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Old 10th February 2008, 13:52   #1
This is my second home

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Default Busy couple of days

Inbetween shopping and the usual houshold 'stuff' that always needs doing, I got to play with my new toys; inparticularly the Megs Detailing Machine and the Snow Foam attachment for the Karcher.

Unfortunately I neglected to take any photos of the process. Just the results.


Gave the car a blast with the pressure washer to get rid of the worst of the muck.

Mixed a solution for the snow foam attachment of 1cm snow foam solution, 1cm of Auto Glym car wash, filled the container with water. Problem, the snow foam attachment is made for the Karcher brand, but I could not get it to fit properly. Something is too bog/small - whatever the case is. Managed to get it working though, and covered the car with a thick layer of suds. Looked like shaving foam! Kids in the street were fascinated by it!

Left it to dwell for 5 mins while I had a coffee & smoke.

Went over the car with a lambswool mit, rinsing regularly in clear water.

Once the car was washed, rinsed off & dried with a Sonus drying towel.

The car doesn't need claying, and is pretty much swirl free.

Onto the Megs Detailing Machine.

I used a plain white pad as I didn't want any 'cutting' to take place, and used Sonus SFX-2 Enhance Polish. The machine is nice to use, balanced and not too much vibration, even at higher speed. I started on a slow speed & worked my way up as my confidence grew.

Once the polish was worked, left to cure for a while, buffed it off. I was pleased with the results so far.

Then worked on the inside of the car, glass cleaned with AG Glass Cleaner (blue stuff), all surfaces polished & carpets thoroughly vacuumed.


Gave the car a quick rinse down & dry to remove overnight dust & other crud.

Decided to use the Megs machine again to apply Poor Boys Blue wax. So on with another white pad. Car duly covered in a nice thin, even layer of wax. What I like about using the Megs to apply the wax if I can really work it - so much better (and easier) than by hand.

Left it to cure for an hour. During that time I cleaned all exterior glass using AG Glass Cleaner, tyres dressed.

Removed the wax using terry-towel cloths, and then a final buff with micro-fible cloths, and spent 20 mins trying to get the polish & wax residue that collects in all the little nooks & crannies!

Next week, I'm going to hit the door, bonnet & boot jams. The car looks fantastic, until you open them, and see the grot!

Anyway, results below of my efforts. BRG looks fantastic, and cars always look better in photographs than real life, but on this case, real life is almost as good as the photos!

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