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Old 6th December 2006, 08:30   #3
I really should get out more.......
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Originally Posted by iaint View Post
The problem with a standard bulb is that most of the energy (watts) is used to generate heat and is therefore wasted energy.

Energy saving bulbs generate less heat than a standard bulb so you get more light per watt.

Therefore you can use a lower wattage bulb than you would if you used a standard one and this is where the savings are made. If you look on the box of an energy saving bulb it will give the wattage of the bulb and an indication of what wattage standard bulb you would need to get the same amount of light.

Hope this makes sense

I understand that, it was the low voltage bit that was confusing me. I thought low voltage would mean less cost but apparently this is not the case. I was debating between a flourescent tube and low voltage halogen spots. I was told a 50watt 12v halogen bulb would use the same energy as a 50watt 240v bulb. Just wanted a comparison of costs. Although after working through the sums voltage plays no part in the costing, so now i'm thinking i've been told right.
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