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Old 2nd November 2019, 18:16   #28
This is my second home
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Originally Posted by Rickoshea View Post
Sorry but this is just not true. The last Ice Age reached its peak 12,000 ago and we are still in the warming period from this. Scotland was not a tropical paradise 10,000 years ago - I suspect it was so cold, the Mammoths felt chilly.

If you really want to wind up the members of the Climate Change Cult, just tell them we are still in an Ice Age and we will only have left it once both polar ice caps have melted. You could also mention that the CO2 levels were 5 times the current level when the dinosaurs were prospering and also mention the their is NO statistical correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature!

On the other hand, if we can reduce our consumption and make our own electricity, then why wouldn't we? I have insulated our house to the point where we have reduced our heating use by over two thirds, installed PV panels that produce more electricity than consume and have installed a Tesla battery to power the house when the Sun goes down.

We have also switch to an electric car and have so say it is vastly nicer than any other car I have ever driven. Brilliantly quiet, amazing acceleration (never need to worry about the poor in their diesels disguised as BMWs!).Also brilliant handling with the weight of all those batteries mounted low down. It has a range of around 240 miles and I can fully charge it at home for less than £8. This electricity is drawn at night when it is cheapest and it is cheap because their is so much spare capacity when everyone is in bed!

Recycling the batteries is a problem right now because their are so few to recycle! Once more are available, then the industry to recycle them will arise. This may however some way off as their are Telsas running around with over 400k miles on the original batteries and they may last for a million miles.

This brings me to the final advantage of the electric car - it could last for a very long time. Why can go wrong? No gear boxes, fuel injectors, valves, bits of metal flying up and down. Very bad news for car manufacturers.

Go electric!

Just to show I am not a closet XR member, our holiday travelling accounts of 14 flights a year but only 5 re long haul!
So you are the one bringing this earth we live on to its inglorious end with all those flights. Tesla’s with over 400,000 miles? Where are they running? America?People who think that the e.v. will become the norm are living in cuckoo land..
Great Barr, Birmingham.
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