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Old 27th October 2015, 09:15   #7
I really should get out more.......
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Originally Posted by coolcat View Post
Always good to make sure the horizon isn't slap bang in the middle of the frame as well.
Rule of thirds can help with composition, so horizon third of the way at the top or bottom and apply the same to any subject object in the frame.
It tends to make a more balanced and pleasing composition, rules are there to be broken though

Some cameras will overlay a grid over the image helping you to keep horizons straight and to compose where objects are in the frame.
If you have the facility on your camera try it out, it's very useful.

As for correcting post capture, it depends on what image processing software you are using but it's usually a very simple operation.
Just remember though if you straighten an image you will loose some of the foreground in the shot
Thanks for that Jeff. I feel quite embarrassed with myself as I do quite a bit of painting in both water colours and acrylics. I am quite familiar with perspective and the rule of thirds you refer to. So WHY didn't I think of applying exactly the same rule to my photographs

It seems that logic went straight out of the window when I was playing with the camera. Thanks for getting me back on track.
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