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Old 10th December 2018, 20:10   #26
This is my second home
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Originally Posted by newhavenhibby View Post
Hopefully you will soon be pain free Dallas.

Having been an NHS dentist for nearly 40 years I must say your case sounds most unusual as there did not seem to be an obvious cause ......I'm sure dentists and maxfax will have done a full inspection involving all types of xrays, pulp testing etc etc and so a normal cause was obviously not evident. It is also unusual in this day and age for the maxillo facial surgeons to be doing the clearance unless there is an underlying good reason. It sounds they were unsure what the cause is otherwise they would have recommended a total clearance in one go. It sounds like they did the upper first to remove any biting pressure and if that had done the trick would have left the lowers as the bottom denture is harder to adapt to as a general rule. They would normally look to leave something ( tooth or even a root) especially in the lower to help the stability of the lower dentures when you eventually try them.........unless you are going to go down the implant root? ( pardon the pun lol)

The bone will re model for up to 6 months so any dentures you have made in that time may need constant remodelling and adjustment. The final result will depend on how much bone loss occurs after the teeth are removed. I know you have worn partials but they get nearly all their support from your own teeth so once they have gone it is all down to your own muscular control, type of saliva, perseverance etc etc. The upper full is normally the easier to go with as you get good suction as the plate covers the palate. The lower only has a smaller area to sit between the cheeks and the tongue and much depends on muscular control.

Incidentally dentists do get a good ideas when a tooth is dying by various diagnostic tools and appropriate questions and I never intentially left a patient in pain for weeks because I didn't realise a tooth was dying.

As you have found out patients are all different and present with different scenarios but hopefully now the end of the pain is in sight which is of prime importance and the primary target.

Good luck.
Thank you Ashley, and you are quite right in what you say. I have had several tests over the years including CT and MRI's scans, thankfully all came back ok.

My problem is hereditary, my mother and father, grandmother and grandfather all lost their teeth in their 40's, the problem seems to be big overcrowded teeth in small area, this contributed to brushing problems, which contributed to decay, then fillings and then root canals. The RC's would eventfully fail which then meant extractions one by one over the years, this has been going on since my early teens.

When I reached 30 I got fed up of trying to save my teeth, so I opted for extractions instead. So all that dental work I had is now gone, my reaming teeth are now in low bone and some teeth have become mobile.

Once I started wearing partial dentures, this then just added to the problem of causing pain in my reaming real teeth. I found my denture teeth would clash my real teeth, also put stress/pressure on my real teeth which would make them become mobile. I agree about partial dentures fitting better when you have some real teeth remaining as the denture can lock inplace around your real teeth, but those real teeth are just sitting on borrowed time. The reaming teeth do get a lot of stress from the denture, and overtime I have found these teeth then become troublesome.

Having a full clearance is to stop all these problems I guest, I want to be able to talk, eat and do everyday tasks without pain, without the fear of my teeth constantly clashing and hurting. Maxfax has said its my choice at the end of the day, I cant imagine it being any worst than it is now.

I know its going to be a big change going from partials to full dentures, the problem I have at the moment is, I cant wear my upper temp denture at the moment as the bone where my canines were is huge. The swelling has gone down, but still the bone is big and bulgy where the roots were which makes my denture not fit... I don't suppose you have any pointers do you?

Originally Posted by Gate Keeper View Post
Hi Wes, I have a mix of semi permanent dentures, an implant, crowns, a bridge and part of my lower jaw has a synthetic bone implant. I won’t go into any gory details. Our resident dentist is here and how lucky we are to have him, we really are.... Psychologically, it is going to be a major change for you from what you have been used to. Just give yourself time to adapt to your new teeth and looks. If you find they are too tight or loose, pop back to the dentist and have them readjusted. Ultimately, only you will know they are dentures. Enjoy.

I know a couple of the other members who have dentures, only because one guy told me about them, when I needed to see his dentist in Yorkshire. Another took his dentures out in a cafe in front of me, so he could tuck into his meat and 2 veg and not worry about getting the green bits left in afterwards.
Thanks Phil, You will have to tell me your story some day, you can hear more of mine. lol

Its certainly been hard Phil, coping with pain for so many years and now coming to terms of having no teeth has been difficult. I'm in my late 40's and somewhat of a show-off, my looks are/have already changed some. I will find it hard, but stopping all this pain and discomfort is the goal to a happier pain free life.

I'm not sure if I will go straight to temps as my current upper temp is way to big already. I may wait 6-8 weeks or so and then get measured for a new full upper and lower temp denture, better chance of them fitting. So I may be walking the streets for awhile with no teeth looking old, oh! and a soft food diet, that's the pits.

Last edited by Dallas; 10th December 2018 at 20:17..
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