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Old 18th November 2021, 18:50   #56
Saga Lout
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Originally Posted by HarryM1BYT View Post
What you wrote, makes no sense to me at all. There are certainly stats which suggest the jab works, stats to suggest it avoids infection, stats which suggest that even if you do get it, the effects are less severe and stats which suggest you are less likely to pass it on.

'Who is infecting 39k people every day? Must be those pesky 20% who have not been jabbed (for various reasons).'

What, you mean the 1,320,000 who have not been jabbed are not the cause of the current epidemic, spreading it to 39K per day? Seems reasonable to me, that they are the ones still spreading it. I suppose we are lucky, that the majority will not be catching it, or not suffering the effects quite so badly, because they have been jabbed.
Let's have a look at your statement, if 39,000 new infections were happening directly from those without a vaccine you might have a point but, that figure without a vaccine does not include those with natural immunity that have higher resistance to the virus. Let's assume that a third of them have natural immunity and simply don't need the vaccines, I'm one of them by the way. That brings the figure right down that are not vaccinated, it's just a guess I admit but it'll be very close to the right amount. That leaves a very small amount of people infecting around 40,000 people each day and you believe it's just the unvaccinated spreading it? I think you're way off and very misled by official stats, how can you trust what any Government says when natural immunity is being totally ignored by every Government, why do you think that is because I don't know the answer. It would seem that there is no price too high for any Government to get that jab into everyone no matter what their status might be, it won't stop at the booster either, it will roll on and on every few months and you'll say to yourself, how many is enough? The answer is simple, it's going to continue and divide people into yes and no groups, those saying no will be restricted and discriminated against international law. I'm also sure you'll get to a point where your next jab to save Christmas/holidays/the NHS will wear very thin. Any Government wanting to save the NHS wouldn't be considering sacking up to 100,000 staff for refusing the jab as a matter pf personal choice.
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