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Old 24th January 2011, 15:39   #7
Jezzer 1
I really should get out more.......
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Originally Posted by denis View Post
If you are sure the disc is OK then I would say that you have answered your own question. Sounds like the unit is on the blink (xcuse the pun!!)
I've just put this on a similar post, but it's probably worth repeating here too:

Thanks to Nick at Austin Garages, , I would offer the following suggestion:

1. Remove the satnav disc drive from its housing and look around the casing for evidence of water marks on the outside.

2. If you see any signs that water has run over the casing, it will almost certainly have got inside the unit. Open the casing by prising the metal top cover off. This will break the 'Warranty Void if seal is damaged' label, but there's no warranty left now anyway.

3. Check the visible surface of the PCB. Almost certainly, if water has got in, there will be corrosion bridging the PCB tracks. This will in turn probably cause the unit to stay powered up because the corrosion will track from the live part of the pcb to bits that should not be live. If you use a solvent switch cleaner fluid and a gentle scrubbing action with a toothbrush, you may be able to remove the corrosion (salt deposits, sulphates etc) from any affected tracks, and restore function. After cleaning, allow the solvent to evaporate completely, replace the cover and see if the unit powers down correctly.

In my case, the cd unit stopped completely because the corrosion had eaten the power bus track away completely. Nick soldered on a piece of wire between the two damaged ends of the track and lo, the things booted up correctly again.

In my opinion, it would also be worth while cutting a sheet of polythene sheet to cover the pcb, and tape it in place before replacing the metal cover on the unit. This would minimise any more moisture ingress affecting the pcb again.
Best regards,
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