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macafee2 11th November 2021 17:40

Can't work in a care home
The very people that worked through out covid in care homes can no longer work in care homes if not double covid jabbed.

How strange that last and this year they could work in care homes without being double jabbed they cant now.

I wonder how the unfair dismissal cases will pan out. If staff go to the High Court I can see them winning, I hope they win.

I am not sure how being double jabbed will make it safer for others.

I think everyone should be double jabbed, I believe everyone has the right to decide if to be jabbed or not.

A business short of staff is about to be even shorter.

What a disgusting situation.


KWIL 11th November 2021 17:55

However if I, or a relative was in a care home I would wish to only be supported by a double jabbed staff member. My choice of course.

another_clean_sheet 11th November 2021 18:11

[QUOTE=macafee2;2907509 I believe everyone has the right to decide if to be jabbed or not?


However employers can ask for certain conditions to be met of their employees.
Other than those which have a medical condition which precludes it, I cannot understand why anyone would not want to be double jabbed. 90% of those being treated in ICUs have not been jabbed.

Saga Lout 11th November 2021 18:17


Originally Posted by KWIL (Post 2907511)
However if I, or a relative was in a care home I would wish to only be supported by a double jabbed staff member. My choice of course.

That is where a lot of the problems come from...

Imagine this, let's call them Mary and Alice, they work in the same care home as nurses.
Mary has woken up with symptoms of Covid, is staying home and has booked a PCR test.

Alice has had two jabs and has Covid but doesn't know she has, she's going to be tending to many elderly people over the coming days.

Do you see a problem here? The jabs stop nothing but severe illness for the jabbed, and that's not 100% certain. Your choice of wanting only vaccinated staff will not lessen or remove any risk.

VVC-Geeza 11th November 2021 18:25

Unfortunately for them,in the interests of residents safety it has become a requirement for employee's to be vaccinated in that profession.They do have a very valid point though that nobody can be certain as to what if any the long term side effects will be.All those who have been jabbed have taken a leap of faith to some extent.They will have to do like many others in various career's who find themselves unemployed,and retrain for something else.

trikey 11th November 2021 18:26


Originally Posted by macafee2 (Post 2907509)

I wonder how the unfair dismissal cases will pan out. If staff go to the High Court I can see them winning, I hope they win.

I hope all 60,000 go to court and win unfair dismissal cases, whatever happened to freedom of choice :duh:

Having the vaccine does not stop transmission, we are going very quickly down the route of ending up like North Korea.

torque2me 11th November 2021 18:42


Originally Posted by macafee2 (Post 2907509)
The very people that worked through out covid in care homes can no longer work in care homes if not double covid jabbed.

How strange that last and this year they could work in care homes without being double jabbed they can now.

I wonder how the unfair dismissal cases will pan out. If staff go to the High Court I can see them winning, I hope they win.

I am not sure how being double jabbed will make it safer for others.

I think everyone should be double jabbed, I believe everyone has the right to decide if to be jabbed or not.

A business short of staff is about to be even shorter.

What a disgusting situation.


It is puzzling that they were good enough to work through three waves (first one without proper ppe) but not up to standard now.

I don't know what the scientific advice they are getting but a perusal of on-line medical submissions indicate that it is an unknown if a double vaxxd person is capable of transmitting a heavier viral load or a much lesser risk. Also no-one knows the effects of asymptomatics have had throughout the pandemic.

I hope there is a crowd funding for any legal challange.

Next on the list is hospital staff!


Saga Lout 11th November 2021 18:43

Not so.

Originally Posted by VVC-Geeza (Post 2907515)
Unfortunately for them,in the interests of residents safety it has become a requirement for employee's to be vaccinated in that profession.They do have a very valid point though that nobody can be certain as to what if any the long term side effects will be.All those who have been jabbed have taken a leap of faith to some extent.They will have to do like many others in various career's who find themselves unemployed,and retrain for something else.

The issues surrounding an unlawful mandate such as this are many, the legal cases will be interesting to say the least. There are issues not even considered by the government and Mr peanut head Javid as yet, care homes will lose staff and be faced with critical staffing issues where patients will be sent to hospitals for care, that will clog up a troubled NHS over the cold months. The backlog won't clear before frontline staff are forced out in the Spring and the NHS might as well give up at that point. What's it all about, some say safety but I beg to differ on that, a relentless system of jab after jab will follow and that's going to cause mental distress for many staff on the frontline `I'm sorry but your fifth jab has run its course and, you'll need a sixth jab or lose your job` Is that where this is heading because it's going to destroy the NHS and care system, the travel industry is another but, you'll still be able to go to a football match with 40,000 others tightly packed in.

trikey 11th November 2021 18:45

We will be next on the list, I make healthcare products I'm sure they will try and push everyone to have the vaccines by these stealthy methods.

MSS 11th November 2021 18:53


Originally Posted by macafee2 (Post 2907509)

I think everyone should be double jabbed, I believe everyone has the right to decide if to be jabbed or not.



This is the unanimous view in our household.

From a purely pragmatic point of view, the care home workers' wishes should take priority over those of the residents on the basis that it is the former whose rights are under threat by the direction.

From a personal point of view, if I was in a care home I would want priority to be given to the wellbeing and the rights of the carers rather than myself. Ditto health service staff. Anything else would be selfish.

A test case does need to go to the high court as a matter of urgency.

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