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Old 9th March 2020, 15:53   #329
This is my second home
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Originally Posted by Stevie25 View Post
Also, do people really think that electricity will stay around the same price for charging your car?

Surely this is not a serious comment?
Currently, when you consume electricity at your home the Electricity Supplier has no way of knowing if that is being used for a Cooker, Lights, Television etc.
So how could if ever know that you were charging a EV?
However, perhaps if say the Daily Mail ran a story along the lines that EV cars being charged at a different rate, many millions would believe such a nonsense story.
Perhaps you should use a little bit of logic when you read my post. I E if more and more people buy EVs, to me, I don’t know about you, I imagine more electricity will be consumed than at present. Quite a noticeable difference I would think. We will be seeing quite a rise in electric prices, if only to stop people overloading our already antiquated generating capacity. I have read all the stories about people will mostly be charging their EVs at night, and when, if? all the people start plugging in, I can see that there will be a few cutouts blowing to stop any damage to transformers. The electric companies keep telling us that they are running on a knife edge of capacity. It will be nice if we have a long spell of very cold weather. You will then have to chose between lighting and heating your home, or charging your EV up. No of course it will never happen will it. Your comment about ‘how could they know if you were charging your car up’. Quite easy really. What is your current consumption? Put your EV on charge, and do you think that your consumption will stay roughly the same? Electric is monitored at the electricity generation point. It is monitored for many reasons, and you can bet that they could tell you when most people charge their cars up even now. I am a realist, not a romantic.
Great Barr, Birmingham.

Last edited by bl52krz; 9th March 2020 at 16:03..
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