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planenut 11th June 2020 08:06

Be Wary - Virus Is Still There.
So many people will have been lucky not to have been affected by the virus, so logically with the reduction in restrictions, they will and in some cases already be "out on the town".

The virus is still out there and many, many people will still have to meet it, subsequently enduring the losses and trauma, the nursing staff will still have to work their socks off.

Stay very wary of those around you and your loved ones, this has a long way to run. IMHO.

Simondi 11th June 2020 09:15

Absolutely, I think you're right and that we have a long way to go. Scotland is a wee bit further behind England.

macafee2 11th June 2020 10:44


Originally Posted by planenut (Post 2818058)
So many people will have been lucky not to have been affected by the virus, so logically with the reduction in restrictions, they will and in some cases already be "out on the town".

The virus is still out there and many, many people will still have to meet it, subsequently enduring the losses and trauma, the nursing staff will still have to work their socks off.

Stay very wary of those around you and your loved ones, this has a long way to run. IMHO.

Totally agree, I wonder if it will ever be safe before a vaccine is administered to all those that want and can have it.


Mark Murphy 11th June 2020 12:18

I don't see how they can "fasttrack" a vaccine? plus coronavirus have never had one

clf 11th June 2020 14:40


Originally Posted by macafee2 (Post 2818095)
Totally agree, I wonder if it will ever be safe before a vaccine is administered to all those that want and can have it.


THIS study may be of interest regarding. It relates to the influenza (all types) pandemic in 2009, during and after. Of course in 2009/2010, a vaccine (which is NOT a cure remember) was available. Trying to find an equivalent study from before the vaccine was introduced is proving difficult. THIS one is the closest I can find, but I cannot see any comparable data to make use of a comparison.

Like any serious transmittable viral infection, people who are infected, should be isolating themselves to help prevent the spread. The lockdown will make people more aware of both it and how it affects others, so with a bit of luck and consideration, people will actually do something about it.

It will NOT be eradicated, it WILL mutate - this is what viruses do. In the meantime of course, that does not help those who contract it and possibly succumb. HOWEVER and this is the important bit to remember, not everyone who contracts it dies from it. On the grand scheme of things, from memory, it is something like 5% of those who do contract it, will succumb. I do not have numbers for it, as records are inaccurate, but a very high proportion of those who do succumb, have an underlying condition. (another factor that muddies the water, is how a virus is not what kills you, but it is a secondary infection - eg pneumonia or another bacterial infection, which can be brought on by a 'regular' flu or cold and these people would not have been identified in the deaths recorded). AND even those with underlying conditions are NOT guaranteed to succumb.

Be sensible, be considerate, and if you have symptoms, even if it seems to be the common cold, self isolate. And coming from a smoker, if you see someone sneeze or cough, do not assume they have it (or any other infection). It is more likely to the increased smoking they will have been doing during lockdown.

Ray L 11th June 2020 18:49

Sadly still seems to be a thousand deaths this week.

So, still got to be very careful

marinabrian 11th June 2020 21:58

Realty check
0.004 percent of people who contract covid 19 will die as a result.

Please be safe, sensible, and respectful of others, however do not make the mistake of thinking that if you are unlucky enough to contract the virus that it is a certainty that you will be fast tracked to the grave.

The headline figures are appalling, however they are just that, and the way they are being reported designed to shock.

I look forward to the time when reliable antigen testing is rolled out and it is revealed that 30 million plus in the population have been infected without even as much as a sneeze or cough, the headline figures will be put into some sort of context.

98% of people infected are either asymptomatic, or display only mild symptoms, of the 2% remaining, 80% of those will go on to make a full recovery.

There are many things in life that contribute to our eventual demise, this virus although unpleasant and in certain cases deadly, it should not be regarded as a reason to put your life on hold, in fact far from it.

We are all put on this planet but once, you don't get a refund, and if you don't grasp life with both hands and make the most of it, then you are confusing quality with quantity.

Don't waste time, it is very precious, in fact it is our most precious commodity, as once spent it cannot ever be regained.

Brian :D

WillyHeckaslike 11th June 2020 23:48


Originally Posted by marinabrian (Post 2818223)
We are all put on this planet but once. Brian :D

We don't live forever but we do live now. So, what were we before ... dead? :getmecoat:

marinabrian 12th June 2020 06:27


Originally Posted by WillyHeckaslike (Post 2818231)
We don't live forever but we do live now. So, what were we before ... dead? :getmecoat:

Worse than that, we were Mackems :eek::eek::eek:

Brian :D

Mark Murphy 12th June 2020 08:47

Actually that has made me think, when you are dead, you are just not born yet..

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