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Old 25th April 2019, 17:24   #10
This is my second home
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75 Contemporary SE Mk II 2004 Man. Sal. CDTi 135ps, FBH on red diesel, WinCE6 DD

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Originally Posted by trikey View Post
I agree with that to a point, when I had 5 children at home, all under the age of 12 I would have been 30% a week better off by not working!

Did I stop work and claim dole? Did I hell, I was brought up to work.

I think the majority of the oldies were brought up to work, not working for a living was never then an option or even on the horizon. On approaching school leaving, it never entered anyone's head that they would do anything other than get a job and earn our keep. Now we seem to have changed to a society where there is a useful backstop position of doing nothing - completely unheard of in my day. You went out and had to get some sort of job.

Now they are desperately short of man power, welcoming people from eastern EU to fill positions and our home grown are allowed to sit on their backsides and watch TV. Make 'em work.

How To's and items I offer for free, or just to cover the cost of my expenses...

Fix a poor handbrake; DIY ABS diagnostic unit; Loan of the spanner needed to change the CDT belts; free OBD diagnostics +MAF; Correct Bosch MAF cheap; DVB-T install in an ex-hi-line system; DD install with a HK amp; FBH servicing.

I've taken a vow of poverty. To annoy me, send money.
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