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Old 19th June 2022, 15:31   #103
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Originally Posted by wraymond View Post
No offence intended, but the naivety seems unending. The current cost to the public of EV’s is massively subsidised by HMGOV, that’s you and me incidentally, by way of misappropriated taxes in the form of grants for research/development/production in order to supplant conventional forms of transport.

Even with such existing subsidies they render acquisition out of the question for so many. All of this is on overly pessimistic assessments of impending doom. Especially when you realise that our national percentage of the alleged Demon carbon emissions is about 1% of the global figure.

I read this week that those ‘grants’ for EV production and development are to be phased out soon. I wonder what the price of a new generation of EV’s will be, just when new liquid fuel cars are no longer available or produced.

So, when faced with millions of unused classic cars and the no-longer produced new ones together with the unavailability of fuel for them, how will the move to EV’s possibly be maintained? No more petrol/diesel pumps?

I’m truly amazed at the inglorious stampede into a truly massive hike in the costs of pleasure motoring. Lambs to the... well, the nose on our collective face is obvious enough.

I've been reading a lot of these reports since it's inception in 2015, the underlying message has always been to get rid of private car ownership & congestion at the same time.

The UK is signed up & legally bound to reduce emissions by 68% by 2030, That's 13% stricter than the EU's 'Fit for 55' % reductions, Hence getting rid of red diesel for most of the people/companies that used it & stopping the PICG (plug in car grant) for private ICE cars but it's still available for Vans & Taxi's to reduce most urban emissions as they're predominantly diesel, The PICG is still available for motorbikes for some strange reason.

They know full well a vast amount of motorist will not be able to charge at home nor will there be enough on-street charging.

They want people to move away from private ownership & join car clubs or use public transport, The government is spending £millions on public transport infrastructure in the coming years.

ICE vehicles are seen as public enemy number 1 especially diesel vehicles, Can you image what it'll be like in 2030 when the ICE ban is imposed for new cars.

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