Thread: Rear sill rusty
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Old 5th September 2018, 23:55   #9
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Originally Posted by Arctic View Post
Hi Adrian.
You will not be alone with this problem, all owners should be checking around the jacking pads/points for any bubbling which is the first sign of rust occurring under the protective seal in that area.

For some reason there are no drain hole before & aft of these jacking points, I am also convinced because of this fact the jacking pads do not help I could be wrong.

Only last week I decided to do my usual yearly under body check, ie check the rear upper arms brake pipes etc, I noticed that around the rear jacking points a slight bubbling & tiny rust line.

I then poked the area with a blunt tool and to my big surprise around the jacking point it gave way, the same test last year I did and that sill area was solid so it shows just how quick the rust can eat through the metal, now due to the up coming nano meet I have crudely repaired the area with some new metal after cleaning back to bare metal and treating it.

This will give me time to decide before the next MOT January as to do I have the sills repaired properly or do I call it a day on the car.
Hello Artic,
The jacking point is solid. I quickly checked as the car is jacked up currently with rear wheel off. It was caked in muck under the arch liner. I had removed the muck with a hose, wire brushed and rubbed down rust spots and put 3 coats of Hammerite on before I saw the sill. I was wire brushing the suspension when I noticed the sill.
The inner sill is solid so just going to cut metal patch to fit and Mig weld in. Just hoping I can match the paint as it is Posiedon flip paint.
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