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Jules 15th December 2009 23:29

Dont Use Your Mobile Even When Stationary.
That's correct Gents
In this Nanny State we're now enduring, a friend of mine got a tap on his car window 2 weeks ago from a traffic Cop,......."are you using the phone Sir"
were the Officer's words.

John was stationary at the time, he had pulled over in a safe place to take a call from Primary School that his son had been taken ill & could he be collected.

Instant penalty & 3 points were the result of this.
The law is (& and has been for some time)
If you use your phone while the keys are in the ignition, it's an offence.

Funny isn't it why it's not an offence to target Smokers while driving because the Government would loose so much revenue.
It's also an offence to eat an apple or a Sandwich while at the wheel too!

I'm sure my blacked out rear window has saved me a few points, cos I don't consider myself a dangerous driver while eating an apple.
End of Rant for today.
Good evening

Dragrad 16th December 2009 00:21

The law has, in essence, always implied that if you use any hand for anything other than driving, then an offence of "careless driving" is being committed. However (us) smokers tend to get away with it, unless you are caught in the act of lighting up as you are driving. Where they can obviously prove that your eyes are off the road to focus on the act of lighting... if you're moving....

Same as focussing on the ice cream heading for your mouth!! ;)

However the incident you report is a "Jobsworth" incident. And should be argued. Regardless of the reason why he was on the phone - if he was parked sensibly and anchors engaged, then in my mind he should not have been fined.! :mad: In fact he did the sensible thing......

Reebs 16th December 2009 07:04

Next, you'll be fined for taking your eyes off the road to look at your speedo, or checking your rear view mirror!

And don't even think about taking your hands off the wheel to activate your indicators (unless the car is absolutely stationary with the handbrake fully applied, and its up on bricks in a locked garage, with the keys hanging up in the kitchen cupboard) :p:

I'm glad I've got an auto, so they can't do me for gear changes :getmecoat:

Where will it all end :shrug:

Christopher 16th December 2009 08:07

What I'd like to do is sue the police forces that take part in these "reality tv" "cops" programmes etc - there they are racing around whilst speaking to camera and even looking at and gesticulating ... how is that in any way different? and whilst they are meant to be engaged in "high intensity" activities ...

What you describe Jules is really really silly an actually scares me - we really are becoming automatons ... we need a bit more backbone though I can't see the Spanish, etc sitting there and just taking this ... :(

JohnDotCom 16th December 2009 08:17

Only ever use hands free and although in the event of a accident the phone records will be checked and if talking can be a contributory factor and you will get done.

All our Staff are advised when we call them etc, that if they have "parked up" for call that they completely remove the keys from ignition if using hand held.
This having been checked fully complies with the stupid rules.

Mind you nothing happens to most using hand held on the move by the number I see,
so perhaps being good and pulling up to prevent accidents is no longer the right way to go............

Common sense should be applied, and only pull up the reckless people talking and even texting, before an accident occurs.:(

Raistlin 16th December 2009 09:04


Originally Posted by JohnDotCom (Post 431608)
Mind you nothing happens to most using hand held on the move by the number I see,

As you may know, Magistrates have the power to issue a deprivation order for any motor vehicle used in crime.

Unfortunately (in my view), the order is not used enough. However, there are moves afoot within the Magistrates' Association to apply the order to those who have been caught more than once using a mobile in contravention of the legislation. The main stumbling block, of course, is that offenders have the opportunity to accept a fixed penalty ticket.

As far as Jules' original comment. Although within the letter of the law (knee-jerk legislation again), such an action was risible and does absolutely nothing to gain the confidence and cooperation of the public. Clearly the guy was perfectly safe in his actions and should have been applauded rather than castigated.

Rover418275 16th December 2009 09:16

I recently had a police car behind me as I approached a set of traffic lights. The lights changed from green and I made sure that I stopped in time, however there was a screech of brakes as the police car made an emergecy stop to prevent a meeting of bumpers. I waited for the lights to change to green and as I pulled away the blue lights went on and the police car did a u turn and disappeared. I am positive that the driver was pre-occupied with a radio message that lead to his nearly rear shunting my car.

I wonder what the 2 officers in the car would have done if the situation had been reversed........

Departed 32016 16th December 2009 10:16

The law is a bit confusing here but- if the engine is off you should be ok.
If this occured and you were given an on the spot ticket- I would go to court- this is my opinion of course, as for silly penalties like this half the time evidence / forms are incomplete. The same could be said for fixed penalty speeding tickets, theres a 50/50 chance if you go to court due to some iregularity theres no case so many people could fight it but don't bother as they are afraid of losing their licence. And before the speeding bandwagon get on at me- I'm not talking silly speeding past a school for example

Jules 16th December 2009 10:21

Right I've just spoken directly to the "Victim" in question because the original story was through another friend in the Motor Trade, so I wanted to hear it from the horses mouth.

All facts in post # No 1 are spot on.
The road in question was off a main highway on an industrial estate in Anglesey.

3 points £60 fine, because his keys were in the ignition with the engine running
"The driver is deemed not to be in full control of the Vehicle even if stationary"

John is Self Employed and has a Full hands free kit fitted, but on that one occasion, his headset did not connect, & there just happened to be an Unmarked Cop car behind him.
The North Wales Police were apparently short on "Target Points" that month, otherwise he may have just got off with a warning.

Please email to everyone you know.

I think we need to take it one step further and get this Law challenged because its a blatant money scam ................nothing to do with road safety.

Raistlin 16th December 2009 10:34


Originally Posted by Jules (Post 431647)
...get this Law challenged because its a blatant money scam ................nothing to do with road safety.

I agree with Jules that it needs challenging, but because it is bad law. The typical knee-jerk, populist reaction of this meddling, sound-bite conscious administration.

I don't believe that it was designed to be money-grabbing, although when used in this context it would certainly seem to be a convenient side effect.

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