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Old 10th November 2018, 17:47   #25
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Originally Posted by stocktake View Post
This is very worrying for the future
Hi Dave.
A little worrying but we have seen this so many times over the last 7 years, once we know who as taken over I or Rob or both of us will approach them and express our willingness to hopefully carry on as we have before when managers have changed over.

I travelled to the FA on Thursday 8th when I arrived the pub was closed up with a sign on the door from Yvette saying closed for a couple of weeks please contact me at the Rainbow Coven.

Therefore I drove to the Rainbow to speak to Yvette when I arrived she was in a meeting with someone, I waited for the meeting to finish, then had my chance to talk to Yvette about the FA and she confirmed 100% that she is no longer running it, she said she was going to ring me or Rob to let us know but did not get round to it, she as passed on our details & that we have meets there to the area manager.

I had took with me a sheet with our 2019 dates on she said that she will pass it on to the area manager, and ask him to either give me or Rob a call about our dates for 2019, she could not pass on the dates before as she had not got them.

I will try and keep track of what's going on over the next few weeks and months with regards to whom maybe taking it over, once I do I will once again produce the sheet for our 2019 dates to the new manager.

Trouble is we have five months in front of us before the first meet, in that time another manager may have come and gone, at least we know that the area manager knows about us and seems to be on board from what Yvette said to me. Arctic
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