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Old 17th April 2021, 12:09   #1
the dutch guy

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Default O-ring sizes thermostat KV6

hi guys,

i am in the process of replacing the thermostat housing and it has gone pretty well. i even got the bendy bit off without breaking anything.

i replaced most of the inlet to the point where i could refill the system and lo and behold: the O ring of the pipe bit is just pouring out coolant when filling despite cleaning it and lubing it up before putting it all back.

does anyone had the sizes of the rings that are used on the 90 degree pipe and the straight pipe so i can source new ones locally?

buying a kit from rimmers for example is not really a option for me as it takes WEEKS to get stuff shipped over if its held in customs and the taxation makes it a really expensive set of o-rings if i did....
and no, i cannot find these parts in holland. even getting the thermostat housing was already a chore.

ps: i just noticed that i posted in the wrong place, can a moderator please move it?
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