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Andy_with_a_screwdriver 24th April 2024 12:22

Accident. Not good news... End of the road?
4 Attachment(s)
Yesterday evening Mrs Andy was negotiating a traffic queue, someone pulled out in front of her, she swiftly stopped to avoid a collision however the van behind her didn't....
His radiator met with the towbar which is now bent, the bumper moved and the tailgate isn't aligned correctly. Fortunately she seems OK.

Details changed etc.
We've notified our insurance Admiral (comprehensive) who appointed their repairer Auxilus I think to look into it. Auxilus have said it's too old an they'll not entertain fixing it, complete loss claim.

In the meanwhile the van drivers insurance Hastings, have allegedly admitted liability and appointed these people to sort a repair and hire car:
Anybody had dealngs with them? Is it a scam? :shrug:
Hastings won't even acknowledge to its that they are dealing with it, won't talk to a 3rd party!

My wife is getting concerned following the reading of reviews, about the credit agreement for the hire vehicle. We're also expecting them to undertake a repair or actually tell us its uneconomical to fix due to potential structural issues.

stevestrat 24th April 2024 12:35

Get Andy (trikey) to have a look at it. Cash settlement and repair may be an option.

Vossy 24th April 2024 12:54

If all fails then THIS is the place to go.

sln8458 24th April 2024 12:58

There isn't a barge pole long enough to separate me from Admiral.

When I had an accident in our old Sedona (insured with Admiral) I was between a traffic island and the kerb, single lane. The guy coming the otherway decided to use my side of the island, hence head on BANG!!!

Admiral appointed some company to 'assist' with our claim, like a fool I agreed. (Note: this company I later found out had their office in the same building as Admiral, with common senior staff).
They provided a volvo C40 as a loan car. Our car was declaired a total loss & Admiral made a derisary offer that I said 'up yours' too.
Loan car was recalled the same day as the offer email, (man arrived and asked for the keys and took it, on the grounds that a settlement had been agreed.
From that point on the appointed helper company did NOT want to know as Admiral had told them a settlement had been reached.

Probably best NOT to say any more, other than I have NEVER gone back or used any associated insurance company.

FLYING BANANA 24th April 2024 15:07

Sorry to hear about the accident but at least your wife is ok, and that’s the main thing.

I stopped using Admiral as they seemed to not know the difference between a supercharger and a turbocharger. I tried insuring the V8, Pooky Bear, with them but they kept saying that my car had a turbocharger fitted, yes on Banana but not on the Bear. But they weren’t having it. So I went back to Lancaster on both cars.

AndyN01 24th April 2024 15:49

Sorry to hear this. As has been said at least everyone is OK.

You may have seen or recall my "hit and scarper" incident quite a while ago

This was resolved by me through the third party insurance without my insurance company getting involved (save being told as I was required to do) and eventually fully resolved. Yes she was written off but I had the offer of buying her back so if you want to keep her then there's a fighting chance that you'll be able to; albeit with a Cat whatever (N?) marker put against her.

You might not be able to do this if Admiral have formally dealt with your claim. What is their position - If they have made a decision on your claim I think that they have the right/power to just write her off. You might still be able to buy her back and argue about her value but you need to know their formal/contractual (their contract with you when you purchased their insurance - what clause are they using? Specifics and details are crucial. Push for "we used clause 1-27-a-ii" not just "we can and have written her off."

My suggestion/recommendation is to (a) contact Admiral to find out their position and IF you might be able to bypass them, (b) contact Hastings yourself and find out exactly who is doing what and who (yes, their name and position in the company) authorised it.

Remember to keep very good records. Email and online chats with screenshots are great because they are absolutes, not a "remembered" phone call (although these are usually recorded).

Good luck.


xsport 24th April 2024 16:45

I do hope its repairable for you to do. The problem with tailgate damage is that more often than not, the "box" cage is out of square and this renders it a write off. I hope that yours is ok , but worth checking out before taking a chance on repair. Wish all turns out well for you , fingers crossed. ..

Typhoon190 24th April 2024 19:34

I would say it's highly likely the car will be declared a financial write off.

In my opinion you shouldn't let the car go for 'assessment and/or repair'.

Accept a pay out from the other persons insurance, but not the first offer. Take the money and get the car fixed yourself.

Either way I believe the car will be Category N, but best to keep complete control of the situation yourself. Just my opinion. :}

Rogue 24th April 2024 20:01

They tried to write mine off with just the scrape on the door, wing and the broken mirror. I negotiated with them for them to pay me in lieu of damages for what it cost to have it repaired and sprayed to save it being written off.

Andy_with_a_screwdriver 24th April 2024 21:26

Thanks for all the replies, lots of useful information.

I've had a good look under the back end this afternoon after work, because I hadn't done so previously.
As far as I can see there appears to be no damage to the actual tow bar, it's not bent nor can I see any movement in the fixings underneath. It's sort of an illusion caused by the bent plate and cycle carrier frame that's bolted on.
The bumper has definitely moved forward mainly on the off side. The tailgate seems to have been pushed forward at the lower edge, where the plastic trim is fixed on, possibly causing it to bend slightly.
I've actually got a complete spare tailgate in hff Green which I bought from a local breakers last year. I was intending to fit it because mine is rusting at the top edge, where there had been damage before I bought it. Just never got round to it.
Ironically we're still waiting on the special order new rear number plate that fell off a couple weeks ago on the M5!:duh:

Admiral have referred us to Auxilis and closed the claim but said it can be reopened at our discretion.
The man at Auxilus was apparently quite appreciative about the 75s and commented on their quality and decent engine, but said the company wouldn't entertain fixing it.

We can now get Admiral to look into it.
Or go with the people appointed by Hastings. The van driver has confirmed he had contacted Hastings. So this 3rd party lot appear genuine.
My wife had "we buy any old car" value it at £180....

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