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Old 31st October 2018, 11:18   #142675
Gate Keeper
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Originally Posted by trikey View Post
I feel your pain mate, hurt mine last Weds, been on pain killers all week, only tonight is the pain going away.

Tiger balm is king.
Good morning Andy and commiserations to Ian for the back pain. I wish you both a speedy recovery.

I saw the surgeon yesterday and we went through my scan results on the screen. He said I am heading towards surgery, but I am not there yet. I have 2 new aneurysms I had not seen before, in the Iliacs. The Iliac blood vessels supply oxygenated blood from the heart to the lower limbs. When the aneurysms get to 3mm they have to be repaired with either a graft or a stent.

I asked him why did I get them and is there anything I can do to make them go away or not get worse. I told him: I take my tablets, I don’t smoke, I exercise, I don’t eat sh or anything bad.

He said it’s age and nothing can be done about it. He said anyone 60+ should be on a screening programme and should have a scan for aneurysms and if they find one, the techniques have improved with most repairs being done in only 3 days in hospital using stents and cameras, saving lives, so not all bad news

Get well soon, Andy and Ian. Eat and drink, take your tablets
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