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Old 18th February 2024, 03:29   #7
Gate Keeper
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Sorry Torque2me for your experience. A happy ending for you.

A similar thing happened to us in a National Game Reserve in Kenya.

Our 4x4 was not dangling over a ditch, it was dangling precariously one side over a chasm and river in an area off road and off the beaten track. I was driving near an edge obscured by long grass.

Drivers front and rear wheels were not touching the ground and had no grip. We were stuffed!

That day it was terribly hot, about 40C and the surrounding bush was thick with gorse and dense shrubs and trees,

The problem with sweating profusely in the heat of the day, is the body scent can be picked up in the wind by predators such as lions and other dangerous wildlife, so we didn’t want any animal coming to investigate us. In Kenya it’s not uncommon for people walking in the bush to be eaten or killed.

The phone signal wasn’t that good, a blind spot for a voice phone call, but we managed to send a text message and pin location on what’s app to a relative.

She alerted the KWS, the Kenya Wildlife Service as to where we were…..we were told to stay where we were until help arrived.

It took 3 hours for a KWS tractor to reach us and pull us to safety. That was a frightening experience. The tractor driver was very kind and understanding, I gave him a big gratuity, which made his day even better.

I learned never to drive near a verge again. We also learned to take extra food, water and not to drive in areas off road where other cars do not go.

Last edited by Gate Keeper; 18th February 2024 at 03:33..
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