Thread: I'm bored....
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Old 14th December 2006, 14:23   #27
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Ken, Simon,

interesting debate about motorways in the early hours.
Going back to my original post I also had to go around the newly opened M25 from the M11 to the Dartford tunnel southbound (as it then was). This stretch of the M25 was very new (just a few days opened at the time) during the following three months or so, before all and sundry realised it was usable, there was a regular moped rider who would ride along the hard shoulder anti clockwise every morning between around 0300 and 0330!! I kid you not, he had an open face helmet and a ciggy in his mouth and would often grin and nod his head at me as we approached each other. I often wonder what happened to him (probably squashed??).
How the worlds changed in 25 years or so.
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