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Old 5th August 2018, 14:36   #102
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That’s the most awful exposure of rule contravention I’ve seen on here. No moderator involvement, no censure. Are we no longer concerned about outward impression to prospective and, in this case, new members?

There has been no bullying or intimidation (it’s on-line for Pete’s sake) in this thread or any of those leading up to or since ‘the vote’ as suggested. If it is thought there have been why not indicate them (in context, of course)?

How political allegiances can be identified beats me. Is that another plank to walk on? Traumatised? Adults? Oh come on.. Alleging the subversive preparation of 'plots' for the future?

There has been no ‘pack of dogs’, what a way to refer to fellow club members, if only from the point of view of ‘manners’, Rule 1, and the poster has made frequent requests or attempts to get threads closed because he does not like the subject. Suspicions of mischief-making abound.

There have been opposing arguments of course but none of the kind referred to and when things have got overheated the mods have closed threads, usually understandably. Allowing this thread to continue has shown considerable tolerance and forebearance by mods but allowing the post in question to remain is a disgrace.

It is a totally false and obnoxious impression from a frustrated malcontent. Shameful and embarrassing.
member no. 235
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