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Old 8th August 2009, 21:47   #20
This is my second home

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Thanks Martin I will sleep on it and might give the dealer a call in the week
Why do you think he will take £700 did you discuss the figure?

Has he now got wind of the fact people are interested in it and therefore might hold out for nearer the asking price?

What made you think HGF? Any white smoke from the exhaust? Any sign of fluid loss from the stat in the V?

I would be looking at getting it collected and trailered here because I personally would not be insuring it to drive until definitely in a checked and 100% roadworthy condition and in my case de stunk as the one thing putting me off is the fag ash being a non smoker I can't stand smoked in cars

I wonder if anyone in the club has a sufficiently capable trailer and tow car otherwise that would be approx £200. Unless any member who was suitably insured fancied collecting it and me running them back to the nearest train station afterwards!

Changing the plate back to the S another £80 unless dealer is doing that?

So that's getting close to £1k already before starting on repairs/refurb. Steering wheel would have to go for starters as it looks well worn.

Anyone interested in taking this on with me?

Budget could add another £1k-£2k especially if it needs a fair bit of bodyshop work to get it in acceptable condition, would it be worth it?
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