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Old 7th January 2021, 19:08   #23
Posted a thing or two

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Originally Posted by bl52krz View Post
The problem is that there are to many people who either are to thick to believe that they can not get it, mostly the teenagers to forty age group from my observations. I have a nephew who believes it’s all a load of codswallop. Refuses to wear a mask when entering shops. But I blame shop keepers, Asda,Tesco,Aldi, and the like for not stopping them entering their premises if they are not wearing a mask, or like I do, a visor. No excuse not to wear a visor. I have lung damage from when I had TB in 1974. If I wear a mask and do any walking I have difficulty breathing (I get short of breath). This virus is actually showing who are those that really care about others, or don’t give a fig for anyone but themselves. Perhaps it would serve those people right to have it it, then they would probably learn a lesson in caring for others rather than themselves.
Agreed that your instance is true. The others will be those who cannot afford not to work and do not have the morals to realise that their decision could result in deaths of others. 58,000 positive tests on people will not result in 58k quarantines.

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