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Jules 13th October 2007 21:51

Nikon D70 Good Camera Good Price Second Hand?
What do members think of the D70 in general?
I've got an opportunity of buying a mint one with 18 70 lens, and full kit etc
Price circa £300

Main use will be for internal & external high quality car shots.

Panasonic have a TZ3 out (different kettle of fish I know but this has rave reviews)
£circa £160

Your advice is always appreciated

JohnDotCom 13th October 2007 23:50

Really depends what you want Jules and if you already have or will need other lenses to.
The D70 was a Brilliant camera when it came out 3 Years ago, but by recent releases is not up to current quality.
It has only 6.1 Mega-Pixel and I take it the Price isn't 3300? as above.
At £300 it isn't to bad and what they are going for at the Moment with that Lens.

Sidetracking, I have got to have the Lounge Extended Dodo says, Why?
Just because I bought a Nikon D2XS Camera (Hope she doesn't find the Lenses, she will be like a 1.8 R75, blowing her Head Gasket big time).
She reckons I have more cameras now than Shirts to wear, Keep telling her 4 of them are old 35mm SLR's. Women.
Hardly seems fair I'm sure it will cost more than the camera stuff. :D

Jules 14th October 2007 00:15

£300 it was

And I've spelt Nikon wrong but we cannot edit thread titles

Need a Vacation:getmecoat:

JohnDotCom 14th October 2007 00:20

Consider it Done Jules. :D

BMC123 14th October 2007 00:24


It has only 6.1 Mega-Pixel
Nothing wrong with that imho. as you know, on DSLR's it's not about pixels, its all down to optics.

But then I would say that, as my D40 "only" has 6.1Mp :D I have yet to find any difference between pictures taken on it, and my mates new D40X (with 10Mp) :shrug: maybe the difference will show with more expensive lenses or huge prints, but for now I can't see any.

JohnDotCom 14th October 2007 00:30

Unless you are in the Habit of 30" x 40" Prints or are after the very Largest A Sizes then I quite agree with you. Optics are far more Important.
I was trying to point out that current models Whilst offering more, for what was the same price.
I still do shoot a lot of transparencies on 35MM and 6 x 6 and 5" x 4" format cameras, and still prefer them to Digital regardless of what it is fitted with. :D

briantilley 14th October 2007 12:47

As others have pointed out, 6.1MP is plenty for average-size prints. My wife had a D70 for a while, and we were both very happy with it and the 18-70mm DX lens.

£300 for the outfit sounds like a good deal if it is in good condition; the going rate at respected Nikon dealers like Grays of Westminster for a D70 body only is somewhere around that figure.

Jules 14th October 2007 22:11

After further research I decided against the D70 as it doesn't have image stabilisation, which I need out side especially in the winter months lighting.

I only need 1200 X 860 image size too, for web pages mainly.
But I still want highest quality possible within these parameters.
Oh I also need an ISO range to at least 1200.

The Panasonic TZ3 still fits all the above criterea, but obviously its a compact . Just wondering if the optics are good enough for my needs.
A friend is buying one anyway so we'll see what the results are.

Thanks for advice so far:)

BMC123 15th October 2007 00:23


I decided against the D70 as it doesn't have image stabilisation

Nikon does not use IS, it uses VR (Vibration reduction) and the technology is in the LENS not the camera.

Jules 15th October 2007 22:21

Cheers BMC
This is why I started the thread as I know sweet ***** Adams about cameras

Looked at 3 different ads and D70 reviews and none mentioned IS or VR
so I assumed neither the cameras or lenses they were being sold with had VR!!

I will be wiser when the next outfit comes on eBay.
Just bought a New Panasonic TZ3 on eBay for £150 + FREE 2 GB card to play with.
Same outfit in my local shop was £279 without the 2GB!!!!

I would still like an SLR too, now tempted by the Nikon D200
Second hand ones going for £500

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