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Old 2nd August 2015, 16:24   #43
Posted a thing or two
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Originally Posted by Framps View Post
Just a quick thank you to the guys I met at the BMC at Ferrymeadows today, learnt a lot of interesting information which is a great help to a novice like me, the wife enjoyed it too.
I'll second that - an enjoyable few hours at Ferry Meadows, some nice 75/ZTs to look at and lots more besides.

Can I make a polite suggestion, and I hope the club organisers do not take this as a criticism, but can I suggest that the club organisers/convenors responsible for these meets (unofficial or otherwise) make an effort to circulate occasionally away from their well-organised picnic set-ups to greet/say hello to any members/cars they are not familiar with. This will avoid any newbies (like myself) feeling unwelcome or that they are intruding on a private party ! I am probably not the most outgoing or socially confident person, but if I organise meetings/conventions (as I have done in my professional life), I try to greet all the guests/attendees to make them feel welcome. There was a similar issue I felt at POL, although I realize it would be more difficult for club officials to greet everyone there, due to the size of the event. Again, please not take this comment personally, and I look forward to attending many future meets.

Thanks again for organising today's club presence at this event.


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