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Old 26th March 2020, 08:12   #40
MGR South Devon
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Hi Brian
We are still working as we are in the exempt list as a garage. I am now working from home as I have a direct link to the workshop computer. They boys are still in but take all necessary precautions for social distancing. They have chained off the workshop and asked customers not to go in to reception but leave cars on forecourt with key in and we will ring when it is ready, and they can pay over phone, and we will then leave car for them to collect, avoiding all contact between them and staff using wipes for the door handle, gear stick and handbrake and steering wheel. Also with the car keys. We don't know yet how the latest MOT development will affect us, but we would like to stress to anybody who is still going to be using their car that if they decided to take 'advantage' of the 6 month extension they are still liable for the safety of their car and if there is any problem and they are stopped and found to have an unroadworthy vehicle, they could still be prosecuted under Road Traffic Offences act.
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