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Old 3rd December 2007, 19:37   #18

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BMW have used them for donkeys years. So have a number of others and even Skoda have them.

The BMW ones used to be Amber, the same as the interior illumination on the cars, and mysteriously the same colour as on a 75. I wonder why? maybe they have changed now to red?

It's just an LED, but there is a shaped plastic mounting that controls the shadow so the light goes where it's wanted. We call it waterfall lighting, or floodlighting.

Personally I find it really nice: you don't notice it until you drive a car that doesn't have it, and you can't see a thing! Try finding the fascia vent controls on your 75 at this time of year.

If you want to try it, just buy the right colour of LED and an appropriate resistor, typically 470 ohm but it depends on the actual LED you buy. The hardest part will be finding a neat invisible way to mount it and get the wires there.
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