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macafee2 26th December 2019 14:05

your thoughts on ANPR
Is ANPR a spy for the government to keep an eye on its citizens? I don't know and as I am of no real interest to the government, I cant seem them really keen to know on where I am.

Doing a search on the net, there are no ANPR cameras around Southampton.

Last year 2 people in my road regularly used their vehicles for months with no MOT, again one is doing it, now 3 months out of date.

There does not seem to be the police resource to deal with it.

If not already being used, I would like to see ANPR used to nick people for not mot, tax or insurance. Vehicle is caught on the road, the registered keeper gets a ticket and the chance to say who the driver was if not them.
Perhaps an advisory letter first then if spotted a week later a ticket, may be that would be better as there will be people that have just forgotten.
The main roads to and from and around the outside of Southampton as with any city or large town should have ANPR.

As the MOT, tax and insurance are all held electronically perhaps there should be an automatic letter sent to the keeper the day before expiry.

why should drivers get away with flouting the law?

what do you think?


Les4048 26th December 2019 15:01

My personal feeling is that they should be used for more than that as the standard of driving is atrocious. People who speed in 20,30 or 40 zones should be automatically fined. People not using lanes properly at roundabouts and parking on pavements would be just some of my pet hates and I think deserves a fine. People may argue against my point of view and to them I’d say if you’re using the roads properly and with courtesy you have nothing to fear. Oh and throw in another pet hate of mine, using a mobile phone when driving

marinabrian 26th December 2019 16:01

I have an issue with ANPR being used as a replacement for road policing.

One could see an example of this, while I made a phone call, cutting across the chevrons markings of the roundabout, on the lookout for a nice safe parking space on the pavement adjacent to the pedestrian crossing.

Pah :icon_rolleyes:

Brian :D

Dallas 26th December 2019 16:43

I didn't realise how rural the Bournemouth and Poole areas are when compared to Southampton, I feel that I've stepped into the future when visited Southampton, the city seems so much more advanced with its cameras, parking meters and road layouts.

Shows what a sheltered life I've led. lol :laugh:

wraymond 26th December 2019 19:24

I thought it was an attempt to minimise 'cuts' to funding leading to fewer patrols so the fixed strategic cameras could take up the slack (to maintain fines and convictions). It seems it has only led to hugely expensive BMW's doing something that a Ford could do much more cheaply and just as effectively. Silly me.

planenut 26th December 2019 20:03

Inform the Police as they cannot really be everywhere and be aware of everything....

macafee2 26th December 2019 21:02


Originally Posted by planenut (Post 2783377)
Inform the Police as they cannot really be everywhere and be aware of everything....

will they do anything if they don't catch him driving on the road. What evidence will they have, my word. that wont be enough.

If it was same time each day they would have a chance.

Planenut, follow the link you gave, nothing meets the needs. poor website and as for giving feedback, you can tick good or bad but you cant tell them of the problem, ggggrrrrrr
not having a pop at you, just pointing out the floor in the web site, you want Hampshire as the force to report to


planenut 27th December 2019 10:17


Originally Posted by macafee2 (Post 2783400)
will they do anything if they don't catch him driving on the road. What evidence will they have, my word. that wont be enough.

If it was same time each day they would have a chance.

Planenut, follow the link you gave, nothing meets the needs. poor website and as for giving feedback, you can tick good or bad but you cant tell them of the problem, ggggrrrrrr
not having a pop at you, just pointing out the floor in the web site, you want Hampshire as the force to report to


Well the link was provided to help, but if the Police do not receive information, how can they be criticised for not acting?

macafee2 27th December 2019 11:52


Originally Posted by planenut (Post 2783463)
Well the link was provided to help, but if the Police do not receive information, how can they be criticised for not acting?

I'm not criticising the police for not acting, they don't I believe, have the resource. Neither was a criticising you for the link, more criticising the web site which I have contacted them about.

You are of course right, if they don't know about an issue they cannot be criticised for not dealing with it and even if they do know, if there are more important things to deal with, these must come first.

Did someone not let go some 20,000 officers? I do understand from the "news" that these are to be replaced but that will take time, you cannot take on that many new recruits at once and while the 20,000 are recruited, others will be leaving and so there should be in excess of 20,000 recruited.

This is where I feel ANPR could help release the burden on police officers, not replace them. ANPR checks mot, tax insurance while there is no officer with that offending vehicle.


Discofan 27th December 2019 16:54

ANPR is a lot more than a no tax and insurance reporting system. Its a very sophisticated system useful to law enforcement, the full capabilities of which are not widely publicised for good reason.

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