Thread: fuel boycott
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Old 12th June 2008, 20:25   #7

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Originally Posted by Sancho View Post
Or take public transport to work.
Not sure whether this is serious.

The local council where I work is trying to force us to use public transport to work.

They offered to tell me how easy it was to get from home to work and back, using public transport, if I told them what time I start and finish.

So they worked out, if I leave home by taxi, half an hour before I currently do, I can arrive at work an hour and a half late, rather than twenty minutes early like now. So they agreed I had to use my car to get to work.

I can and should use public transport to get home according to them, even though it would take around three hours instead of the current one.

Of course the next morning, having left my car at work, the whole thing falls over somewhat.

They even had the cheek to ring up and ask if the advice was helpful, and if I was using the suggested transport.

And don't try to tell me I'm a one off, I know the large majority of the people I work with are in the same boat.

Unfortunately we don't all live and work in cities with good transport links. Our policy makers, who do spend much of their working lives in one, seem to forget this.

Last edited by Departed; 12th June 2008 at 20:36..
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