no problem with that, that she would still stand by her clinical opinion.

Since the examination on Tuesday, my left testicle is painful. The pain also goes down my left leg and around my foot which is causing me to limp, I have never suffered pain in the left testicle or leg before, its all happened since the examination. :shrug:

She was using her hands like a vice, that's what it felt like anyway. :eek: She squeezed and pressed my balls so much that the pain I felt brought tears to my eyes. She was very thorough, pulling pressing and squeezing the epididymis, and I was worried about something rising :D but there was no chance of that happening...

By the time she had finished I had pain in both testicles, I even had to limp slowly back to the chair. I asked her surely this amount of pain and discomfort isn't normal, but she said it was. :shrug:

Why the hell doe's the human male body have a nerve that connects the testicles to each leg and feet?

Dallas 7th March 2019 21:20

The fact that I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia around the same time as the testicle pain started doe's give good reason to link the two together.

There is such a thing as neuralgia of the testes, I also spoke about this to the female urologist, and she did say the problem may well be a neuropathic pain type thing. I've been on all sorts of pain meds over the years Clive, the very strong stuff such as Gabapentin and Tegretol to name a few. But the only thing that has bought me pain relief from TN is getting all my teeth extracted, so you could say I ignored what the textbooks had to say and it has pretty much paid off regarding the head and teeth pain.

Both maxillofacial, urology and the pain clinic have said the two conditions are not connected, but both conditions could be nerve related. This is obviously the reason why urology don't want to operate I guess, not unless something pops up on a scan. Once you get branded with a chronic pain condition, every symptom/condition from there on seems to get treated the same. :shrug:

What puzzles me Clive, take that other Wesley guy (spelt without the 'T') who I met in the same clinic. His scan showed a blocked epididymis which they removed, I have the same symptoms as he had, but the scans say my balls are ok, apart from some small varicoceles and cysts. I believe there has to be a reason to why I am getting this pain, it could be something that is not working correctly and failing such as the epididymis, but yet its not enough to show up on a scan just yet. There's obviously no blockages, but what if the epididymis is malfunctioning, the working operation of the tissues and blood vessels could be failing. :shrug:

The female urologist is writing back to my GP, she is also copying me in on the letter, it should be an interesting read. I know I'm being referred back to the pain clinic for a ilioinguinal nerve block, but I feel this is a waste of time all due to how short lived the benefit's can be, a few days to a week or two at most. If I respond well to the nerve block, this then should tell them that the pain is coming from the testicle and nowhere else, if I don't respond to the nerve block this then tells them the pain is coming from somewhere else. :shrug:

HarryM1BYT 8th March 2019 14:22

My prostate appointment is set up for tomorrow, wish me luck...

The letter gave no details of what to expect so I rang to ask. They said it is just a check of my record, the US scan earlier and a chat with the specialist.

I don't have any pain or issues, its just that they found it was enlarged in the US scan, so they have referred me.

Dallas 8th March 2019 16:08


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2717508)
My prostate appointment is set up for tomorrow, wish me luck...

The letter gave no details of what to expect so I rang to ask. They said it is just a check of my record, the US scan earlier and a chat with the specialist.

I don't have any pain or issues, its just that they found it was enlarged in the US scan, so they have referred me.

Good luck for tomorrow Harry, hope all goes well.

HarryM1BYT 9th March 2019 15:44


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2717532)
Good luck for tomorrow Harry, hope all goes well.

The consultant didn't find any problem, apart from confirming it is enlarged and enlarged is normal as you get older he said. I had to fill a questionnaire in before the consultation, giving a list of possible urination issues, and to each question the answer I gave was 0 - no problems at all. The consultant has now referred me for an MRI, just to confirm his findings.

Dallas 9th March 2019 16:07


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2717807)
The consultant didn't find any problem, apart from confirming it is enlarged and enlarged is normal as you get older he said. I had to fill a questionnaire in before the consultation, giving a list of possible urination issues, and to each question the answer I gave was 0 - no problems at all. The consultant has now referred me for an MRI, just to confirm his findings.

Yep! All quite normal Harry for prostrate to become enlarged as we get older. When I had mine checked I was told not to do any bike riding before the appointment as this can elevate the PSA results before testing, do you know what your PSA result is?

Glad all is well. ;)

Dallas 9th March 2019 18:12

A word of warning to you all, DONT put deep heat on your balls. :duh:

HarryM1BYT 10th March 2019 14:21


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2717814)
Yep! All quite normal Harry for prostrate to become enlarged as we get older. When I had mine checked I was told not to do any bike riding before the appointment as this can elevate the PSA results before testing, do you know what your PSA result is?

Glad all is well. ;)

This is what the referral letter says, from my GP, to the specialist...

{Quote }Many thanks for your letter, we repeated his UE on 18/1/19 and again on 18/2/19 and the eGFR has remained at either 16 or 17. I would appreciate an urgent renal review. NB renal USS did show an enlarged prostate despite the patient having no urinary symptoms, his PSA is raised at 8 so he has also been urgently referred to urology.

The consultant yesterday, said the MRI appointment will be an urgent one, between 7 and 14 days time.

Dallas 10th March 2019 20:16


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2717993)
This is what the referral letter says, from my GP, to the specialist...

{Quote }Many thanks for your letter, we repeated his UE on 18/1/19 and again on 18/2/19 and the eGFR has remained at either 16 or 17. I would appreciate an urgent renal review. NB renal USS did show an enlarged prostate despite the patient having no urinary symptoms, his PSA is raised at 8 so he has also been urgently referred to urology.

The consultant yesterday, said the MRI appointment will be an urgent one, between 7 and 14 days time.

I wouldn't worry Harry, you have no other urinary symptoms. The urology consultant has ordered a routine MRI just to be on the safe side, wouldn't be doing his job otherwise.

HarryM1BYT 10th March 2019 20:24


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2718112)
I wouldn't worry Harry, you have no other urinary symptoms. The urology consultant has ordered a routine MRI just to be on the safe side, wouldn't be doing his job otherwise.

Quite, but I also have also been referred to see a Kidney specialist to in regards to the eGFR levels.

In fact the hospital has sent me three different appointments for the same thing - obviously they have made an error, so I need to ring on Monday, to sort out which one to attend.

My GP seems to requested a referral, then requested the referral be speeded up - probably the cause of so many appointments being sent out.

Dallas 10th March 2019 20:39


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2718115)
Quite, but I also have also been referred to see a Kidney specialist to in regards to the eGFR levels.

In fact the hospital has sent me three different appointments for the same thing - obviously they have made an error, so I need to ring on Monday, to sort out which one to attend.

My GP seems to requested a referral, then requested the referral be speeded up - probably the cause of so many appointments being sent out.

So I guest they are checking you for kidney disease, sounds as though you have a very good GP there Harry, he's obviously expedited the appointment for you.

HarryM1BYT 10th March 2019 21:38


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2718119)
So I guest they are checking you for kidney disease, sounds as though you have a very good GP there Harry, he's obviously expedited the appointment for you.

He is a she! They have suddenly taken extra interest since I was rushed into hospital last August with the oesophagus bleed / requested full access to my online medical records. I don't if either was the cause of the extra attention.

stevestrat 10th March 2019 21:43


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2717836)
A word of warning to you all, DONT put deep heat on your balls. :duh:

Never done that but I did go for a pee after chopping birds eye chillies without washing my hands first . . . . I wouldn't recommended that either :eek: Ended up kneeling in the bath pouring water over myself.

Been following your thread Wes, I know how wearing constant pain can be, with me it was my shoulder. I twisted it badly and damaged it getting something heavy out of the loft when moving house years ago. Physio, specialist appointments, steroid injections. Painkillers did nothing because the damage was in the joint itself where there's no actual blood supply to deliver a painkiller. Bothered me for years, surgery was being spoken about but it eventually eased itself. Still got restricted movement in the shoulder and have to be aware of what I try to do with the arm or it flares up and takes weeks to ease again.

Dallas 10th March 2019 22:28


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2718143)
He is a she! They have suddenly taken extra interest since I was rushed into hospital last August with the oesophagus bleed / requested full access to my online medical records. I don't if either was the cause of the extra attention.

Keep us updated Harry, when do you go for your MRI?


Originally Posted by stevestrat (Post 2718145)
Never done that but I did go for a pee after chopping birds eye chillies without washing my hands first . . . . I wouldn't recommended that either :eek: Ended up kneeling in the bath pouring water over myself.

Been following your thread Wes, I know how wearing constant pain can be, with me it was my shoulder. I twisted it badly and damaged it getting something heavy out of the loft when moving house years ago. Physio, specialist appointments, steroid injections. Painkillers did nothing because the damage was in the joint itself where there's no actual blood supply to deliver a painkiller. Bothered me for years, surgery was being spoken about but it eventually eased itself. Still got restricted movement in the shoulder and have to be aware of what I try to do with the arm or it flares up and takes weeks to ease again.

So true Steve, so very true, this pain is certainly doing its best to wear me down I tell ya. I'm pretty much at that stage where I will try anything, but not deep heat again... that was a bad idea. :duh:

Glad your shoulder has got better Steve, I live in hope my pain burns itself out too. I'm going to try some natural remedies, some herbs and spices that are known for their anti inflammatory properties. It will most probably be a complete waste of time, but I gotta try. If any one knows of any, please let me know. :}

HarryM1BYT 11th March 2019 09:12


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2718152)
Keep us updated Harry, when do you go for your MRI?

On Saturday, he said the MRI will be within 1 or 2 weeks. If I remember, I will ask for a copy of the images for my own interest :D

I rang the hospital first thing this morning about the multiple renal appointments and sorted that out - it was just due to my GP pressing for quick appointments, the hospital's system had a wobbly. I have just the one appointment now, which is next Friday. Same hospital as my head MRI, and so probably the same scanner.

HarryM1BYT 13th March 2019 14:48


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2718152)
Keep us updated Harry, when do you go for your MRI?

Kidney specialist appointment on Friday next 14:00and this morning I got a phone call to negotiate an MRI scan appointment - that is Tuesday 18:30. Both at St Jimmies, Leeds.

They offered to fit me in Sunday afternoon, but I thought it would be tricky on buses and difficult to park if I drive.

Dallas 13th March 2019 19:52


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2718806)
Kidney specialist appointment on Friday next 14:00and this morning I got a phone call to negotiate an MRI scan appointment - that is Tuesday 18:30. Both at St Jimmies, Leeds.

They offered to fit me in Sunday afternoon, but I thought it would be tricky on buses and difficult to park if I drive.

Good luck for both those appointments Harry.

COLVERT 14th March 2019 19:38


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2718898)
Good luck for both those appointments Harry.

My wishes too Harry. Us old uns have to stick together.--;)

HarryM1BYT 15th March 2019 15:21

It was an interview with the renal registrar. The concern was the sudden dive in my kidney function since January, for which she could not find a cause. She is now waiting for the prostate MRI on Tuesday, to see what that might show up, taking of possible biopsies and making more appointments for me.

HarryM1BYT 20th March 2019 21:19


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2719286)
It was an interview with the renal registrar. The concern was the sudden dive in my kidney function since January, for which she could not find a cause. She is now waiting for the prostate MRI on Tuesday, to see what that might show up, taking of possible biopsies and making more appointments for me.

MRI prostate scan yesterday evening, renal specialist is waiting for result of scan too, thinking prostate might possibly be causing my kidney issues. So a wait now, for the results reports.

I asked whilst having the MRI for a copy of the scan images, to have a look myself out of curiosity - they would not supply a copy, I have to request it via the application form, rather as I expected, but worth asking.

They said they used to get lots of requests from patients for copies, but few ask these days.

HarryM1BYT 21st March 2019 17:47

The kidney consultant from St James rang today, to say the blood they took for test, showed my number back to near normal, so she is less concerned. She said she wasn't interested after all, in my prostate MRI results, as it was less likely than she had first suggested, to be a cause (????).

She is suggesting the sudden spike in values, was probably just a temporary spike.

She asked me to make an appointment with my GP for another blood sample check in around 10 -14 days.

I'm just waiting for the prostate MRI result to come through now.

Dallas 21st March 2019 18:41

That sounds like good news Harry, well done. :}

I myself have now received the letter from the urologist consultant, the one that gets sent to my GP. It basically says they cannot see any clinical cause to why I have right testicular pain, that I do have two 2mm epididymal cysts and small varicoceles on right side which are not clinically apparent. :shrug:

That my last ultrasound scan which was performed over one year ago was unremarkable, they haven't even offered to perform a more up to date scan. :shrug:

She has now referred me back to the pain clinic for ilioinguinal nerve block, plus she goes on to mention that she will speak with her colleagues at the next non cancer MDT meeting for their input, and that I can seek a second opinion if I'm not happy. I thought the MDT meeting was a few weeks ago, that is what the last letter I receive said. :shrug:

I've since seen my GP who is now referring me to Dorchester hospital, lets just hope they are more knowledgeable than Bournemouth. :getmecoat:

Rev Jules 21st March 2019 19:03

I know this can be a sensitive and painful subject to some of guys out there, so on a lighter note I now know why I get frequent pains in my bits down there it is only when the wife comes home from a shopping spree I feel I have been kicked in the nuts. :eek:


Gate Keeper 21st March 2019 21:04


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2720842)
That sounds like good news Harry, well done. :}

I myself have now received the letter from the urologist consultant, the one that gets sent to my GP. It basically says they cannot see any clinical cause to why I have right testicular pain, that I do have two 2mm epididymal cysts and small varicoceles on right side which are not clinically apparent. :shrug:

That my last ultrasound scan which was performed over one year ago was unremarkable, they haven't even offered to perform a more up to date scan. :shrug:

She has now referred me back to the pain clinic for ilioinguinal nerve block, plus she goes on to mention that she will speak with her colleagues at the next non cancer MDT meeting for their input, and that I can seek a second opinion if I'm not happy. I thought the MDT meeting was a few weeks ago, that is what the last letter I receive said. :shrug:

I've since seen my GP who is now referring me to Dorchester hospital, lets just hope they are more knowledgeable than Bournemouth. :getmecoat:

Good evening Wes, will you seek a 2nd opinion and ask for another scan, given your pain?

HarryM1BYT 30th March 2019 08:43


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2720826)

I'm just waiting for the prostate MRI result to come through now.

I have just received a letter from the prostate consultant, who has checked out my MRI scan images. He says all is fine apart from having an enlarged prostate which is normal as you age. There are no follow ups planned, though I have to have my PSA checked (blood test) annually, to keep an eye on it just in case it increases beyond 10ngs/ml.

On the kidney issue...

I had a phone call on Thursday from the hospital, who said they were holding an urgent kidney biopsy appointment open for me, awaiting the result of the GP's blood test, which they had requested I should have done two weeks after my renal consultant appointment, so I had fixed up that appointment for next Monday.

Hospital were a bit miffed that they would have to hold their appointment open, until Tuesday, to see whether I might need it or not - if only they had said. Could I speed up the blood test appointment? So I requested an earlier appointment for blood with the GP, for first thing yesterday morning - the hospital should have had the results yesterday afternoon, to be able to decide whether I needed the biopsy or not.

[EDIT] I nearly forgot - I sent off a form requesting a copy of the MRI scan images and the CD with the images arrived Thursday, signed for delivery. Around 300 image slices, one series horizontal, another vertical, then two more series which were impossible to work out their purpose. I managed to work out what many of the bits and pieces in there were - I could even see my dinner :-)

[EDIT 2] My apologies to Dallas, I do seem to have kidnapped his thread with my own troubles.

HarryM1BYT 2nd April 2019 12:03


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2723144)

On the kidney issue...

I had a phone call on Thursday from the hospital, who said they were holding an urgent kidney biopsy appointment open for me, awaiting the result of the GP's blood test, which they had requested I should have done two weeks after my renal consultant appointment, so I had fixed up that appointment for next Monday.

Hospital were a bit miffed that they would have to hold their appointment open, until Tuesday, to see whether I might need it or not - if only they had said. Could I speed up the blood test appointment? So I requested an earlier appointment for blood with the GP, for first thing yesterday morning - the hospital should have had the results yesterday afternoon, to be able to decide whether I needed the biopsy or not.

Not good..

I have just rung the hospital, to find out what they thought of Fridays blood test results, and...

They want me to go in for a pre-appointment in a few days, then what sounded like the biopsy in May – they just called it ‘the procedure’ over the phone.

My own reading of the blood test results suggested my numbers were much improved on the previous figures, which had caused the initial panic, but what do I know..

Serum creatinine level (XE2q5) 255 umol/L [64 - 104] - Above high reference limit

Serum urea level (XM0lt) 11.7 mmol/L [2.5 - 7.8] - Above high reference limit

Dallas 2nd April 2019 17:24


Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT (Post 2723895)
Not good..

I have just rung the hospital, to find out what they thought of Fridays blood test results, and...

They want me to go in for a pre-appointment in a few days, then what sounded like the biopsy in May – they just called it ‘the procedure’ over the phone.

My own reading of the blood test results suggested my numbers were much improved on the previous figures, which had caused the initial panic, but what do I know..

Serum creatinine level (XE2q5) 255 umol/L [64 - 104] - Above high reference limit

Serum urea level (XM0lt) 11.7 mmol/L [2.5 - 7.8] - Above high reference limit

Try not to read into things to much Harry, a lot of what happens during these tests are them just following procedure.

Lets us know how you get on.

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