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Old 14th June 2022, 18:29   #10
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Getting rid of a government which the population of the country didn't elect, removing unwanted and unneeded legislation from a central body that is unacountable to the people on whom the laws are imposed, taking back sovereignty, having control of our borders, not sending our tax income to another country......... Oh hang on that was brexit.
Seems to me that all those who put forward arguments in support of Brexit will be fully understanding of the Scottish governments desire for independence

Seriously though, we will need to see what is said and what is actually guaranteed. Not what one pundit or newspaper says may or may not happen.
My heart says to vote Yes to get rid of an unelected and unacountable government who imposes their politically motivated austerity in one hand and in the other takes our wealth. My head says now isn't the time and if they gave learned nothing from the brexit mess which the Tories landed us all in then they don't deserve the vote.

Like it or not there is a majority in the Scottish parliament for independence, the Scottish people have repeatedly voted SNP and nobody can say they didn't know that the SNP is pro independence!!
As I said I'm probably sitting at around 70/30 for a yes vote but as we move forward and see what is actually planned that may change. Also for the record, I never have not ever forsee voting SNP
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