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Old 3rd November 2019, 18:18   #11
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Originally Posted by genpk View Post
i can see this being the thin edge of the sword.
Council beauracrats trying to be enlightened greens.
We have councils over here trying to enact rules no one wants

How true! A few local authorities have joined the C40 initiative besides implementing government mandates for the Paris accord commitments!

Off the top of my head the last time I looked Greater Manchester,Oxford & Birmingham, oh and Scotland.
The programmes presented by the initiative include everything from the full electrification of company fleets by 2030, up to cities who plan to solely purchase electric buses by 2025. The climate alliance now compromises a total of more than 60 members.

They've just implemented it in Spain & all eyes are on Catalonia.
Guess who is going to fund it!!!
For the new carbon tax coming in, the government expects to add about 150 million euros a year to its budgets.

Catalonia wants to levy the carbon tax for 2019 for the first time in November 2020. It will then initially apply to vehicles emitting 120 grams of CO2 per kilometre or more. Vehicles that emit more than 95 g CO2 per kilometre will then be taxed for 2020. In practice, owners of a Porsche Cayenne with CO2 emissions of 265 g/km, for example, will have to pay a tax of €127 for 2019 and €176 for the following year.

Looks like my Kia Niro hybrid which emits 95g/CO2/Km will have to pay the carbon tax after next year if they go by that initiative.

As Dylan sang! The times they are a changin'

Blessed are the tea makers.
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