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Old 23rd March 2024, 07:23   #1
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Default My Special Birthday Celebration

One's personal problems are the worst in the world, though in reality, most are probably quite minor.

I had a milestone birthday last year but felt that my aerobatic flight was not quite extreme enough. So I found something else, no, not the "vomit comet", not another sky dive, but nuttier than my normal roller coasters.

Here in England, the only "wing walking" available, is being strapped to a frame on top of an aircraft before take off and remaining strapped there until after landing. Whilst flying, the aircraft does various aerobatics.

I finally found a location in North America, way out in Washington State, beyond Seattle.
You could watch this three minute video of someone else doing it

During this flight, once airborne, one climbs out of the cockpit, up onto the wing, straps in, then the pilot performs the aerobatics, then get back in before climbing out on the wing, to fly Harry Potter style and go through more aerobatics, whatever turns you on?

Since two months ago I had everything in place, trip, training, flights, car hire, accommodation, cash, visas,


The Federal Aviation Authority has BANNED it..........I am devastated, though not as much as the family who ran the business.

Last edited by planenut; 23rd March 2024 at 16:10..
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