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Old 24th March 2019, 08:47   #3
This is my second home
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Originally Posted by gadget1960 View Post
I have been thinking of late that imo i have had the pleasure of being a motorist during the 'best' decades as far as car design and desirability are concerned. 60's 70's 80's 90's.
I have always thought that at some point the government are going to 'pull the plug' on us UK motorists due to the ever increasing debates and problems with air pollution / congestion etc: and now .... this is the beginning of the end for us.
Pilot tests are now being done to give up your car for an 'up to' £3000 P/A kickback to be used in the form of a debit card or i phone payment to spend on transport to and from work or whatever.
I remember many years ago one of the famous group B rally drivers (Walter Rohrl) predicted this would happen in his lifetime and low and behold ... here it is.
It's only a matter of time Ladies and Gentlemen ( a good few years from now obviously) before we are not allowed to drive our own vehicles anymore, they will be owned and run by the government and we will pay for the privilege being ferried to and from our destinations ( a bit like public transport nowadays really!)
So .... get yer cycle clips out because that's all we are going to be allowed to have.
Rant over .... yours sincerely.
The Minister of Doom!

I agree, there is a seismic shift on the horizon in transportation & car manufacturing akin to another Dr Beeching report wielding his axe.

The list of local authorities applying for clean air zones & the banning/taxing of older cars on their roads is growing daily,even diesel buses/taxi's will not escape.

It'll be akin to the phasing out of steam trains and will happen sooner rather than later from what I've been reading.

I'd love to get an electric car next but as yet they're far too expensive for me.

The new cars will be equipped with so much technology that even speeding will become a thing of the past. (intelligent speed assistant) will be mandatory on all new cars as early as 2021.

The golden days of motoring on mostly open roads have certainly passed for me, I don't enjoy driving much these days & only use the car when needs must, being retired I pick my time to use the car otherwise everywhere you go is gridlocked

Blessed are the tea makers.
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